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Refrigeration History of Residential and Commercial

The refrigerator in your kitchen today is a product of thousands of years of refrigerator innovation.<br>Natural food preservation techniques, technological advancements, and new features that help us keep our food colder longer are all part of the history of refrigerators.<br>The latest refrigerator technology is an evolution of ancient refrigeration. For more information please visit the website. https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/refrigerators<br>

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Refrigeration History of Residential and Commercial

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  1. REFRIGERATION https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in

  2. Introduction Therefrigeratorinyourkitchentodayisa product of thousandsof yearsof refrigerator innovation. Food storage and preservation have alwaysbeenessentialaspectsofhuman existence. Natural food preservation techniques, technological advancements, and new features that help us keep our food colder longer are all partofthehistoryofrefrigerators. The latest refrigerator technology is an evolution ofancientrefrigeration.

  3. ANCIENTREFRIGERATION Ancientcivilizationsusedtheavailable natural cooling techniques to preserve food based on the climate. By cutting ice for ice housesordirectlystoringfoodincold water, people made use of rivers and lakes. Ground-level storage pits were frequently insulated with sawdust or straw and filled with snoworice.

  4. COLDSTORAGEWITHOUT ELECTRICITY Before electricity, ice houses on lakes and rivers were useful for keeping food cool. If ice or snow wereunavailable,underwaterorunderground storage, such as cold cellars, people provide started refrigeration. Additionally, makingtheir own iceboxesfor cold storage out of snow or ice chunks and natural materials like sawdustorseaweedforinsulation. Inthe1800s,manufacturediceboxesthat resembledcontemporaryrefrigeratorsgained popularity.Thesedesignsfeaturedinsulated woodenormetalcabinetswithatrayor compartment that contained a sizable block of ice.Homeswithiceboxesreceivedtheseice blocksregularly.

  5. WHOMADETHEINITIAL REFRIGERATOR? Asmorepeoplemovedintoexpandingcities sources, householdrefrigeratorsbecameessential. andfurtherawayfromfood Throughout the 19thcentury, there was an increase in the demand for fresh food. The needtokeep perishablefoodcoldduring transit and at home increased as the distance between fresh food sources and consumers' homesincreased.Itledtothelatest refrigeratortechnology.

  6. Conclusion Thefirstside-by-siderefrigeratorwas introduced in 1949, and the first bottom-freezer modelwasin1947andgave consumersa varietyofstyles.Nowadays,youhavethe optiontobuyacommercialrefrigeratorforsale.

  7. CONTACT www.hitachiaircon.com/in suryakant.anand@jci-hitachi.com 7971414848 TowerB,WorldMark1,Aerocity,New Delhi-110037

  8. www.hitachiaircon.com/in THANK YOU

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