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An HDMI Cable: Most Essential Tool for Your TV Setup

Having a fancy TV is not enough for a proper viewing experience. You need to understand all the aspects of setting up your TV setup including the role of HDMI cables. Read http://bit.ly/2IB8Ctn<br>

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An HDMI Cable: Most Essential Tool for Your TV Setup

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  1. An HDMI Cable: Most Essential  Tool for Your TV Setup    The purpose of technology is to make your life simpler. But if you                           have gone to buy a new TV or a streaming box in the past couple of                                 years, you know that there is nothing simple about it. If you look at                             the features and specifications, you will see a lot of phrases, which                         seem to be self-explanatory but are definitely not.    Let’s attempt to figure out the multiple devices that are available                       and navigate how to get the most of them, what cables to use, etc.  Display Resolution:  HD Ready [720p (1280x720 pixels)] sounds pretty good until you do                       some basic research and realize that’s not the same as Full HD                         [1080p (1920x1080 pixels)]. Then as you go for a much higher                       1​​

  2. resolution than that, you get 4K and 8K displays. 8K is not                         mainstream yet, so we don’t have to worry about that now.    The “p” that you see here after 720 and 1080 refers to ‘progressive                           scan’. This, along with the screen refresh rate, decides the                     potential smoothness of your display. The refresh rate is generally                     30 Hertz. Refresh rate means frames per second. This applies to                       standard, mid-range TV displays.    If you scale up to 4K resolution with High Dynamic Range, your TV                           will have 60 Hertz refresh rate. However, it is interesting to note                         that 4K can refresh up to 240 Hertz.    Next up, is the technology or streaming solutions that go into                       these TVs.    Technology/Streaming Solutions:  Major TV brands nowadays have operating systems for their                   televisions. LG has WebOS, Samsung has Tizen, and Sony has                     Android TV (it previously used to rely on Sony Internet TV apps).                         2​

  3. These operating systems are why you have SmartTVs now. They                     generally tend to have most of the streaming services on them, so                         you should be able to watch your TV shows easily. However, some                         of them might not have certain apps or the apps can be laggy and                             annoying to use. Then you need to plug in a streaming device.    Streaming devices come in all shapes and sizes. Some are just                       slightly larger than a thumb drive and have an ​HDMI connector​, which you can directly plug right into the TV, while some are                                               circular or in the shape of a small box. These, generally connect to                           the TV via cables. In this article, we are going to focus on a specific                               type of connector: the HDMI cable.    Connectors:  HDMI stands for ​High Definition Multimedia Interface​, and it is the digital standard. HDMI cables are the upgrade we got from the                                             RCA cables, which could not carry both, audio and video, in one                         cable. HDMI cables can carry both sound and video with just one                         cable and therefore only requires one port.    3​

  4.   HDMI cords are great when it comes to decluttering. Before ​HDMI cables​, if you wanted to connect anything to your TV, it required                                               separate audio and video cables. More cables mean more ports.                     While having more ports is always beneficial, and there is no                       downside to it, it does take up real estate on the TV. Analog ports                             have to be more than one, to plug in a single device, so they take                               up more space too. This means there is less space for HDMI or                           USB ports, which are newer connectors and are able to transfer                       data, better and faster.        With the multiple above-mentioned streaming devices available               and new ones coming out often enough, you might need more                       than one HDMI port to plug them into.  4​

  5.   But you are not going to be attaching just a streaming device to                           your TV. Most TVs come with pretty terrible speakers. And if you                         have a great 4k display, the content you watch deserves to have                         equally great audio. This is where soundbars come in. One of the                         newer types of HDMI cords that have come out is ​HDMI ARC or Audio Return Channel. So this one cable that could send, both                                                 audio and video to your TV, can now return audio and give the                           output from a soundbar.    Concluding:  At the end of the day, simply having a TV with the best resolution                             or access to a number of streaming services is not going to                         guarantee an incredible viewing experience. You will need the                   right HDMI cord to make things work together and avoid tripping                       on a bunch of wires.    This Article is Originally posted here;  https://www.sooperarticles.com/shopping-articles/electronics- articles/hdmi-cable-most-essential-tool-your-tv-setup-1726041.h tml  5​

  6.   If you found this article useful, here are some other articles that                         may be of interest.    The Evolution of HDMI Cables Over The Years  A Guided Tour on HDMI Cables, Their Types, and Functionalities  Indications Tell You That It’s Time to Upgrade HDMI Cable  6​

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