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The first version of a mobile radio telephone being used in 1924. ‘Overview of company & wireless solutions offered to grocery industry users’. Des Martin, VP Retail Industry Marketing. Wireless is newsworthy…’.
The first version of a mobile radio telephone being used in 1924 ‘Overview of company & wireless solutions offered to grocery industry users’ Des Martin, VP Retail Industry Marketing NCR CONFIDENTIAL - DRAFT ONLY - NOT FOR EXTERNAL USE
Wireless is newsworthy…’ Which industries are ripe for the "wireless revolution"? ...Retail will be the most unpredictable sector and the biggest sinkhole for failed experiments. Take Motorola and Symbol Technologies, for example. The twosome announced last week that it will pool $500 million to form a new wireless e-commerce venture. The as-yet-unnamed "newco" has plans to embed minuscule scanners into mobile devices that could then read bar codes on ads in publications. Users would simply scan the bar code of a product they want for immediate purchase…..The bigger challenge for most wireless commerce plays is to make things as simple as possible for busy consumers…Wireless commerce is not a mirage. But it's far from a well-defined opportunity. Keep a laserlike focus on your customers' needs before you shell out the cash to be on the bandwagon….. E-Company, Is Wireless E-commerce Right for You? By David Batstone, June 20, 2000 "The big established portal players are paying lip service to wireless," said Phillip Redman, associate director of wireless mobile communications at The Yankee Group. "They have been slow to adopt wireless technologies. In some ways they're justified because access to the Internet on a phone today is slow. But they'll have to move quickly in the next year…." “Sun executive VP John McFarlane says the wireless market is maturing so fast that even Sun did not anticipate it. But how the market will mature is anyone's guess, leading to an explosion of companies, business models, and technologies that make even the hypergrowth usually associated with Silicon Valley look weak…..” Deborah Gage, Sm@rt Partner “Study finds that 8 times more people will use mobile commerce in the future than conduct wired transactions over the Internet” RCR Wireless News, 05/08/2001 The wireless market is heating up…...
Agenda • The technology environment • The consumer • Wireless technology • Wireless applications • Wireless direction • In conclusion….
Alice in Wirelessland…. • Alice begins the day with a cup of coffee and her personalized newspaper. When her carpool arrives, she switches to reading the news on her handheld display, where she notices an advertisement for a new 3-D digital camera… • It looks like something that would interest her photography-friend Bob, so Alice asks her address book to place the call. The speech recognizer mishears "Bob" as "Babs". Alice quickly interrupts the mistaken call to "Babs" by shaking her address book - this signals it to re-analyze her speech. Its second guess, "Bob", is the correct one………(Meanwhile )
Alice in Wirelessland…. • Bob's home entertainment system softens the volume of his custom music file as his phone rings. Alice begins telling Bob about the camera, and forwards him a copy of the advertisement that pops up on his home display. • Bob is sold on the product, and after hanging up with Alice, he asks his electronic shopping agent to check his favorite photography stores for the lowest price and make the purchase.
Alice in Wirelessland…. • When the camera arrives, Bob snaps some photos of his neighbor's collection of antique English navigation instruments. After reviewing the photo album generated automatically by a web-based service, Bob directs a copy of his favorite image to the art display in his foyer. • He also sends a pointer to the photo album to Alice and instructs his scheduling agent to set up a lunch date so that he can thank her for the suggestion. Later that afternoon, Bob will receive a notification on his Cellphone/PDA that arrangements have been made…………….
Consumers empowered • With wealth • With choice • With information • With technology
Stand Alone Computing Networked Computing Contextual Computing Spontaneous Computing E-volution
“Gartner Group predicts that today's "network computing" will give way to an era of "contextual computing" where information systems will use knowledge of a user's identity, location, interests, and recent activities (their context) to customize the user's interaction with the system”. Databases Wireless Internet Contextual Computing Interfaces Contextual computing
“Spontaneous computing is analogous to human groupings: people can only directly communicate when they are close, strangers that meet may exchange information, and this exchange may lead to further exchanges (notably of more sensitive information) as the relationship develops.” Databases Identification Connectivity Wireless Internet Spontaneous Computing Flexibility Interfaces Spontaneous computing
Relationship Technologies Relationship Technology Information Technology Time …..the consumer is the key
Consumer expectations • Consumers Dislike • Poor customer service • Lack of product information • Slow speed of shopping • Facts about dissatisfied consumers • 96% never complain to store about poor service • 90% will not return to buy again • Each one will tell at least 9 other people • 13% will tell at least 20 other people Rule#1: The Customer is always right……. Rule#2: If the Customer is wrong, reread Rule #1.
