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Why Automotive OEMs Need Real-Time V2X Communication

Without Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication, AVs operate in isolation. Real-time awareness of their surroundings is needed to make informed, life-saving decisions. Sankey integrates V2X protocols and edge AI into AVs, allowing vehicles to "talk" with traffic lights, nearby vehicles, and city infrastructure, ensuring vehicles react instantly to traffic hazards.<br><br>To know more visit https://sankeysolutions.com

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Why Automotive OEMs Need Real-Time V2X Communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhyAutomotiveOEMs NeedReal-TimeV2X Communication

  2. TheProblem AutonomousVehicles(AVs)needreal-timeawarenessof theirsurroundingstomakeinformed,life-saving decisions.WithoutVehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication,AVsoperateinisolation.

  3. TheApproach SankeyintegratesV2XprotocolsandedgeAIintoAVs, allowingvehiclesto"talk"withtrafficlights,nearby vehicles,andcity infrastructure. Using Multi-Access EdgeComputing(MEC),Sankeyenablesultra-low- latencyresponses,ensuringvehiclesreactinstantlyto traffichazards.

  4. HowItWorks ByusingDSRC(DedicatedShort-Range Communications)andC-V2X(CellularV2X)protocols, vehiclesgetaccesstosharedtrafficdatafromother vehicles,pedestriansignals,andsmartinfrastructure. Thistechnologyenhancescrashavoidance,predictive braking,andtrafficflowoptimization.

  5. Buildsmarter,saferAVswithV2X communication. sankeysolutions.com

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