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St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program gives qualifying investors the opportunity to obtain dual citizenship and tax-free worldwide income in the beautiful twin-island nation. Nestled in the Caribbean, the country offers a relaxed lifestyle of stunning scenery, white sandy beaches, and a tropical climate, making St. Kitts and Nevis a globally popular destination for seeking a second passport.
St. Kitts &Neviscitizenship by investmentprogram SAJ Real Estate has real estate offerings in the twin-island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, a nationwithnaturalbeautythatwillhaveyouin awe. Forsuchasmallisland,we havemany breathtakingviewstooffer.We are not just sun,sea,andsand.Wehaverainforestareas,A UNESCOWorldHeritageSiteatBrimstoneHillandwecanboastthatThomasJeffersonwas asonofNevisiansoil. Addedtothisourwarmandfriendlypeople make St. KittsNevisisone ofthe most interestingplacesinthe Caribbean. Launchedin1984,St.Kittsand NevisCitizenship by Investmentsistechnicallytheoriginal programofwhatisnow a morethanUS$30billionindustryacrossmore than30countries. The rollinglandscapesexudespectacularshades ofgreen,thesurrounding watersare a tranquilturquoise,andlifeonSt.Kittsisdescribedas sweet andsimple.Integraltothe nation’sdynamicaspirationsisthe developmentcurrentlyunderwayontheisland.This includes two new world-class championship golf courses, a 300-berth mega-yacht marina, privatebeachclubs,exclusivehotelsandresortcommunities,newinternationalrestaurants, andotheramenities.St. Kittsismaking a grandstatement andthe worldistakingnotice. St. KittsandNevisCitizenshipBy Investment Program givesqualifyinginvestorsthe opportunitytoobtaindualcitizenshipandtax-freeworldwideincomein thebeautifultwin- islandnation.Nestled intheCaribbean,thecountryoffersa relaxedlifestyle ofstunning scenery,whitesandybeaches,andatropicalclimate,makingSt. KittsandNevisa globally populardestinationforseeking asecondpassport. Our team will accompany you every step of the way to ensure your citizenship application in St. Kitts and Nevis is successful. A dedicated account manager will provide you with the knowledge neededtomake a soundinvestment andensureyoufulfillalltherequirements.
Make aminimumindependentinvestmentin propertyvaluedat $400,000,with5years ownership, or make a minimum joint investment in the property to be held for at least 7 years,valuedat $200,000perinvestor • Fasttrack60-dayprocessing available • Well-establishedprogram • Visa-freetraveltomore than130countriesincludingRussia • Norequirement totravelduringapplication • Norequirement tovisit aftercitizenshipisgranted • Completeconfidentiality • Burgeoninghighendtourismrealestate • Upon submission of an application, non-refundable due diligence and processing fees must also be paid. These fees amount to US$7,500 for the main applicant, and US$4,000 for each dependent of the main applicant who is over the age of 16 years. On approval in principle of anapplicantmadethrougharealestate investment,aGovernmentfeeapplies,as follows: • Mainapplicant:US$35,050 • Spouseofthemainapplicant:US$20,050 • Anyotherqualifieddependentofthemainapplicantregardlessofage:US$10,050. • SAJ is proud to be a real estate companyassisting in serving the needs of potential investors in the CIP Program. We have in our listings numerous properties that can help investors with acquiringvaluable propertythat willenable themtoqualify.