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SVI School's commitment to excellence extends to the entire city, making us one of the Best ICSE School in Mumbai. Our track record of academic success and character development speaks volumes about the quality of education we offer.<br><br>https://svischool.com/
www.svischool.com SwamiVivekanand InternationalSchool&Jrcollege (ICSE) JourneyingalongthepathlaiddownbySwamiVivekanand Schoolcode:MA226
ABOUTUS As a landmark Institution, SwamiVivekanandInternationalSchool&JrCollegehas always taken pride in providing the best all round education to its students, since the academic year 1998-1999. CISCE curriculum was introduced in the year 2013 and is now affiliated to the Council for the IndianSchool Certificate Examinations (CISCE) Globaleducationisthechantofthenewmillenniumandrightlyso,webelievethateverychildshould receiveglobalexposureandtrainingtomakethemindependent thinkersandlifelonglearners. Our curriculum emphasizes a seamless blend of academics, sports, performing arts, community and experientiallearning,whichinspiresourstudentstodevelopintothevaluableresourceIndianeedsas itmarches into the 21stcentury. OURVISION Toensuregrowthanddevelopmentof every student as a global citizen through thesimultaneousrealizationofacademic, physical,culturalandspiritualaspiration. OURMISSION Toprovide a conducive environment to help students realize their true potential and enable them to stand out in an ever- changingsociety. Toassistourstudents inunderstanding that a true global citizen is one, who can respectdiversityofgender,cultureand background. INSIGHTINTOACADEMIA The school follows an experiential learning program integrating MultipleIntelligencesinitspedagogy.Webelievethat each studentisuniqueandhastheabilitytodisplayexcellenceinone or more skills. Our experiential learning philosophy ensures that studentsnotonlyunderstandacademicconceptsbutarealsoable toapplyitintheworldaroundthem. Emphasisis placedtoensurethat eachandevery student participatesin extracurricularactivities,sportsand performing arts, thus providing opportunities to discover their own talents and interests. 3
LEADLEEADRERSSSPSEAPKEAK SandeepGoenka ManagingTrustee “Educationisthemostpowerfulweaponwhichyou canusetochangetheworld.” Weat “SwamiVivekanandInternationalSchool&JrCollege” wishtoalignourselvestothesame,bygivingyouandyourchild a new horizon in education–an experience that will leave both of youwithanewoutlookonlife. Studentstodayhaveanunquenchablethirsttoseekknowledgethat cannot be satiated by traditional methods of imparting education likerotelearningandpassivelistening.Withtheparadigmshift in thefieldofeducation, children at SVIS will be provided with opportunities and situations that facilitate them to exhibit their hidden potential to the fullest. Wenot only offer you an infrastructure conforming to the global standards but also an array of opportunities to tap the individual talent to edify the young learnerskeepinginviewasynchronousgrowthoftheirbody,mind andsoul. Following the dictum by Gandhiji, “Be the change you wish to see” - I have ensured an institution that will enable you and your wardtoenrollyourselfinmyvision. Let us move ahead together, making this a reality and soaring towardsthepinnacleofexcellence. 4 4
LEADLEEADRERSSSPSEAPKEAK Mrs.ArchanaGoenka Trustee-DirectorAcademics DearParents, Everyparent’sdreamfortheirchildis“SUCCESS” And in today’s fast paced changing scenario “ADAPTABILITY” is the key along with the 4 C’s” - Communication, Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity of the 21st century learningskillstoachievethesame. Having said that, one key differentiator that decides success or failure is GRIT and PERSEVERANCE. Wehaveoftenheard; “Winners never quit, and quitters never win”.So also in life every day is different, its sunshine one day and cloudy another. Its only one’s grit, determination, perseverance and apositivemindsetthatpushesyoutoovercomeroadblocksonthepathwaytosuccess. It’s our