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What is the Big Deal about Digital Footprint? <br><br>Become a cybersecurity expert with core nuances of Digital Footprints and beyond. Learn from the masters via cybersecurity certification programs to build massive careers.<br><br>Discover more: https://bit.ly/3VFG4Wo<br><br>

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  1. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL ABOUT DIGITAL FOOTPRINT? © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® YOU ARE WHAT YOU SHARE C.W.Leadbeater English Theosophist and Renowned Author Digital Footprint, aka you create when you use the internet. Digital Shadow; is the trail of data Every like, post, comment, search, share, and online purchase leaves a trace. © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® TYPES OF DIGITAL FOOTPRINT Active digital footprint Passive digital footprint Social Media Posts Device Information Comments Browsing history Online forum entries IP address Share Media Files Locations data Social Security Number Medical Records © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® POPULAR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT EXAMPLES Actively Shared Information: Social media posts, online shopping and forms, emails 1. Passively Collected Data: Browsing history, location data, cookies 2. 6 5.44 5.07 5 NUMBER OF INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA USERS WORLDWIDE Number of users in billions 4 3 (IN BILLIONS) 2 1 Source: Statista (April 2024) 0 Internet Users Social Media Users © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® WHO USES YOUR FOOTPRINT? Businesses: Targeted advertising, user profiling, cybercrimes Employers: Background checks during job searches for in-depth screening Schools: Admissions and scholarship decisions (in some cases) Individuals: Personal searches, legal issues, cybercrimes © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® WHY DOES IT MATTER? Develop Online Reputation Job and educational opportunities Cybersecurity is a soft target Regulatory Compliance © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® DIGITAL FOOTPRINTS IN BUSINESS STRENGTHS WEAK LINKS Security breaches Brand awareness Reputation Management Data Leaks Customer Acquisition Reputational Damage Competitor Analysis Consumer and Talent Crunch Trust and Credibility Build Regulatory Incompliance & Fines © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® MINIMIZE YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT Review privacy settings Delete old social media accounts and unused online profiles Be mindful of what you share online Delete passwords saved on web browsers Use privacy-focused search engines and browsers © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® BENEFITS OF MINIMIZING THE DIGITAL FOOTPRINT Stronger Privacy Enhanced Reputation Better Financial Health © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® STAY IN CONTROL Regularly search your name to see what information appears publicly Consider security software for your browser Use Password Manager and 2FA Cautious before clicking Use VPN on Public WiFi © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® CAN YOU No. Even if you erase all the accounts from the internet, your data is still on profiles with local agencies, medical facilities, etc. ERASE YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT? However, sustaining the menace with a sheer security- enhanced portfolio shall be of help. © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ® Be mindful of the data you create online and take steps to manage it for a positive online presence. Train Employees with the Best Cybersecurity Certification Programs with © 2024. United States Cybersecurity Institute (USCSI ). All rights reserved. ®

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