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Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer. Robin Murphy, ND Lotus Health Institute Clinical Homeopathy and Lotus Medicine. 1. Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer.
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Robin Murphy, ND Lotus Health Institute Clinical Homeopathy and Lotus Medicine 1
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Breast Cancer - (acon.), (aids.), alum., alumn., anag., apis,arg-n., arn., ARS., ars-i., ars-s-f., ASTER., aur-ar.,aur-m-n.,bad., bapt., bar-i., bell.,bell-p., brom., bry., BUFO, cadm-i., cadm-m., calc., calc-f., calc-i., calc-ox., calc-p., calc-sil., calen.,carb-ac.,CARB-AN., carb-v., carbn-s., CARC.,caust., cham., chim.,cic., cist., clem., coloc., CON., cory., CUND., dulc., EUPH., ferr-i., form-ac., fuli., gali.,GRAPH.,hep., hippoz., hydr., iod., kali-chl., kali-c., kali-i., kali-m., kreos., lac-c.,lach., lap-a., lob-e.,lyc.,maland., med., MERC., (merc-d.), merc-i-f., nat-cac., (naja), nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac., ph-ac., PHOS.,PHYT., pic-ac., plb-i., psor.,PULS., rhus-t., ruta, sabin., sang., sars., SCIRR., (scroph-m.), SCROPH-N., semp., SEP.,SIL., staph., sul-i., sulph., syc-co., tarent-c., thuj., tub. 2
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Alfalfa- Cachexia from breast cancer, chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Loss of appetite. Emaciation. Weight loss and fatigue. Malnutrition. Weakness, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity. Anorexic, emaciated, broken down constitutions. Cancer diathesis. Breast milk, absent or disappearing. 3
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Arsenicum album - One of main remedies for palliating late stage breast cancer patients. Malignancy. Metastasis. A common remedy for cancer. Emaciation, anxiety, restlessness, burning pains. Severe burning pains in the breasts. Writhing in pain. Pains are better heat. Can go to late or ulcerative stage of cancer. Severe restlessness with fear of death and panic. Fastidiousness, finicky, picky, fear of death, fear of being alone, fear of pain. Restlessness, never relaxes or stays put. Worse around midnight or a couple hours after. Sensitive to everything. Ulcers, black or blue discoloration of the skin. Arsenicum iod. - Cancerofbreast after ulceration has set in. Painful lumps in breasts, sensitive to touch. Lump in breasts, worse touch. Nipples retracted. Cachexia. Extreme general emaciation (Iod.). Emaciation of breasts. Axillary tumors. Chronic respiratory infections. Severe burning watery rhinitis (Kali iod.). 3 4
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Asterias rubens - Affinity for left breast. Sharp lancinating pains,worse at night.Metastasis to the axillary glands. Axillary glands swollen, indurated, knotted. Breast swollen and painful, ulcerations. Breasts indurated with dull, aching, neuralgic pains. Sharp piercing pains to scapula and pain down left arm. Nodes and indurations of the breast glands. Neuralgia of left breast and arm. Dull aching and neuralgic pains (Con.). Breast feels pulled inward. Breast cancer, even in ulcerative stage. Swelling of breasts as when menses are about to come on. Nipples retracted. Head feels hot, as if surrounded by hot air. 4 5
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Aurum mur. nat. - Carcinoma of breast and uterus. Breasts, ovaries indurated. Aur-m-n. has induration of one part, softening of another. Affections of the bones and glands. Fibroidsofuterus. Uterus, tumors. Avena sativa- Insomnia due to breast cancer, (Carc.) Insomnia due to drugs or alcohol. Neurasthenia. Drug addictions, side effects, withdrawal symptoms. Weakness due to cancer treatments. Brain fatigue with sleeplessness. 4 6
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • BARYTA IOD.- Cancer of breasts. Tumors. Bar-i. has been used in breast cancer, breast tumors. Breastcanceraftertrauma (Arn., Bell-p., Calen., Con.). Tumors and cancers following blows or other injuries (Con.), cuts, punctured wounds, or abrasions. Glandular enlargement and new growths. Enlarged glands, especially the tonsils and breasts. Swollen axillary glands. Head and face feel cold with redness of face and blue lips. Shyness and timidity. Fearful, hysterical. Aversion to and fear of people. Craves open, cool air. 5 7
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Bellis per. - Breast tumors or cancers developing after mechanical injuries. Breast cancer from contusions, (Arn., Con.). Breasttumororcancerafterinjury. Cysts, nodules, lumps after injury. Breast cysts. Breasts engorged, swollen. Breasts and uterus engorged. Soreness, bruised sensations. Pains worse heat better cold applications. Varicose veins. Stitches in spleen. Acne, boils. 5 8
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Bufo rana- Breasts indurated. Red streaks run up from septic areas. Breast abscesses. Last stages of breast cancer. Whole breast is ulcerated, full of pus, offensive discharges, (Carbo an., Sil.). Fetid, foul, offensive discharges with sloughing of tissue. Lumps, indurations and inflammations of the breasts. Talks nonsense and angry when not understood. Poor heredity. Convulsions. 5 9
