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Take your business to the next level through AI Transformation<br><br>AI transformation helps organizations gain competitive advantage, increases productivity, and streamlines business operations. Explore it in detail in this PDF.<br><br>Discover more: https://bit.ly/3KFIRII

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  1. APPLICATION SECURITY FORECAST GUIDE 2024 © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. The Global Cybersecurity Market to cross USD 300 Billion by 2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. WHAT IS APPLICATION SECURITY A shield designed by certified cybersecurity experts to protect a technology device under a magnifying glass, symbolizing security vigilance © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. ROLE OF APPLICATION SECURITY WORLDWIDE: Protecting Sensitive Data Regulatory Compliance Ensuring Functionality and Uptime © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. The Application Security Market is expected to generate approximately USD 6.97 Billion in 2024 Statista © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. CYBERCRIME LANDSCAPE PROSPECT 2024 As technology races forward, so do the tactics of cybercriminals. Here is a glimpse into what Application Security Experts anticipate for 2024 and ahead: EXPANDED ATTACK SURFACE Expect a rise in API and client-side vulnerabilities alongside traditional counterparts. COMBO ATTACKS Imagine a DDoS attack coupled with a bot attack, targeting an application’s security. REGULATORY CHANGES Expect stricter penalties for data breaches and an increased emphasis on user control & personal data lock. RISE IN DevSecOps MATURITY Expect higher traction of incorporating security into every stage of software development SUPPLY CHAIN SQUEEZE Malicious actors might inject code during development, compromising app security. AI-POWERED THREATS AND DE- FENSES Expect smarter attacks that exploit unknown vulnerabilities, countered by AI-powered security systems that learn & adapt. © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. Over 75% of Applications have at least one flaw Veracode, State of Software Security Report SECURING YOUR APPLICATIONS IN 2024 Stay ahead of the curve with nuanced Application Security Strategies & Tools ZERO-TRUST SECURITY Adopt a zero-trust architecture model that verifies every user, and device continuously API SECURITY Prioritize API security with strong authentication, authorization, and data encryption APPS SHIELD Use app shielding and code obfuscation techniques to make it harder for attackers to understand your code UNIFIED SECURITY TOOLS Consolidate your security posture with comprehensive tools that address various attack vectors CONTINUOUS MONITORING Proactively scan for vulnerabilities and stay updated on the latest cyber threats © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. BENEFITS OF ROBUST APPLICATION SECURITY: Protects user data and privacy Minimizes financial losses from breaches Enhances brand reputation and trust Ensures application availability and performance © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved. Ramp up Application Security with Enhanced Cybersecurity Talent ENROL IN THE WORLD’S MOST-TRUSTED USCSI® CYBERSECURITY CERTIFICATIONS TODAY! © Copyright 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI® ). All Rights Reserved.

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