endeavour that every SVIS learner imbibes these attributes through our engaging 21stcenturyclassroomsandActivityandProjectBasedlearningapproach AmbujJhunjhunwala Trustee At Swami Vivekanand International School & Jr College,we believe thatthefutureoflearningiscollaborative,studentcentricandflexible. In orderto make learning collaborative, we at SVIS, have invested in state of the art classroomtechnology, learningmanagementsystems,livelearningtoolsand communicationplatforms.Collaborativelearningoccurswhenteacher, parentsand studentsunitetocreatenewmeansofunderstandingforthechild. To promote collaborative learning, we continuously strive to engage the parents in the learning journey of the child – by sharing classroom lessons, involving parents in school activities and sharing feedback with parents. We also promote peer interaction among studentsthrough projectsand circletime.Inaddition,weprovideopportunitiesfor studentsandparentstohaveopeninteractionwiththeteachersandtheschoolteam. Westrivetomakeeducationstudentcentricandpersonalized.Bygivingstudentsautonomy in subject choice, increasing audio visual teaching, and introducing extra-curriculars, we promotethedevelopmentofeachchild’suniqueabilities. EducationatSVIShasevolvedwiththechangingtime.Today,studentsattendliveclasses and also get access to recorded content to study at their flexible hours. Our focus on project work and formative assessments provides students the flexibility of introducing newelementsinourlearningcontent. We thank the SVIS community for embracing the journey towards a unique collaborative, student-centricandflexiblelearningenvironment. 5 5
WHYUS? LEARNING METHODOLOGY S.V.I.Sstaunchlypursues the goal ofaholisticapproachtowardsthe developmentofthestudentspersona anddisposition. Adhering strictlytotheobjective, wefollowanInquiryaswell asCompetencybasedlearning. Expeditionaryandblendedlearning techniquestooareadaptedand implementedintheteachinglearning strategies. Overallouraimistobuildbalanced personalitiesreadytoforgeaheadand carveanicheforthemselvesinthe professionalworld. ResearchBasedCurriculum. Enhancing skillsthrough ‘Sports and PerformingArts’. Healthystudent/teacherratioforpersonalizedattention. TeachersasFacilitators. Achild’sprogress is observed through Continuous Classroom Skill Observations. Digitalclassroomsthatgivevoicetobooksandconcepts. SpaciousandAiryClassrooms. Infrastructureandfacilitiestopromoteconduciveenvironmentfor learning. Digital MobileApp(Regular andTimely update to parents). SocialMediaConnect(FacebookPageandYoutubechannel). KEYFEATURES A team that promotes a constantly ‘evolving’ curriculum to remainrelevantin Learner centric education rather than a teacher centeredapproach. Embracing multiple intelligences and diverse learning styles. changing times. Acurriculum developmentteamthatworkscollaborativelytoensure that thelearningmodulesare developedinahandsonmannertoaccomplish ent subject areas. Ateam that workstowards developinglife skills. Limitednumberof students in aclass toensureindividual supportand Allkindsof Virtual classes and celebrations. tripsandvisitsby guestspeakers. guidance. 6
LearningOutcomes Studentsareawareoflocal,nationalandglobalissuesleadingtoimprovedknowledgeandbetterparticipationintheclass interactions. Focusonsocietalvaluestomakethechildanethicalindividual. Activitybasedlearningsharpensreasoningskillsandanalyticalthinking. HYGIENE “CleanlinessisnexttoGodliness”-soveryTrue!WeatSVISunderstanditsimportanceandpractisethesamethoroughly. Webelievethatthenewgenerationshouldunderstandtheirdutytowardskeepingtheirsurroundingsclean,therebycontributing in making the world a better place to live in. Activities, role plays, puppet shows, story time, etc are few ways through which childrenare taught the significance of Hygiene. Hygienecarefollowedin the school HandSanitisationatentryforallvisitorsandin-house HybridClassesand Celebrations During thePandemic, onlineclasseshadtakenamajor role in ensuring that the children stay connected with their studies.