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纯天然草药使纤维化后的心肌细胞再生 -- 临床研究报告 A Clinical Research Report on the Regeneration of Fibrotic Heart Muscle Cells by Natural Herbal Medicine. 谢天方 (Tianfang Xie) 加拿大天方堂有限责任公司 (Tianfang Tang Ltd. Canada) 中国郑州天方中医心脑血管病研究院
纯天然草药使纤维化后的心肌细胞再生--临床研究报告A Clinical Research Report on the Regeneration of Fibrotic Heart Muscle Cells by Natural Herbal Medicine 谢天方 (Tianfang Xie) 加拿大天方堂有限责任公司 (Tianfang Tang Ltd. Canada) 中国郑州天方中医心脑血管病研究院 (Tianfang Chinese Herbal Medicine Heart and Brain Artery Disease Research Institute, Zhengzhou, China) for The Third Internal Congress of Traditional Medicine September 20-22, 2006, Toronto, Canada http://www.tianfangtang.com tiangfang@tianfangtang.com
心肌梗塞和脑血栓是人类的最大杀手之一(Myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality of human) • 现代的冠心病, 心肌梗塞, 和脑血栓, 属于中华传统医学的“胸痹”, “心悸”, “真心疼病”, “中风”, “卒中”等范畴。(The coronary artery disease, Myocardial Infarction, and Cerebral Thrombosis so-called today belongs to what we call “Chest Seclusion”, “Heart Throb”, “True Heart Pain”, “Apoplexy” and “Stroke” in Chinese traditional medicine.) • 通常的医疗方法, 如溶血拴剂, 血管扩张剂、高压氧舱、搭桥, 绕道手术, 还远远达不到理想的效果。(None of the usual treatments, such as thrombolytic agents, ACE inhibitors, oxygen, percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), and bypass graft surgery(CABG), has satisfying effect.)
“心脑通脉”能非常有效地预防和治疗心肌梗塞和脑血栓(“Heart and Brain Artery Curer (HBAC)” can effectively prevent and cure myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis) ·“心脑通脉”是我三十多年的临床应用研究成果。(HBAC is an achievement of my over thirty years clinical practice and research) 。 • 纯天然草药精化 (Pure natural herbal essence)。 • 功能与作用:预防和治疗”三高症”,人体动脉硬化引起的心肌梗塞症, 或脑血栓。(Functionality: prevent and cure myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis caused by hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood lipid, and arteriosclerosis)。 • 更特别有益于:冠状动脉硬化引起的狭窄,堵塞,需做心脏搭桥或绕道手术患者。服用三个疗程后, 动脉血管自行畅通, 心脏恢复自然功能, 不需再做手术。(Have special benefit to coronary artery disease when a percutaneous coronary intervention or a bypass graft surgery is needed. After three months treatment with HBAC, the sclerotic artery can be recovered, and the damaged heart muscle can be regenerated so that the heart can be back to normal function naturally, hence no need of surgery.)
“心脑通脉”的主要成分和初步药理分析 (Main ingredients of HBACand preliminary pharmacological analysis) • 主要成分:炙白伏苓、白糖参、麦冬、当归、黄芪、西红花、丹参、川芎等。(Main ingredients (in Chinese Pinin): Zhibaifuling, Baitangshen, Maidong, Danggui, Huangqi, Xihonghua, Danshen, Chuanxiong.) • 初步药理分析:全方相辅相称, 益气养阴, 活血化淤, 理气止疼, 利湿化痰, 扶正祛邪, 吐故纳新, 标本兼治, 从而能降血脂, 降胆固醇, 稳定血压, 软化血管。结果使纤维化后的心肌细胞再生, 使心脏自然恢复正常跳动。(Preliminary pharmacological analysis: they cooperate together to benefit Qi and nourish Yin, invigorate blood circulation and dissolve the deposits in the blood, soothe Qi and relieve pain, remove dampness by diuresis and resolve phlegm, support healthy energy and eliminate evils, get rid of the stale and take in the fresh, cure the fundamental causes hence the symptoms. Therefore they can lower cholesterol and blood lipid, stabilize blood pressure, and soften blood vessel. Ultimately they enable the recovery of the artery and regeneration of the fibrotic heart muscles so as to resume the heart pump normally in a natural way.)
“心脑通脉”治疗冠心病的临床观察报告(Clinical observation on treatment of coronary artery disease by HBAC) • 九十年代经郑州市卫生局批准, 在河南中医院对110 病例的临床应用进行了跟踪观查。(Early 90s, with the permission of Board of Health of Zhengzhou, a clinical observation over 110 cases were carried out in Henan Chinese Medicine Hospital.) • 病例包括:男 63 人, 女 47人, 年龄在43至76岁之间。病程最短 2 个月, 最长25年。合并心律失常60例, 高血压86例, 高血脂78例。(Cases cover: 63 male, 47 female, ages between 43 and 76. The shortest course of disease is 2 months, and the longest one lasts 25 years. There are 60 cases having arrhythmia, 86 having hypertension, and 78 cases having high blood lipid.) • 治疗方案:口服”心脑通脉”, 每日3次, 每次25ml, 连续服用3疗程(一个月为1疗程)。(Treatment: administered orally HBAC for 3 months, 25ml/dose, 3 doses/day.) • 结果:显效37例(33.6%), 有效73例(66.4), 总有效率100%。(Result: Very effective: 37 cases (33.6%); Effective: 73 cases (66.4%); Total effective rate: 100%.)
“心脑通脉”治疗冠心病的最新典型病例报告: 危险指数 (An up-to-date case report before treated with HBAC: hs-CRP=0.1662)
“心脑通脉”治疗冠心病的最新典型病例报告: 诊断总结(An up-to-date case report before treated with HBAC: conclusion)
“心脑通脉”治疗冠心病的最新典型病例报告: 英语总结(An up-to-date case report before treated with HBAC: conclusion)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: 危险指数=0.0955(After one year treatment with HBAC: hs-CRP=0.0955)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: 生化指标均正常(After one year treatment with HBAC: all biochem. are in normal range)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: HbAlC=6.2%(After one year treatment with HBAC: HbAlC=6.2%)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: EBA心脏立体动态电子束扫描(After one year treatment with HBAC: heart dynamic 3D)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: EBA心脏立体动态电子束扫描 (After one year treatment with HBAC: heart dynamic 3D)
服用“心脑通脉”一年后: EBA心脏立体动态电子束扫描(After one year treatment with HBAC: heart dynamic 3D, cut)
总结和公开课题 (Summary and open projects) • “心脑通脉”能治疗动脉硬化, 使纤维化后的心肌细胞再生,使心脏自然恢复正常功能, 从而非常有效地预防和治疗冠心病和脑血栓。(HBAC can cure arteriosclerosis and make the fibrotic heart muscles regenerate, so that the heart can get back to normal function naturally. It can prevent and cure myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis effectively.) • “心脑通脉”是纯天然草药精化,经临床观察, 无任何毒副作用。(HBAC is pure natural herbal essence. By long term clinical observation, it has no toxic and side-effect.) • 公开课题(Open projects): * 欢迎合作分析研究“心脑通脉”的确切药理。 (Welcome to collaborate on the pharmacological analysis of HBAC. * 欢迎合作推广应用“心脑通脉”, 造福人类。 (Welcome to collaborate on the application of HBCA, to benefit all the people in the world.)