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Yoga mat holder - Printstop

Yoga Mats become very sweaty and dirty after a good workout session. It's unpleasant to carry things that feel sticky and dirty. Yoga mat covers are good for the cause as they have netting on the centre that facilitates airflow and dries out your mat. Its a simple yet very effective accessory and lets you go through your sessions without feeling cringy!

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Yoga mat holder - Printstop

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  1. Attain Spiritual Oneness Through Yoga  Everyone thinks that the body and mind are 2 different entities. Physically, they are 2                               separate structures but only when they function together as one, there is harmony for                             the human being.  Apart from this corporeal body made of flesh and blood, there is the soul or prana. This                                   prana is the energy source that drives the body and mind. It is the spiritual element that                                   guides a man in his journey of life.  For a meaningful existence, a man must attain spiritual oneness of the body-mind and                             the soul or spirit. This can be achieved only by Yoga.  What Does Spiritual Oneness Mean?  We have often heard of people talking of "how the mind wanders" and "gaining control                               of the mind and body". We have also heard about "soul-searching" and "mastery of                             the mind". All these terms inevitably point to one thing- spiritual oneness.  Spiritual oneness is the process of gaining control over the mind by controlling the                             body through Yogic poses. It is accomplished through Hatha Yoga.  Hatha Yoga aims at controlling the body through breath-control and simple postural                         exercises. By controlling the body, the mind is stilled and brought in control. Now, the                               mind is tuned to guide the soul toward the spiritual path. This is called spiritual                               oneness.  Hatha yoga is easily performed through simple exercises done on a good-quality ​yoga mat holder and does not need any other complicated accessories or fitness gear. All                                                       that is needed is 30 minutes of your time, some concentration and a sturdy and                               comfortable Yoga mat to offer you a good base to practise yoga on.   

  2. How to attain spiritual oneness through Yoga  Spiritual oneness is easily attained through Yoga because Yoga is a holistic discipline                           that addresses and unifies the body and mind. Every yogic pose has an element of                               exercise and an element of breath control or meditation. Thu, both the body and mind                               are tuned together and unified to attain spirituality.  The form of Yoga that makes spiritual oneness possible is called Raja yoga. Raja Yoga                               was introduced by the sage Patanjali in the 2nd century BCE. This form of Yoga                               comprises of 6 branches or practices - 4 external and 4 internal. The external limbs of                                 Raja Yoga are Yama, Niyama, Aana, and Pranayama. The internal limbs are Pratyahara,                           Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.  Importance of the Yoga mat in Yoga Practice and Spiritual Oneness  The basic foundation of all these Raja Yoga practices requires a comfortable seating or                             lying position. This seating or lying position is called the asana or the 3rd external limb                                 of Raja yoga. This is different from the "asana" or Yogic poses that we do during Yoga.  For a comfortable asana, you must use a ​yoga mat​. Yogic practitioners always recommend the use of yoga mat for the following reasons.                            1. Yoga mats offer a flat and even surface to practise Yoga.  2. The material of the Yoga mat is always padded to offer a cushioning effort to                                 support the body.  3. The yoga mat has a "gripping" effect that prevents the body from slipping during the                                 exercises  4. Bruising and chafing of the skin can be prevented by the use of a yoga mat.  5. During certain poses like Savasana, yoga mat prevent the body from freezing.  6. The yoga mat prevents the floor from absorbing all the energy or heat of the body. 

  3. 7. Yoga mats offer a painless and pleasurable experience while doing yoga.  The main objective of yoga is spiritual oneness and that can be obtained only                             when the yoga is done correctly with the proper pose and breathing control. To                             strike a yoga pose right, the main thing you need is a yoga mat. Make sure you                                   buy a top-quality yoga mat that is strong, weather-proof and comfortable. Let the                           mat be flexible washable and durable. Buy the yoga mat from a reputed supplier                             to get the best benefits of yoga.  Practise Yoga on the yoga mat and attain spiritual oneness and solace. Good                           luck.      

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