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Onsite Review Background. Core initiative of the FTA Transit Bus Safety and Security ProgramCompletely voluntary, not compliance-basedCreate a national framework and baseline for safety, security and emergency preparedness excellenceInitial focus is on 5311 and small 5307 propertiesEmphasize technical assistance and coordination with industry stakeholders State DOTs and FTA Regional offices are invited to participate.
1. FTA Transit Bus Safety & SecurityVoluntary Onsite Reviews Program Overview
February 3, 2009
2. 2
3. Purpose Assist participating agencies in developing and integrating safety, security and emergency preparedness activities into all facets of system management and operations
Identify areas in which FTA can provide technical assistance
Document effective practices that can be shared with sister agencies
Identify gaps in assistance that must be developed by FTA to support Program goals
4. Onsite Review Process Identify volunteer and coordinate with stakeholders to develop schedule
State DOT
FTA Regional Office
Notification package sent to volunteer agency
Notification Letter
Preliminary Schedule
Review Topics
Document Request
1˝ day review, including interviews, record reviews site tour
Checklists used to assure consistency
Review team develops Final Report & Resource CD
Effective Practices, Observations, Needs & Gaps, Suggestions
5. Onsite Review Categories Review team evaluates six major categories:
Mission, Organizational Structure, Procurement, Labor
Regulations, Maintenance, Facilities, Modifications, Quality
3. Human Resources
Policy, Procedures, Recruitment, Training, Evaluation
Safety Activities
Responsibilities, Hazard Mgt., Safety Data, Internal Audits
5. Security Activities
Responsibilities, TVA, Awareness, Security Data
6. All-Hazards Management
Preparation, Incident Mgt., Internal Incidents, Recovery, Drills 5
6. The Final Report Written report delivered following conclusion of onsite review – typically within two weeks
Documents observations made by the review team
Identifies suggestions and recommendations as to how the reviewed agency might more effectively meet its safety and security mission
Documents technical assistance materials delivered to by FTA to the reviewed agency
Includes an accompanying CD-ROM of assistance materials
7. Agencies Reviewed Reno County Public Transportation Department - Hutchinson, KS
JAUNT, Inc. - Charlottesville, VA
Pender Adult Services, Inc. - Burgaw, NC
Santa Fe Trails - Santa Fe, NM
Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) - Rochester, NY
Special Transit - Boulder, CO
Capital Area Rural Transportation System - Austin, TX
City of Columbus, Columbus Transit Department - Columbus, IN
Altoona Metro Transit - Altoona, PA
Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority - Bridgeport, CT
Delmarva Community Services, Inc., Delmarva Community Transit - Cambridge, MD
Rural Office of Community Services - Lake Andes, SD
The City of Mitchell/Palace Transit - Mitchell, SD
Waccamaw Regional Transportation Authority d.b.a. Coast RTA - Conway, SC
St. Joseph Transit - St. Joseph, MO
Fresno County Rural Transit Agency - Fresno, CA
Bend Area Transit - Bend, OR
Bluefield Area Transit - Blue Field, WV
Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation - Dover, NH
Coast Transit Authority - Gulfport, MS 7
8. Onsite Review Map 8
9. Program Diversity Not a “One Size Fits All” program, must recognize diversity in community
Varied Participants
Geographic diversity/climate and environment
Ridership and service demands
Agency and fleet size/type
Volunteer agencies have had as few as 9 and up to 213 vehicles in service 9
10. Volunteer Agency Fleet Size 10
11. Recommendations Average of 56 recommendations made to a volunteer agency
The FTA Review Team has made as few as 41 and as many as 89 recommendations
All recommendations are made in one of the six program elements:
12. Recommendations by Program Element 12
13. Most Commonly Provided Technical Assistance Materials Los Lunas, NM Oxygen Tank Policy document (16)
New Mexico Driver Handbook (11)
Release of Sensitive Information (10)
Reacting to Bomb Threats and Suspicious Mail (9)
The New Mexico Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Plan template (6)
Complaint Commendation Card (5) 13
14. Observations and Recommendations Onsite review team identifies areas in program documentation and implementation that could be strengthened
Observations of practice are documented and show both strengths and weaknesses
Effective practices are called out and materials requested
Recommendations are made and technical assistance materials are provided via CD-ROM with Final Report 14
15. Common Recommendations for Management Create, maintain, and or update System Safety Security and Emergency preparedness plans (10 recommendations)
The FTA review team provides safety and security plan templates as well as plans from different agencies (with approval) to assist in this activity
Consider developing specific goals and objectives that focus on safety and security concerns (11 recommendations)
Determine as soon as possible the status of insurance coverage on any vehicles that might be used for emergency community evacuation purposes (14 recommendations)
16. Common Recommendations Equipment / Systems Consider a decal for all vehicle roofs with a number at least one foot high and provide vehicle numbers to local law enforcement for use in identifying vehicles from the air (19 recommendations)
Consider a formal policy for onboard use and storage of passenger oxygen tanks (18 recommendations)
The FTA review team provided a model policy
Develop a hazardous material plan and employee training program, maintain MSDS sheets on hazardous materials, and formalize hazardous material disposal procedures (13 recommendations)
The FTA review team is providing a model of a hazardous materials plan 16
17. Common Recommendations for Human Resources Consider providing bio-hazard refresher training to all bus operators, dispatchers, supervisors and maintenance staff, including bus cleaners (12 recommendations)
Utilize the National Transit Institute (NTI) resources to assist in the delivery of workplace violence training(10 recommendations)
Information on training offered by NTI is provided at www.ntionline.com
Consider developing a formal and written Customer Service Policy and make available to all passengers (8 recommendations)
The FTA review team provides a bi-lingual model customer service policy 17
18. Common Recommendations for Safety Activities Consider expanding protocols for reacting to emergency events, training all staff on those protocols, and providing protocols at the dispatch area to assist with immediate response in a safety related event (9 recommendations)
The FTA review team is providing a set of emergency response protocols to assist in this activity
Consider a mechanism to proactively solicit feedback from drivers on accident/incident “near misses” and use this information to document trends as they may occur. This data can then be used to design training initiatives and propose future service design changes (6 recommendations)
19. Common Recommendations for Security Activities Consider conducting a Threat and Vulnerability Assessment. Solicit external emergency management assistance with this process (15 recommendations)
The FTA review team provides materials such as information from the SSEPP template
Encourage drivers to report and document incidents of an aggressive or potentially threatening nature that did not result in an actual security event. This information will allow some level of trend analysis (10 recommendations)
Consider requiring employees to display photo identification badges at all times while on duty (7 recommendations) 19
20. Common Recommendations for All-Hazards / Emergency Mgt. Consider developing a comprehensive Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan (SSEPP) (13 recommendations)
The FTA review team provides templates of plans
Consider having the Executive Director, Supervisor of Operations, Maintenance Manager, and Office Manager become NIMS certified in IS-100, IS-700, and IS-800. (13 recommendations)
Information for obtaining this certification online can be found at www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/
Pursue a working relationship with emergency management, law enforcement and fire first responders (10 recommendations) 20
21. Onsite Review Evaluations Capture feedback regarding review effectiveness
Internet based survey tool
Team follows-up with review representatives to urge evaluation completion
Review representatives complete online evaluation
Data is collected and analyzed 21
22. Agencies who have completed the online evaluation 22
23. Average Rating 23
24. Comments From the Agencies 24
25. Comments From the Agencies (contd.) 25