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As a tenant, itu2019s your council or housing associationu2019s responsibility to ensure that your home is in good condition and free from any hazards that may endanger your health or safety. If your council or housing association neglects their responsibilities and your home is having disrepair, you may have the right to file a housing disrepair claim against them.
HOUSINGDISREPAIRCLAIMS As a tenant, it’s your council or housing association’s responsibility to ensure that your home is in good condition and free from any hazards that may endanger your health or safety.Ifyourcouncilorhousingassociationneglectstheirresponsibilitiesandyourhome is havingdisrepair,youmayhavetherighttofileahousingdisrepairclaimagainstthem. Makingahousingdisrepair claimcan be complex, but takingactionisessentialifyoulive in unsafe orunhealthy conditions. Here is all the information you needto makea successfulclaimand get yourdeservedcompensation. TableOfContents • WhatisHousingDisrepair? • HowtoIdentifyHousingDisrepairIssues • Councilor Housing Association’sResponsibilities • Making a HousingDisrepairClaim • EvidenceRequiredforaHousingDisrepair Claim • WhatHappensAfterYouMake aClaim • FAQs • UnderstandingHousingDisrepair • Housing disrepair refers to any issues that affect the condition of your home and impact your health, safety, or quality of life. Some common examples of housing disrepair include: • Dampormould • Leaksorwaterdamage • Brokenheatingor hotwater systems • Structuraldamagetotheproperty • Pestinfestations • Electricalproblems • Poor insulationorventilation • If you’reexperiencinganyof theseissues, takingactionas soonas possibleisessential. HowToIdentifyHousingDisrepair Issues
Identifyinghousingdisrepairissuescanbedifficult,especiallyifyou’reunsurewhatto lookfor. Herearesome signs thatyourhomemaybe indisrepair: • Damppatchesormould onwallsor ceilings • Cracks inwallsorceilings • Leakingtapsorpipes • Nohotwateror heating • Brokenwindowsordoors • Pestinfestations • Electricalproblems • Unpleasantsmells • Ifyounoticeanyoftheseissues,it’simportanttoreportthemtoyourlocalcouncilor housingassociationassoon aspossible. • CouncilOrHousingAssociation's Responsibilities • Yourcouncilandhousingassociationarelegallyresponsibleforensuringyourhomeis safe andingood condition.Thisincludes: • Keepingtheproperty structurallysound • Ensuringthatthepropertyisfreefromhazards • Providingadequateheatingandhotwater • Ensuringthatthepropertyiswell-maintained • Repairinganydamagecausedbytheir negligence • Providing accesstobasicamenitiessuchaswater,gas,andelectricity • Ifyourhousingproviderfailstomeettheseobligations,theymaybeinbreachoftheir contract. • ConsiderMediation • Mediationisaviablemethodforsettling housing disrepairclaims withoutlegal proceedings and can produce positive results. A mediator performs as a neutral third party and helps you and your council or housing association find a mutually acceptable solution. This can be a quicker, cheaper, and less stressful way of resolving the issue compared to going to court. Mediation is particularly useful when both parties are willing to negotiateandfindaresolution. • MakingAHousingDisrepairClaim • If your housing provider has failed to carry out repairs or provide you with a safe and habitable home,youcan makeahousing disrepair claim.Here arethestepsyoushouldtake: • ReporttheIssuetoYourCouncilorHousingAssociation • Reporting the issue to your local council or housing association is the first step in a housing disrepairclaim.Doingthisassoonaspossibleisessentialtoallowthemtorectifytheproblem.
You should report the issue in writing, either by email or by letter, and ensure you keep a record of all correspondence. In your communication, clearly and concisely describe the disrepair and any evidence you have. Be sure to request that the repairs be carried out within a reasonable timeframe.Maintaining apoliteandprofessionaltonethroughoutyourcorrespondenceis essential, even if you feel frustrated or angry. Remember, you’re more likely to achieve a positive outcomeifyoucommunicatewellwithyour councilor housingassociation. • AllowTime for RepairstoBeCarried Out • It’simportanttogiveyourhousingauthorityadequatetimetocarryout therepairsafteryoureport the disrepair.Generally,they shouldcarryout repairs withina reasonabletimeframe. This timeframe will depend on the severity of the issue and the resources available to your council or housing association. If your housing provider fails to carry out the necessary repairs within a reasonabletimeframe,youcanclaim housingdisrepaircompensation. • SeekLegalAdvice • If your council or housing association fails to carry out repairs or provide you with a safe and habitable home, seeking legal advice from a housing disrepair solicitor is essential. A housing disrepair solicitor canadvise you onyour legal rights andwhether you’re entitled to claim compensation. They can also guide you through the claims process, negotiate with your local council or housing association on your behalf, and represent you in court if necessary. Choosing a reputable and experienced solicitor specialising in housing disrepair claims and having a successfultrackrecordisimportant. • GatherEvidence • To increase the chances of making a successful housing disrepair claim, it’s essential togatherasmuchevidenceaspossible.Thisevidenceshouldincludephotographsofthe disrepair, medical reports detailing any injuries or illnesses caused by the disrepair, and witnessstatementsfromanyonewhohasseenorexperiencedthedisrepair.It’simportant todocumentanydisrepair’simpactonyourhealthandsafety,suchasasthmacausedby mouldorinjuriescausedbyafaultystaircase.Havingmoreevidencewillmakeyourcase stronger. • Evidence Required For A Housing Disrepair Claim • For a successful housing disrepair claim, you will need to provide evidence of the disrepair and its impact on your health and safety. Here are some types of evidence that maybe useful: • Photographsor videosofthedisrepair • Medicalreportsorrecords • Witnessstatementsfromneighboursorprofessionalswhohaveseenthe disrepair • Repairquotesorinvoices • Correspondencewithyourcouncilorhousingassociation
WhatHappensAfter YouClaim • After you make a housing disrepair claim, your council or housing association will have a fixed response period. They may agree to carry out repairs, offer you compensation, or deny liability. • If your claim is successful, you may be entitled to compensation for any losses or expenses incurreddue tothedisrepair. Thiscan include: • Costsofrepairs • Compensationfor anyinjuriesor illnessesyou havesuffered • Paymentforanydamagetoyourpersonalbelongings • Compensationfor anyotherlossesor expensesincurred asaresult ofthedisrepair