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Confused between HDMI and Optical Cables? Read more to make an informed decision on buying the right cable for your needs.
HDMI vs Optical Cables: Which One to Consider? It’sabout connectingyourshinynew soundbar or AV receiver and havingto decide between HDMI cables andFiber Optic Cables. Ashome theater systemsgetmore and more complex (Includingwiring). Back inthe good olddays, all that you need was a coaxialcable toget the audio and video signals toyourtelevisionset.Unliketoday,to align yoursystem with sound, Blu-rayplayers,andhigh-definitionprogramming,youwillhavetogothroughatediousset-up procedure. One major decision includeschoosing the rightcables: HDMI or Optical. So,tohelp you makean informed decision, here are their pros and cons. GoingTo The Basics Both HDMI and opticalcables passthe digital audio from onedevicetoanother.There isno difference when it comesto passing multi-channel audio likeDolbyDigital. The significant difference isthat HDMIcablescanpass higherresolution audiowhichincludes formatsfound on Blu-raylikeDolbyTrueHD and DTS HD Master audio. Fiber opticcableswon’t be able to transmit these high-res sound formats. HDMI can alsopass video signals. So, if you don’t want thehassle of managingmultiple cablesbetween twodevices, HDMI shouldbe your pick. But it would allcomedownto thedevicesthatyouwanttoconnect.Youmight not havean option for HDMI altogether. Or maybeyouhave anolder receiver. Or youhaveeverything in place connectedtoyour TV andjustwanttoget the audioto a soundbar.Here,opticalcables willbe the perfect fit. Youwill get qualitysound only as youget withan HDMI cable. Let’ssayyou possess a soundbar, which benefitsfrom a surround sound signal and youconnect itto one of themanyTVs which cannot pass such signals viaits optical outputs. Such soundbars maynot have HDMI inputs anyway. Hence, the bestwayto use them is toconnect their source tothe bar via optical, skipping the TV. customerservice@sfcable.com www.sfcable.com
HereIsTheComparison: Construction Copperis the main component of HDMI cables. It’s a cheap material and thereare chancesof interference.WhereasinOpticalcables,fiber opticsisthe maincomponent.A bundleoftiny glass strands.Theyareexpensiveand transmitlight signals and notelectricity. And theyare less susceptibletointerference.Thedarksheathwrappedarounditpreventsotherlightsources from entering the cable. Length The length limit may notbe importantforeveryone. A differentsegment of owners with custom-designed media roomsrequiringextendedlengthsof cablemight need it.But you always end up losing signal quality overlongercables.So, when you select betweenfiber optic cable& HDMI, choose the shortest one. The recommendedlengthfor the opticalcables is 10 meters.Although some people still use it witha length of 30 meters.For HDMI, thereare no such recommendations. But wewould recommend HDMI forcovering 5meters or less forbest quality sound. Forlongerdistances, the opticalcablesare a good choice. customerservice@sfcable.com www.sfcable.com
Audio Fiber opticalcables support surround soundwith up to5.1 channels. Atthe same time,HDMI supports DolbyDigital Plus,TrueHDformats, andDTSHD.Almostall thetelevisionprogramming getsbroadcast in surround sound but therearemanyBlu-ray discs offering enhanced sound quality.So, if youlovewatchingyourcontent on Blu-ray, HDMI is the one you should be choosing. Video HDMI cablescancarry both audio and video.It eliminates the need for another cable. On the contrary,when youoptfor an opticalcable,you will need a second type of cabletotransmit your video signal. The totalcost ofthe twocablesmay end upbeing more than one HDMI cable. Hence,makesuretoresearch pricingbefore deciding. BottomLine HDMI canserveyour purpose. Theyarecost-effective and simplify the setup. But if yourgear does not haveHDMI, youwon’t be abletotakeadvantage of thehigh-resolution audioformats fromBlu-ray. Onthe other side,DolbyDigital issuitablefor whichyou need tohavedecentgear. Otherwise, it won’t be delivering quality sound even with DolbyTrueHD and DTS HD MA. Inthe end, it depends on one’s individual needs.Evenopticalcablesgivedecent audio results. Butwelive in aspace of convenience. And HDMIhas become a go-tocable for allthings. And it might becomehardtoargueagainst if yoursystem itself supports it. With HDMI’sfeatureset,upgradability, andthe factthat it canhandle both formats,you don’t needtoworry about the wire jungle.Plus, you will havegreatresults too. ReadMore:https://www.sfcable.com/blog/hdmi-vs-optical-cables-which-consider customerservice@sfcable.com www.sfcable.com