“Learningat SVISshould NOTSTOP! The School has taken several extraordinary steps to ensurecontinuityinthelearningprocessthroughthe mediumof HybridLearning Sessions. In continuation with our practice, the learning resourcesandthedailyclasslessonsareuploadedon the school mobileApp Childrengetagoodcollectionofresourcematerial: videos, stories, songs,etc Parents get an opportunity to connect LIVE with the class activities on few of our Special days and celebrationsthroughFacebookLIVEoranHybrid classon zoomApp. Regulardeepcleaningandspraysanitisationofthe complete school. Watertankcleaningdoneperiodically. Periodicpestcontrolandfumigationiscarriedout. compoundandeachclassroomsaswellaswhere deemednecessary. 7
SPORTSAND PERFORMINGARTS(SPA) Co-curricularactivitiesplayadynamicroleinthedevelopmentofone’spersonality.Involvementofchildrenintheactivities of their choice promotes their self-esteem, confidence and gives them freedom of expression. The school has engaged trained professionalteam to help children enhance their skills. AtSVIS,enhancing skillsis equallyimportantto sharpeningknowledge! SPAactivites offered at School PRIMARY/SECONDARY SpeechandDrama Western Dance FitnessProgramme RoboticsandCoding Karate Capoeira Music Basketball Football TableTennis 8
FACILITES Safeandsecuredpremiseswith CCTVsurveillance. Well-equippedtransportfacility withCCTV,GPSandlady attendant. Providingastimulatingandaconduciveenvironment for growth is a key responsibility of Parents and School, in a child’s life. Facilities offered at SVIS make the Schooling journey enjoyable, secure and convenient for smooth functioning of the day to day activities. DigitalSchoolMobileApp. Nurse). INFRASTRUCTURE Agood InfrastructureleadstoJoyful learninghoursatSchool. Thevariousamenitiesavailableatschoolleadtotheoveralldevelopmentofchildren’sinnate potential, intellectual, physical, social and emotional. T O & C P E R C E S I R F I O C S E R T A U I O O U A R O P C DI N G M M O O I B T O L R M U ’ M S R R C T E E A O B U N T R R I L O P E R L Y L A I M M A AB S BS C O S C A R L I U R G L B N L T O F L Y T E G U A C S E R O O N L O U R N K D P U S A O B T M C 9
WECARE SVIS,believesinthewell-beingofallourPartnersintheTeaching-LearningJourney;ourTeachers,ourStudentsandour Parents. “Safety”isgivenutmost importanceinour school.OurTeam ofExperiencedTeachers nurturechildren with loveandcare. Allourschoolmembers(Teaching–NonTeachingStaff)aretrainedandequippedwithtimelyworkshopsandguidancefortheir roles. Our School Parents arekept updated with timelycommunication and important updates. Teachersquality Tech Savvy Approachable TimelyTeacherworkshopsforupgradationofskills School Counsellors and Special Educators Assistance and guidance to students, parents and teachers PersonalisedMeetings,asand whenrequired. Others: ITDepartmentfortechnicalsupporttoparents. ParentsAsPartners Learning management system(ParentApp)for daily curriculum updates. Social Media platform for posting events/ celebrations/ Special days PTMat regular intervals. Parentsparticipationonspecialdaysandcelebrations OnlineFeePayment Facilityforparents. 10
STARS OFSVIS ROHITSHARMA SVIS is proud to proclaim that, numerous accolades, awards and achievements are regularly earned by its talented students. Some of its past and present students haveattaineddizzyingheightsintheirchosenfield.Thishascatapulted SVISintoa muchsoughtafterinstitution. SVISwouldliketoacknowledgethecontributionsof theseSTARSOFSVIS. Rohit Sharma, the product of SVIS Group has created many cricketing records and holds the record for the highest ODI score of 264 runs. Rohit has not onlyput the nameofthe schoolontheinternationalmapbuthasbeeninstrumentalingrowing ourcricket academy. SHARDULTHAKUR Shardul Thakur is yet another student of SVIS , who representsthe nation in Cricket. He was covered by all the print and electronic Media when he hit 6 sixes in one over in the Harris Shield Cricket Match won bythe School. SVIS has, year after year, won the prestigious cricket