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<br>A Rehabilitation centre with all the facilities and experienced mentors and trainers. Jeevan Sankalp is one of the well-known De Addiction Centers in Dehradun. Visit - http://jeevansankalp.org for more details.<br>
3/6/2020 Rehab Center in Dehradun About Us Drug De-Addition Counselling & Rehabilitation Centre Jeevan Sankalp De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre is started to rehabilitate the alcoholics and addicts from their alcohol and drug using lifestyle to a healthy and sober lifestyle .The owner was once a full blown addict and got sober by 12 steps treatment program and then he left his job as a software engineer and dedicated his life for all the addicts and alcoholics so that he can make efforts to change their life. Jeevan Sankalp De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Centre have a good facility for patients including bed facility ,good hygiene food and environment with the best team of doctors ,counsellors and psychologists and experienced staff. Many well named social activists like President award winning for saving numerous life from addiction Dr. Mukul Sharma is associated with our organization. Only An former addict can understand the emotions, feelings ,thinking and pain of an using addict so here our organization comes . We are working since 2016 as an rehab centre in dehradun (index.html) and saved many lives from addiction till date now.we work by changing and breaking the negative thinking and behaviour patterns of patients in a healthy and positive environment and thus leading patient a happy ,healthy and sober clean life. Jeevan Sankalp De- Addiction and Rehabilitation Centre is strictly against the mental and physical harassment of patients and believe that they are physically and mentally ill and they can recover by love care concern and through psycological and spiritual awakening. jeevansankalp.org/about.html 1/4
3/6/2020 Rehab Center in Dehradun Founders Shivang Bist - Founder Himanshu Khatri- Co-Founder The Organizaion started since 2016 Our Doctors Dr. Mukul Sharma He is a well known Psychologist & awarded by President for their contribution in saving numerous life from addiction. Psychologist jeevansankalp.org/about.html 2/4
3/6/2020 Rehab Center in Dehradun 01. 12 Steps Psycological Programe 12 steps treatment program works by changing the addicts behaviour and their negative thinking hence breaking their old wrong beliefs and making them aware of their present by psycologicals sessions and love,care and concern. 02. Alcoholics / Narcotics Anonymous Alcoholics and Narcotics anonymous program is a support group in which we take care of the patients anonymity and by this program several addicts are away from their alcohol and choice of drug all over the world. Meetings are held everyday in rehab by recovering addicts to give the patients hope that they can too recover. 03. Friendly Environment & Harrasment Free Our organization give a friendly environment for the addicts as we believe that alcoholics and addicts are not bad people only their addiction is bad and they are sick people who can recover.By activities like indoor and outdoor games ,antakshari sessions,dance sessions we try to help them to overcome their past and feel the happiness in the present. 04. Spritual Principles Its not a religious based program but a spiritual program in which spiritual principles like honesty with self, humbleness, acceptence, willingness, open mind are applied on patients through yoga, meditation and Art of living classes through out the treatment period. GET IN TOUCH Get Admission Now (contact.html) +91 7078701387, 7895772649 jeevansankalp.org/about.html 3/4
3/6/2020 Rehab Center in Dehradun 5/07-E Block, Sarswati Vihar, Ajabpur Khurd, Dehradun Uttarakhand - 248001 Submit Mail (contact.html) ✉ jeevansankalp993@gmail.com (mailto:example@mail.com) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC- 8VMGSzPdKpj6VYTXlCxQw/videos? (https://www.facebook.com/jeevansankalporg/) (https://twitter.com/JeevanSankalp) view_as=subscriber) © 2019 All rights reserved to Jeevan Sankalp | Designed & Developed By: LD +91 9897870965 (http://leezdesign.com) jeevansankalp.org/about.html 4/4