1. The Greater Commission? Creation & Christian Mission
2. Overview – three main headingsOverview – three main headings
5. Just in case you’re still unsure … For fun and light relief!For fun and light relief!
6. Figures for People Dying: World Health Organisation
Figures for Refugees: United Nations
Heat Waves: Stott P., et al. Nature, 432. 610 - 614 (2004).
Drought: Meteorological Office’s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
Arctic Ocean: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. 2004. Impacts of a Warming Arctic. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Also quoted in Time Magazine, Vicious Cycles, Missy Adams, March 26, 2006.
Species Extinctions: Time Magazine, Feeling the Heat, David Bjerklie, March 26, 2006.
Global Sea Levels: Washington Post, "Debate on Climate Shifts to Issue of Irreparable Change," Juliet Eilperin, January 29, 2006, Page A1.Figures for People Dying: World Health Organisation
Figures for Refugees: United Nations
Heat Waves: Stott P., et al. Nature, 432. 610 - 614 (2004).
Drought: Meteorological Office’s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
Arctic Ocean: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. 2004. Impacts of a Warming Arctic. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Also quoted in Time Magazine, Vicious Cycles, Missy Adams, March 26, 2006.
Species Extinctions: Time Magazine, Feeling the Heat, David Bjerklie, March 26, 2006.
Global Sea Levels: Washington Post, "Debate on Climate Shifts to Issue of Irreparable Change," Juliet Eilperin, January 29, 2006, Page A1.
7. Climate Change the tip of the iceberg?
24. Following the biblical map
God’s covenant & promises
On earth as in heaven
Signs of the Kingdom – humanity’s re-calling (Romans 8)
Destroyed or purified?
Romans 8.19-22; 2 Peter 3
New or renewed?
Isaiah 65:17-25: Hosea 2.19
29. Dare to rethink …
… as if Creation Matters
30. Lifestyle …as if creation matters
32. Mission …as if creation matters
34. A Rocha - Portuguese for the Rock – is a Christian environmental charity, founded in 1983 and based on the biblical call to steward and protect God’s earth.A Rocha - Portuguese for the Rock – is a Christian environmental charity, founded in 1983 and based on the biblical call to steward and protect God’s earth.
36. From its Portuguese roots, A Rocha has grown rapidly in recent years – and is now an international movement working across 5 continents. God’s Spirit seems to have chosen this point in history to challenge Christians in many different places with the bible’s message of our mandate for creation-care. A number of A Rocha projects began with people who felt they were the only person God had called into this work – and who only discovered and joined A Rocha later. From its Portuguese roots, A Rocha has grown rapidly in recent years – and is now an international movement working across 5 continents. God’s Spirit seems to have chosen this point in history to challenge Christians in many different places with the bible’s message of our mandate for creation-care. A number of A Rocha projects began with people who felt they were the only person God had called into this work – and who only discovered and joined A Rocha later.