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Cadmium iod. - Breast cancer of the glands with emaciation, (Ars. iod.). Axillary tumors. Emaciation after radiation or chemotherapy treatment with swollen glands. • Cadmium sulph. - For the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment. Inflamed nipples. Erysipelas of the breasts. Nausea and vomiting. Emaciation, vomiting and extremeprostration. Anemia and emaciation after radiation or chemotherapy treatment. Weight loss and fatigue. 10 6
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Calendula - Breast cancer, as an intercurrent remedy. Nodosities in breast. Breast pains after mastectomy, surgery. Biopsies and lumpectomies. Sharp, cutting pains in breasts. Calendula tincture and juice applied to breast tumor and abscesses. • Carbo animalis - Ulcerative breast cancer with offensive discharges. Putridity. Foul, acrid discharges. Pus, filled with blood, sloughing of tissue. Burning pains with tumors. Glands indurated and painful. Last stages of cancer where breast tumor suppurates. Similar to Bufo, last stages of breast cancer. Painful nodosities and hardening of the breasts. All the glands in the area are swollen. Skin over the tumor can be purple or blue. Darting pains. Aversion to company. Face pimply, bluish hue. 11 6
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • CARCINOSIN - Breast cancer, especially with a family history of cancer. Cancer of the breast glands with great pain. Breast cancer pain, as an intercurrent remedy. Last stages of breast cancer. Cancerous cachexia, emaciation. Emaciation and hopelessness. Indicated in constantly changing symptoms and states. Violent tension in breasts, before menses. Swellingandtendernessbeforemenses. Induration. Chronic mastitis. Breasts changes shape. Nodules. Retraction of nipples. Discharge from nipple like bloody water. Contradictoryandalternatingstates. Fear of cancer. Excessive wearinessandfatigue. Chronic insomnia. Moles, liver spots, brown spots, warts (Thuj., Sep.). 12 6
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Castor equi - Swelling of breasts. Breasts swollen, sensitive, worse descending stairs. Nipples,cracked andulcerated, (Sars., Sil., Petr., Calen.) Nipples almost hanging. Cracked,sorenipples, excessively tender, cannot bear touch of clothing, even in neglected cases, ragged. Violent itching in breasts. Reddened areola. 13 7
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • CHIMAPHILIA - Breast,tumors. Painful tumors of breasts. Either atrophy of breasts or very large breasts. Rapid atrophy of breasts. Sharp pains through breasts with cancer. Scirrhus tumors of breast. Painful tumors of breasts in young, unmarried women. Undue secretion of milk or suppression. Women with very large breasts and tumor in the breast gland with sharp pain through it. Urinary tract infections (Sep., Med.). Urine mucu-purulent, turbid. 14 7
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Conium mac. - Remedy for breast, uterine, prostate, and brain cancers. Breast cancer from injuries, contusions, (Arn., Bellis, Phyt.). Whole breast is indurated (hard) like cement. Scirrhus breast cancer, or lump very hard like a stone, after injury to breast. Breast lax, shrunken, hard and painful to touch. Induration of the breast, become stony hard. Hard lumps. Stitching in the nipples. Atrophy of the breast. Breast is shriveled, tumor may be painless. Painless or dull and achey. Breasts flabby. Induration of the breast glands with itching and shooting pains. Breasts enlarged, painful before and during menses. Vertigo. 15 8
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Cundarango - Breast, tumors. Tumor of breast on either side. Breast cancer where fissures form. Ulcerative stage of cancers when cracks or fissures form. Tumor near nipple the size of an egg. Cancer of the breasts with retraction of the nipple. Cracked, painful, suppurating nipples. Lancinating pains from tumor extending over the whole breast. Axillary glands swollen. Emaciation. Concomitant symptom of cracks in the corner of the mouth. 16 9
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Graphites - Breast cancer originating in old scars or after breast abscess. Obstruction and induration of the breasts. Hardened scars after breast abscess. Tumor forms beneath old scars. Cracks in nipples. Nipples, sore, cracked and blistered. Breasts swollen and hard. Induration of breasts and ovaries. Breast cancer in women with large pendular breasts. Painful sensibility and excoriation of breasts. Obesity. Sad, fearful, irresolute. Keloid scars. 10 17
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Hydrastis can. - Breast, cancer. Hard, irregular tumor of left breast, glands in axilla enlarged and painful, cachectic appearance. Cachexia. Breast cancer with induration or ulceration. Tumors of the breast with retracted nipples. Breast cancer with bright, thick yellow discharges. Knife-like pains in breast cancer extending up to shoulder and down arm. Emaciation and dusky appearance with digestive problems. Emaciation, weakness. Hard, irregular tumor of left breast. Nipple retracted. Cancer with yellow, stringy, ropy discharges. Malnutrition. Yellow tongue. Depressed, sure of death and desires it. Metastasis from stomach, colon and rectal cancers. 10 18
