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Riyaaz Qawwali team has top level Qawwali singers who can sing traditional and the latest Qawwali songs. Riyaaz Qawwali is performing amazing Qawwali in USA, UK and Canada. For bookings, please call 832-875-4139.
QAWWALISINGERS “Theartofqawwali,aswithmostofthegreatAsianmusicalandliterarytra ditions,istransmittedorally...Thevehicleofmusicisusedtobringonecloser totheexperienceoftheinnertruth.Theqawwalwilldwelloncertainwordsto give them a wider context creating great depth in the apparently simple language ... He will often repeat a phrase or sentence indicating both the obvious and hidden content by emphasizing or ruminating upon particular wordsandsyllables,takingtheaudienceintothediscoveryofhithertoobscure meanings. Thus, mundane objects are embued with deeper meaning — a spinningwheelbecomesthewheeloflife”. RiyaazQawwali group is the Best qawwali singers.
Qawwaliisanamazinggenreofmusic,withlivelyrhythmiccycles,gripping melodies and a unique approach to adding improvisational poetry. It is no wonderthenthatthisgenrehasgrippedtheattentionofeachmusicianthat hasjoinedthegroup.Itistheparty’sgoaltore-familiarizeaudiencesinthe UnitedStateswiththisuniquemusicalstyle. The songs which constitute the qawwali repertoire are mostly in Urdu and Punjabi(almostequallydividedbetweenthetwo),althoughthereareseveral songs in Brajbhasha and Persian. The poetry is implicitly understood to be spiritual in its meaning and the central themes are love, devotion and longing (for theDivine). ListenGhazalinUSA.AGhazalisacollectionofcoupletscalledshersthat rhymeandhaveacommonrefrain.Spendanamazingeveningfullofsatin words and wonderfulspirits.
“QawwalshavelongcomefromPakistanandIndia.Itwillnotbelongthat IndiaandPakistanwillbeinvitingRiyaazQawwalitopresentqawwalito them.” RiyaazQawwaliisanensemblethatrepresentstheuniquediversityandpluralityofSouth Asia. The ensemble’s musicians, who are settled in the United States, hail from India, Pakistan,Afghanistan,andBangladeshandalsorepresentmultiplereligiousandspiritual backgrounds. Trained in eastern and western classical music, the members have been professionally performing qawwali for the past eleven years. With conservative growth and heightened attentiontoquality,RiyaazQawwalihasperformedacross thecontinentalU.S.,aswellas internationally inPanama.
KASHTI -RIYAAZ QAWWALI'S FIRST ALBUM KashtiwasthedebutalbumoftheRiyaazQawwaliensembleand wasreleasedinJune2013andwascommerciallymadeavailable in the Spring of 2014. Kashti, which mean boat or vessel in Urdu andHindi,wasselectedasthetitletoexemplifytheensemble'suse of music as a vessel to explore different religious traditions and theirlinguistic,philosophical,cultural,andmoralconfluence
ISHQ - RIYAAZQAWWALI'S LATEST ALBUM Riyaaz Qawwali’s 2nd CD features ghazals that are composed and performedinqawwalistyle.Theselectedpiecesrangefromcontemporary toclassicpoets.TheCDtrackstakewritingsthatmayhaveoneangleand addanotherdimensionmorecommonlyfoundinqawwalis.
BOLLYWOOD SUFISONGS BollywoodmoviesenrichedwithgreatBollywoodSufisongs.Riyaaz Qawwali hopes to take this niche tradition of Sufiana Kalaam and expand its reaches by introducing newer poets to traditional compositions and modernizing the sound while keeping authentic elements,allineffortstoreachnewaudiences.
Qawwali is a venerable yetrefreshing musical tradition that dates back to the late 13th century. The word qaul refers to an "utterance (of the prophet)" and the first Qawwals (qawwali artists) repeated theseqauls bymakingthemthesubjectmatterof theirqawwalis. Famousamongsuchartistswasaman named Amir Khusro. More than 700 years since Amir Khusro composed thefamousqaul‘ManKuntoMaula’, Riyaaz Qawwali envisions modernizing the genre for today's audience,whilestayingtruetothe ethos ofqawwali.
CONTACTUS 6910 Hidden Treasure,Friendswood, Texas, 77546,USA Phone Number: +832-875-4139 Email:riyaazqawwali@gmail.com