tournaments viz. Giles Shield and Harris Shield. Afterbreakinga 104years’recordby winningthe Giles ShieldElite DivisionTournamentin 2005/06,the school team won the Harris Shield Plate Division Trophy in 2006/07.In the year 2007/08, the talented team again broke112years’recordand wonthe Harris ShieldElite DivisionTrophy. TheschoolconductsregularScienceExhibitionswithnewworkingprojectsdisplayedbystudents.People fromdifferentorganisations areinvitedto observetheseprojects. As a result of this,the student has created eminentScientists and leaders in research who are representing thecountry Internationally. 11
STARSOFSVIS ROHANAMBERKAR ISHAPEDNEKAR 1stDan Black Belt, persuing studies for Chartered Accountancy, hasrepresentedIndia intheKWFKarateWorldCupin2017at Malta,Europe,in2019atTokyoandnowagain in2023 atTokyo, Japan 1stDan Black Belt, persuing studies for B.COM,isrepresentingIndiainthein2023 atTokyo, Japan DEVANSHUPANCHAL GANDHARDESHPANDE Devanshu has pursued his PHD in Quantum Physics from University of Texas. He has also been working for CERN, as an European organtiona for Nuclear & Scientific Research in Switzerland. AmericanWesternMusician “PT.VISHNU DIGAMBAR PALUSKAR AWARD”, “Young MusicianAward” Khairagad “Pt.Nivruttibua SarnaikAward” Pune DR.RICHAPARIKH MBBSfrom Mumbai,MDfromAmerican BoardofInternational Medicine, Works at Myeloma Institute for Research & Therapy atArkansas-US 12
FESTIVALS GopalKalaFestival GaneshChaturthiCelebration SPECIALDAYS StdXthFarewellWelcomeDance GradeXFarewell SPAACTIVITIES SpeechandDrama GuitarPerformance 13
CULMINATIONS SpeechandDrama Singing FIELDTRIPS NaturetrialatBNHS AtalSmrutiUdyan ANNUALDAY 14
PARENTSTESTIMONIAL The school has played a major role in exploring my Daughter’s potentiality. Teachers’ encouragement and support has worked like fuel in her personality development.Theschoolgavehermultipleopportunitiestoparticipatenotonly in school functions and competitions but also to represent the school in inter- school competitions. These experiences have helped in building her confidence to facetheworldaswellasthechallengesofthemodern21stcentury ParentsofMs.AnchalH.Vyas(GRADEX–Div.L) SVIS has incorporated a curriculum fully in compliance with the ICSE board. The classroomtraining, study material andthe extracurricular activities ensurethat thestudentsreceiveanoverall360degreetraining. SVIS emphasises on physical developmentof children along with challenging their cognitive abilities. The students are encouraged to keep abreast of latest technologiesthroughclassroomassignmentsineachsubject. Evenduringthispandemic,SVIShasensuredthatOnlineteaching,using securedInternetTools,keepsthechildrenfruitfullyengaged. ParentsofMast.TanishS.Dalvi(GRADEVI–Div.O) It’s an absolute pleasure to see our daughter Aohonaa, advance from a bud to a flower with the SVIS family and we are very happy and grateful to the school for playingsuchapivotalroleinourdaughter’stransformationjouney. SVIShashelpedindevelopinghercharacter,talentsandvariousotherskills -notonlyacademicallybutalsoexcellinginotherareaslikeart/craft,speech and drama and sports. The curriculum ensures that every child gets to select and nurtureatleasttwodifferentareasofinterest. ThankyouTeamSVIS! ParentsofMs.AohonaaDeb(GradeVI–Div.N) We have been a part of the SVIS family for a couple of years and have always experienced that the staff and the teachers are very knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. The pandemic and the subsequent lockdown did not obstruct or hamper the spirit andefficiencyoftheentireSVISteam. Toinspireandmotivatethestudentsinthisunusualscenario. ParentsofMast.MuditM.Sekhri(GradeVIII–Div.M) 15
www.svischool.com Foronline admission and eligibility process visit : https://svis.edusprint.in/svis/OnlineEnquiry Kandivali:MGRoad,ParekhNagar,Kandivali(West),Mumbai-400067. +91-8657624001,+91-8657624002admissions.kandivali@svischool.com www.svischool.com https://www.facebook.com/ SVISsecondary/ https://www.facebook.com/ SVISprimary Schoolcode:MA226