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While there are many people in this world, who believe that there is no God, there are many others who feel that belief in the existence of God is entirely a matter of faith. For more information please visit us site: http://sanjaycpatel.com
While there are many people in this world, who believe that there is no God, there are many others who feel that belief in the existence of God is entirely a matter of faith. According to some philosophers the fact that we can imagine that there is a God is in itself a proof that there must be one, and so we blindly believe in His existence. But the fact is that the basis of this faith is objective truth, of which, there is sufficient proof in ancient texts and scriptures. Even the Bible does not advocate blind faith in anything. God, in the Bible, actually challenges human beings to test what is real and what is not. So, let us consider a few points that confirm or at least make us consider that there exists a supreme power. • http://sanjaycpatel.com/
Motion - If any object is moving there has to be someone or something that has set that object in motion, which in turn has been put into motion by yet another object. Now, this cannot go on to infinity, and there has to be a pioneer at the top of the series of movers. A pioneer, who himself is stable. This stable being capable of moving objects is God. • Cause – Everything in this world exists for a reason and there is a cause behind everything that happens. A particular thing cannot be responsible for its own existence, because if this stands true, it means that the thing already existed, which is not possible. Since there is a cause for everything, and this cause in turn must be the result of another cause, the process may go on to infinity. It cannot be so, and there must be a first cause that is not caused by anything else, and itself contains sufficient reason for its existence. This ultimate cause is God. • http://sanjaycpatel.com/
The beginning – There issufficient reason for the existence of everything in the world. If there was ‘nothing’ to begin with there could never have been anything. Nothing can come from ‘nothing’. There must have been a time when there was a necessary something from which everything we see today arose. This necessary something is God. • Perfection and perception - We make opinions about people or objects, i.e. we judge whether they are good, bad, beautiful, cruel, humble, loyal, etc. All these terms are relative and are derived from a level of perfection with which everyone and everything can be compared. This standard of perfection is God. • http://sanjaycpatel.com/
Sanjay C. Patel • Houston, Texas, USA • Website: http://sanjaycpatel.com/ • The ultimate artist – A computer may be designed by an intelligent scientist or a persistent researcher may discover a cure for cancer but what about trees, our body, the amazing process of reproduction, etc.? Is there anyone to claim these discoveries? No. But they are surely works of an out of this world designer. This brilliant designer is God.