I don't have enough time in my day to get everything done. Disagree 11% Neutral 32% 57% Agree Shopping changes 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Trips to Mall 3.1 2.8 2.0 1.5 1.6 Stores Visited 7.0 5.5 3.5 3.1 3.3 Hours Spent 10.0 8.0 4.0 3.0 3.5 Source: MAS Marketing/McMillan Doolittle 57% of shoppers bought at a mall in 1999, down from 76% in 1998 Source: Retail Intelligence System, 1999 Consumer Database, Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
Changing Lifestyles • “I can’t cook” • “Pass the macaroni cheese” • Emergence of convenience foods • “We Don’t Eat Together” • “Use to be that going out to eat as a family was a special occasion, now preparing a family meal is a special occasion” • Food Preparation • 1940 – avg. meal took 150 minutes to prepare • Today – avg. meal takes < than 30 minutes Anderson Consulting, International Retail Trends
Changing Lifestyles • Consider: > 50% of consumers don’t know what they’ll have for dinner 2 hours before they eat. • Arthur Anderson, International Retail Trends, 1996 • Foundation of the modern supermarket • weekly shopping trip • stock up mentality • meal planning • family meals • wife was home • So, have supermarkets become “Illogical Distribution Points?
Consumer changes • Shoppers three most important factors on deciding on where to shop: • Convenient location to home (52%) • Every day low prices (41%) • Sale Prices (31%) Sale Source: Retail Intelligence System 2000 Consumer Database, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
How important is ‘PLACE’? • Since much of the workforce can be digitalized….it probably will be. • We will work where we want…..not where we have to • Changing mobility patterns will drive changing buying patterns • People will increasingly shop from their cars, airports, office, kitchens….whatever… • Consumers are mobile…..Retailers are real estate-rooted
The connected customer • ATMs • >273,000 in the U.S. • Island Card Readers • >290,000 in the U.S. • Mobile Phones • 70.4% - Finland • 31.8% - US
In-store shopping resources Consumer Shopping Process External shopping resources The consumer shopping process Item Research Item Selection Item pricing & finalization Process Payment Item Fulfillment Post Sale Support The shopping process can occur entirely within a store, entirely outside the store, or in any combination, driving a need for the retailer to support multiple channels
Consumer Value Proposition 21st Century shopping: ‘the sum of all channels’! PWC report on Multi-channel retailing The shopping process increasingly involves non-store channels, but no channel will entirely replace any other channel because each channel brings different values to the consumer.
Retailer Value Proposition • Multi-channel retailers will experience sales and profit growth through customer relationship building and extending brand equity, by... • leveraging existing assets across new channels • overcoming channel-specific constraints • gaining insights into consumer behavior • developing new revenue streams, increasing both market share and wallet share The degree to which online and offline strategies, corporate cultures, operations, and systems are successfully integrated and coordinated will separate the winners from the losers.
Stores are changing • Fewer, but bigger, stores • Customer Service being driven down to the point-of-sale or self-service devices • Labor costs and availability driving in-store technology adoption • Shift from cash and checks to plastic • Stores becoming vehicles for Retailer’s brand • Increasing use of Multimedia as part of the Visual Merchandising mix • Retailers demanding greater ‘agility’ in store operations Stores are evolving from multi-purpose locations centered around “product” to being an integral part of a multi-channel model centered around “customer”
Forces Driving Wireless • Improvements in Battery Technology • Allow longer time between recharging portable devices • Reduction in Power Consumption • Current RF is much better than previous generations • Consumers Desiring Convenience • Consumers are busier than ever • Want access anytime/anywhere • Digital Enablement of Society • Consumers are familiar with ATMs, cell phones, email, and the web • Consumers becoming familiar with digital camera, PDAs, SCOT, etc. • Population shifts… • Current teenagers cannot recall life before the PC • Baby boomers comfortable with the technology • Many grandparents using email and trading photos • Toddlers using PCs in daycare and at home
Defining the terms…. Mobile Wireless Mobile, but not wireless….Eg battery-powered Pos/Kiosk,(Lan-based) Wireless and mobile, but not portable….Eg. Battery-powered Wireless POS/Kiosk Wireless, but not mobile…Eg. Electronic Shelf Edge labels Portable, but not wireless….. Eg Handheld scanner & docking station Portable and Wireless …..Eg. handheld POS terminal Portable 1 4 5 2 3 1 2 3 4 5