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If you are looking for DevOps International Certifications and training. Learn from our global experts & get opportunities to grab the best jobs in top MNC’s. We are here to provide in-depth quality training that help you upgrade your current skill and knowledge. DevOps can be defined as a process that optimizes workflows and development. DevOps can be termed as a confluence of various factors such as knowledge area, skills, core principles. DevOps is mainly about constant development, constant testing, constant integration, constant implementation, constant monitoring.
D E V O P S CERTIFICATION “DevOpsisnotagoal butanever-endingprocessofcontinualimprovement” www.skillsertifika.com
W H A T I S D E V O P S ? DevOpsistheactivityofoptimizingthe developmenttooperationvaluestreambycreating anincreasinglysmoothandfastprocessofHOWan applicationchangesfromdevelopmentinto operationwithlittlework. Optimisationofthevalue streamtakesplacecontinuouslyusingvarious continuousimprovements. Whenwetalkabout DevOpsitisacombinationorintegrationof8 Knowledgeareas, 4skillsand6principles. www.skillsertifika.com
W H Y S H O U L D O N E T A K E T H I S C E R T I F I C A T I O N ? SKILLSertifkaDevOpstrainingcertificationcoursewill youforacareerinDevOps, thefast-growingfieldthat bridgesthegapbetweensoftwaredevelopersand operations. You’llbecomeanexpertintheprinciplesof continuousdevelopmentanddeployment, automation ofconfigurationmanagement, inter-teamcollaboration andITserviceagilityusingmodernDevOpstoolssuch asGit, Docker, Jenkins, PuppetandNagios. DevOpsjobs arehighlypaidandingreatdemandso startonyourpathtoday. www.skillsertifika.com