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Whether it is your annual board meeting, a diversity workshop, or a fundraiser, Riyaaz Qawwali is a available for entertainment and professional presentations in these settings. Give your special day a new height with a wide range of qawwali songs.
ABOUT US Qawwaliisavenerableyetrefreshingmusicaltraditionthatdatesbacktothelate13th century.Thewordqaulreferstoan"utterance(oftheprophet)"andthefirstQawwals (qawwali artists) repeated these qauls by making them the subject matter of their qawwalis. FamousamongqawwaliartistsisthenameofAmirKhusrow.Hewasaphilosopher,an inventor, a gifted poet, and is mythologically credited to have created the genre of qawwali. More than 700 years since Amir Khusrow composed the famous qaul ‘Man KuntoMaula’,RiyaazQawwalienvisionsmodernizingthegenrefortoday'saudience, whilestayingtruetotheethosofqawwali. RIYAAZQAWWALI.COM
SUFI QAWWALI SONGS Popular Sufi Qawwali Songsare basically sang in Urdu and Punjabi almost equally divided between the two,althoughthereareseveralsongs in Brajbhasha and Persian. Riyaaz Qawwali hopes to take this niche tradition of Sufiana Kalaam and expand its reaches by introducing newer poets to traditional compositions and modernizing the sound while keeping authentic elements, all in efforts to reach new audiences.
SOUTH ASIAN MUSIC ThefoundingmembersofRiyaazQawwalichosetheqawwaligenreofmusicbecauseit housesuniquemusicalelementsinitsrepertoirethatarenotfoundinanyotherformof SouthAsianmusic.ListenSouthAsianMusicperformedbyRiyaazQawwali. Riyaaz Qawwali represents the unique diversity and plurality of South Asia. The ensemble’s musicians, who are settled in the United States, hail from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan,andBangladeshandrepresentmultiplereligiousandspiritualbackgrounds. Trained in eastern and western classical music, the members have been professionally performingqawwaliforthepasttwelveyears.Withconservativegrowthandheightened attention to quality, Riyaaz Qawwali has performed across the continental U.S., in Panama andEurope. RIYAAZQAWWALI.COM
RiyaazQawwali’smissionistoexpose qawwali to new audiences, while still paying homage to traditionalqawwali that has been in existence for 700+ years.Theensemblewantstoexpand the reach of the genre to new stages and people of other faiths and traditions.
FUNDRAISER ENTERTAINMENT IDEAS Whether it is your annual board meeting, a diversity workshop, or a fundraiser, Riyaaz Qawwaliis a availableforentertainmentandprofessionalpresentationsinthesesettings. Giveyourspecialdayanewheightwithawiderangeofqawwalisongs. RIYAAZQAWWALI.COM
Check out Riyaaz Qawwali's Fundraiser EntertainmentIdeas. UpcomingGalaorFundraiserswhere we areperforming: --Ohio - Nov 2018. This includes a concert for a internationalPakistani organization. --Texas-Dec2018.Thisincludesa concert for a national Indian organization.
Previous GalaPresentations: --Texas - May 2018. This included a concert for a gala hosted by an international Pakistaniorganization. --Illinois-June2018.Thisincludeda concert for an Indian organization’s annualGala. --New Jersey- December2017. This includedaconcertforagalahosted by a South Asian musicsociety. RIYAAZQAWWALI.COM
CONTACT US 6910 Hidden Treasure,Friendswood, Texas, 77546,USA Phone Number: +832-875-4139 Email:riyaazqawwali@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/riyaazqawwali/https://twitter.com/riyaaz_qawwali/ https://www.instagram.com/riyaazqawwali/ RIYAAZQAWWALI.COM
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