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This is powerpoint presentation for year 7 students on ecosystem
Something to think about! • Pick a place you are familiar with, for example, your bedroom, the local park, or a local woodland. • Come up with a food chain you may find there.
Ecosystems 16th Nov 2023 • L.Os • Describe how different organisms co-exist within an ecosystem. • Identify niches within an ecosystem. • Keywords: Ecosystem community habitat niche co-exist https://quizlet.com/_capufd?x=1jqt&i=2geuz2
Ecosystems – definition • An ecosystem is the name given to plants and animals that are found in a particular location, and the area in which they live. • These plants and animals depend on one another in order to live
Ecosystems continued • The organisms in an ecosystem are known as the community • The area they live is called the habitat How many animal types in this community? What's the fish's habitat? 7 species in this community. Fishes habitat is the pond.
A pond is an example of an ecosystem The pond is the habitat. The community is the water plants, microorganisms, insects, fish and fish eating birds. How do the plants and animals co-exist? What is the niche for dragonfly?
Coexistence in the ecosystem • The plants and animals within a community and a habitat co-exist – they live in the same place at the same time. • Oak tree example: • Bees, wasps birds and other animals are found in the branches • Insects and larvae are found in the trunk • Root and litter zone contains bacteria, earthworms woodlice and fungi.
The niche • Each organism living on the oak tree has its own niche • A niche is a particular part or role an organism has within an ecosystem. • For example they might live in a particular part of the tree or have a particular food source For example what is the habitat of the woodlouse within the oak tree? Are their any other organisms their? Root and litter zone, but earthworms are also in this habitat?
Learning checkpoint – Questions 1 & 2 1. Plants and animals found in a particular habitat Ecosystem Particular place or role that an organism has in an ecosystem Community Living organisms in a particular area, and the habitat they live in Habitat Niche Place where a plant or animal lives 2. Explain how bees and birds both live in the canopy of a tree? They do not compete for food. Birds feed on insects and fruits whilst bees feed on pollen from the trees flowers. 3. Describe how different niches occupied by three organisms in a habitat mean that organisms can co-exist
The ecosystem is the the oak tree. The habitats are: Roots and leaf litter, trunk, tree canopy.
Community in each habitat. Leaf canopy: bees, wasps, moths, squirrels,sparrows hawks Trunk: insects and larvae Roots and leaf litter: bacteria, earthworms Woodlice, fungi.
Examples of ecosystems • Forests 森林 • Grasslands 草原 • Tundra 苔原 • Freshwater 淡水 • Marine 海洋 • Desert 沙漠
Students’ activity • Complete the worksheet on ecosystems.
Activity 2 • Animals & Ecosystems Zoo Project:
Plenary Question 1 Ecosystem
Question 2 Habitat
Question 3 Co-exist
Question 4 Niche