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Iodum - Breast cancer with one breast larger than the other. Emaciated breast with cancer. Breasts hyperesthesia. Dwindlingofbreasts. Atrophy of breast glands. Breasts heavy, as if would fall. Nodosities in the skin of breasts with black points. Tumors in breast. Excessive flow of very thin, watery milk with great weakness and rapid emaciation. Suppression of milk with atrophy and relaxation of breasts. • Kali iod. - Tumors of the breast and uterus. Atrophy of breasts. Tumor of breast. Glandsenlargedandindurated. Glands are swollen or atrophied. Galactorrhea. Ulceration, eczema. Desires alcohol. 19 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Iodum - Breast cancer with one breast larger than the other. Emaciated breast with cancer. Breasts hyperesthesia. Dwindlingofbreasts. Atrophy of breast glands. Breasts heavy, as if would fall. Nodosities in the skin of breasts with black points. Tumors in breast. Excessive flow of very thin, watery milk with great weakness and rapid emaciation. Suppression of milk with atrophy and relaxation of breasts. • Kali iod. - Tumors of the breast and uterus. Atrophy of breasts. Tumor of breast. Glandsenlargedandindurated. Glands are swollen or atrophied. Galactorrhea. Ulceration, eczema. Desires alcohol. 20 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Lac caninum - Breasts tumors and cancer. Breasts,painful. Tumors re-appear in opposite breast after being surgically removed. Breast pain, worsefrom the leastmovement. Sharp pains with swollen axillary glands. Constant pain in breasts, nipples. Breasts feel as if full of hard lumps. Breasts seem very full. Breastsswollen, painfulbefore menses (Calc., Con., Kali-c., Puls.). and better on appearance of menses. Breasts sensitive to touch, pressure. Breasts very painful with sharp, darting pain in right ovarian region. Mastitis history. 21 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer Lapis albus - This mineral have a reputation for curing ulcers, cancers and tumors. Breastcancer associated with glandular disorders. Glandular disorders, glands are elastic and pliable (Calc-f. and Cist. have a stony hardness). Goiter and scrofulous glands.Pre-ulcerative stage of carcinoma. Sarcoma. Lipoma. Growths. Fibroid tumors with intenseburning pains through the part with profusehemorrhage. 22 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Phytolacca - Breasts lumps that burn and sting, worse heat. Cancerous lumps in breast, symptoms similar to Asterias. Breast tumors with enlarged axillary glands. Induration of the axillary glands (Aster. Con.) Breasts hard, heavy, swollen, inflamed and very sensitive. Swollen glands. Cancer in old scars, (Graph. Sil. ) Breasts have radiating pains. Breasts feel bruised and achy, often whole shoulder aches. Purple discolorations. Abscesses. Small ulcers and cracks about nipples. History of nursing problems, mastitis, blocked duct. Affinity for the right breast. 23 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Sabal ser. - Breast, disorders. One breast smaller than other. Breastsshrinkinsize (Iod., Kali-i.), or increase rapidly. Breasts, sore, tender and full feeling, itching. Stinging in breasts, soreness worse after cold bath. Sharp pains in mammary glands. Pain in breasts, worse coldness, pressure. Defective lactation. • Sarsaparilla- Breast cancer, scirrhous. Nodes, indurated glands, decay, and necroses. Retracted nipples in breast cancer. Emaciation. Sore, shriveled breasts. Nipples retracted or cracked, small and shriveled. Nipples retracted before menses. Depression and anxiety from pain. Despondent. 24 11
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • Schirrinum - Cancer of the breast with enlarged glands. Cancerous diathesis. May be useful as an intercurrent remedy. Cancer pains. Indurated glands. Burnett particularly noted its usefulness on cases of breast tumors. Sinking feeling in navel. Worms. Varicose veins. 12 25
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • SEPIA - Breast cancer with induration, tenderness and stitching, burning pains. Scirrhus breasts. Hormonal imbalances (Foll., Thuj., Carc.). Nipples crack across the crown. Swollen, sensitive breasts before menses. Sensation as if breasts were enlarged. Stitches, tender, burning pains. Induration of breasts. Burning pain in a fixed spot under right nipple. Nipples bleeding and sore, preceded by itching. Sexual desire low or lost. Aversion to husband and children. Wants to be alone, to get away from all the toil of housework. Feels broken down, feels dragged down. Worse from hormone replacement therapy. 12 26
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • SCROPHULARIA NODOSA - Scroph-n., according to Dr. Cooper of London, has an especial affinity for breast tissue. Breast, disorders. Breast, swelling. Adenoma and breast cancer come within its curative range. Enlargedglands. Hodgkin’s disease. Lymphoma. Nodosities in the breasts (Scirr.). Breast tumors. 12 27
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • TARENTULA CUB. - Scirrhus cancer of breasts. Toxic, septic conditions. Malignancy, suppuration, bluish abscesses (Anthrac., Ars.). Atrocious burning pains. Blue or black discolorations. Feels puffed all over. Smoking ameliorates (Sep.). 12 28
Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Cancer • THUJA - Nipples retracted. Fistulas, blackheads, cysts, wens. Left sided. Coryza at stool. Bleeding excrescences of the breast. Aching, pressing pains. Drawing pains, with swelling of both breasts. Sensitiveness and heaviness in breasts after the menses. Stinging and itching. Breast cysts, lumps and tumors. Indurations in left breast. Retracted nipples. 12 29