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Mental Health Awareness Guide

Importance Mental health awareness facilitates early identification and treatment for these individuals. These people could be our father, mother, son, daughter, neighbor, friend, or we living with mental health issues. Letu2019s look at the importance of mental health awareness. For more information please visit here: https://www.womeninspiringnetwork.com/mental-health/

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Mental Health Awareness Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhatistheImportanceofMental HealthAwareness

  2. Introduction Did you know that one in every four people suffers from a mentalissue?Thatisanestimationof56%ofthepopulation. Mentalhealthawarenessfacilitatesearlyidentificationand treatment for these individuals. These people could be our father,mother,son,daughter,neighbour,friend,orourselves livingwithmentalhealthissues.Earlyinterventioncanhelp our loved ones receive the care they require. As a result, recovery is morerapid.

  3. Removesstigma Awarenessremovesthestigmaassociatedwiththe people. Stigma may fade if we are aware of its limitations and strengths. The community’s opinions and thoughts are stigmas. Creates a communityinwhichacceptanceismore.Attitudes andbehavioursdriveacommunity’spositiveor negativetrends.Ifthereisanegativetrend,the implicationsmayresultinamixofdenialand hatred.

  4. Morefunding Mentally ill people can benefit from increased awareness that improves policy, research, and service development. Let us make this a priority because there is high demand. If we raise awareness, getting help for mental health may increase,resultinginmorefundingforourneeds.

  5. Remove misconception Thereisalsotheperceptionthatmentallyillpeople are insane, possessed by demons, violent, out of control, and dangerous. These are negative labels appliedasaresultofalackofawareness.Raising theimportanceofmentalhealthawarenesscan help toeliminate misconceptions.

  6. Small-small steps can remove a significant barriertosuccessfullycopingwiththeirillness. Showsomerespectandacceptancetowards thesepeople. Mentalhealthawarenessshouldnotbelimited toasingleday,week,ormonth.Weneedtobe awareofitbecauseitcouldhappentosomeone closetous.Mentalhealthstigmareduceswhen the community is aware of it. Awareness reducesthenegativeadjectivesassignedtoour peoplewhoarelivingwithmentalhealthissues.

  7. Thankyou! VisitOurWebsiteforMore Information. womeninspiringnetwork.com 9811078444

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