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Background. Collaborative Research partnershipIndigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) and member institutes Office of Indigenous Affairs andOffice of Community-based ResearchFunded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development. Project Steering Committee. Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi - Director, Office of Indigenous Affairs, UVicJoe Elliott
1. Aboriginal TransitionsResearch Project 6th International Conference on Indigenous Education
December 21, 2010 Recognize traditional territory and give thanks to the ancestors for watching over in a good way
Introduce myself, my ancestors, my names
HAPPY SOLSTICE!!! Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi unable to join us
Steering Committee asked me to present on their behalf my role is as the coordinator and I am part of the research team Recognize traditional territory and give thanks to the ancestors for watching over in a good way
Introduce myself, my ancestors, my names
HAPPY SOLSTICE!!! Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi unable to join us
Steering Committee asked me to present on their behalf my role is as the coordinator and I am part of the research team
2. Background Collaborative Research partnership
Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) and member institutes
Office of Indigenous Affairs and
Office of Community-based Research
Funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development
Ministry of Sciences and Universities now
Ministry of Sciences and Universities now
3. Project Steering Committee Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi - Director, Office of Indigenous Affairs, UVic
Joe Elliott Chemainus Native College
Jan Green a-m'aa-sip, Nuu-chah-nulth Employment and Training Program
Karen Bailey-Romanko - Director of Post-Secondary Education & Training, IAHLA
4. Thank you to IAHLA Institute Partners! Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
Verna Billy-Minnabarriet
Saanich Adult Education Centre
Kendra Underwood
Heiltsuk College Pauline Waterfall
Enowkin CentreLauren Terbasket
Native Education College Daniel Hill
Chemainus Native College
Joe Elliott
Cariboo Chilcotin Weekend University
Cindy Charleyboy
Gitksan Wetsuweten Education Society
Tracey Woods
5. Overview This community-based research project:
Articulates the role that Aboriginal-controlled institutes play in the provision of:
culturally distinct programming
bridging and preparing Aboriginal Students to make the transition to other public post-secondary institutes
Provides recommendations about how to enhance education services for Aboriginal students in transition
6. Pauline Hilistis Waterfall Heiltsuk College, IAHLA Partner Introduce Pauline as playing important role in guiding process on behalf of Heiltsuk College, IAHLA Partner
Awarded Order of BC
sharing some of her experiences as research partner. Introduce Pauline as playing important role in guiding process on behalf of Heiltsuk College, IAHLA Partner
Awarded Order of BC
sharing some of her experiences as research partner.
7. IAHLA Institute Research Partners
8. Research Ethics & Methodology Approval in Principle for Ethics Application
Community engagement
Collaborative development of research questions and research methodology
Hiring and training of research assistants
Identified community stakeholders that should be interviewed
Thematic analysis of qualitative dataThematic analysis of qualitative data
9. Pauline Hilistis Waterfall, Heiltsuk College
10. Focus Group & InterviewParticipants 178 people interviewed
7 IAHLA institutes
4 public post-secondary institutions
Elders, current students, former students, administrators, instructors, counselors, community stakeholders
11. Success Factors Key themes Aboriginal Epistemology and Ontology
Reconnect and strengthen cultural teachings & self-identity
Aboriginal instructors, mentors, peers
Student-paced learning environment in smaller classes
Having a strong foundation assists in culture shock when transitioning to Public Post-Secondary
12. Pauline Hilistis Waterfall, Heiltsuk College
13. Success Factors (continued) Wisdom of the Elders
Role as guides for students who walk in two worlds
Vital role in language, cultural teachings, identity
14. Success Factors(continued) Academic Preparedness (Tutoring and advising)
Completion of 1st and 2nd year programs act as stepping stone
Community-based Education
Support systems readily available
Knowledge of Aboriginal Support Services at PPS
Access to Aboriginal Spaces for peer support, emotional, cultural, social and academic support
Space to celebrate successes
Post-secondary preparation course
Six week course budget, banking, transportation, basic life skills and independent living
15. Barriers to Transition Career & Employment Counseling
Limited Authentic Institutional Partnerships
Lack of Financial Support for Long-Term Planning
Housing, homelessness, nutrition, childcare and transportation
16. Pilot Projects ~ Year 2 Reciprocal Orientation
Aboriginal Student Transition Handbook
Transformative Indigenous Learning Strategies
17. Pilot Projects Reciprocal Orientation and Partnership
Chemainus Native College & Vancouver Island University
Cariboo Chilcotin Weekend University, UNBC and Thompson Rivers University
Enowkin Centre & NVIT
Exchange of personnel, job shadowing, orientation, community engagement and development of long term strategic plans
18. Pilot Projects continued Aboriginal Transition Student Handbook
Building upon the work already completed by NVIT and Heiltsuk College
Handbook for students and resource for instructors
Serves as a template for 6-week transition preparation course
19. Pilot Project continued Transformative Indigenous Learning Strategies
Saanich Adult Education Centre
Master-Apprentice SENCOTEN language program
Elders as instructors
Heiltsuk College
Focus group with students preparing to transition (academic preparedness and career counselling)
Mentored by former students
20. Menetiye, Master Apprentice ProgramSaanich Adult Education Centre
21. Knowledge Dissemination Forum in Vancouver, November 3 & 4, 2010
Attended by 80 representatives from community, IAHLA institutes, public post-secondary institutions
Roundtable, November 17, 2010
IAHLA Board Members, PPSI Aboriginal Support Services, Senior government, PPSI presidents
22. Jeannette ArmstrongEnowkin Centre
23. Don Avison
24. Links IAHLA
Office of Indigenous Affairs, UVic
Office of Community Based Research, UVic
Undergrad to Graduate Transitions (Dr. Jo-Ann Archibald, UBC)
25. Links and contact information:
Sarah Cormode
Aboriginal Transitions Research Project
Project Coordinator