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Angular Developer Roadmap PDF By ScholarHat
Swipe Angular Developer ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 2024 EDITION Level Up Your Career
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Who is an Angular Developer? Creates dynamic web applications using Angular. Knowledgeable in TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. Create scalable front-end solutions. Uses Angular-specific technologies like data binding and routing. Creates interactive user interfaces. Experienced with component-based architecture. Expertise in developing scalable web apps. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Angular 1 Introduction is a TypeScript-based development platform. Component-based architecture for scalable web applications. Routing, form management, and other libraries are all integrated. Enables client-server communication. Uses TypeScript for robust development. Builds scalable, feature-rich apps. Provides comprehensive features for web development. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 2Why Learn Angular? Angular is a robust framework maintained by Google. Angular is well-suited for building Single Page Applications (SPAs). Angular follows a component-based architecture, making it easier to manage and reuse code. Angular is built with TypeScript, that adds static typing to enhance code quality. you can build applications for various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop Following Organizations uses Angular: www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 3 Before getting into Angular, learn the fundamental web languages (HTML, CSS, and JS) for developing web application structure, styling, and interactivity. HTML: 1. Learn about elements, attributes, and how to structure a basic webpage using HTML. CSS: 2. Understand how to control layout, colors, fonts, and visual elements using CSS selectors. Master Bootstrap’s in-built classes to enhance the layout. You can go for other CSS Framework like Tailwind. JavaScript: 3. Learn about variables, data types, control flow, functions, and DOM manipulation with JavaScript. Master Functions, Hoisting and Prototypes. Understand objects and their properties/methods. Web Development Fundamentals www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 4 Angular CLI Learn to utilize Angular CLI for project generation, component development, and application serving. Understand advanced features scaffolding and testing utilities. Install Angular CLI with npm install -g @angular/cli Master Angular Commands development. Explore seamless integration with other Angular ecosystem technologies. Safely manage project dependencies with Angular CLI. including code to accelerate configurations and www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Learn about popular code editors such as Visual 5 Code Editors Studio Code and IntelliJ IDE. Learn code navigation, syntax highlighting, and code completion. Understand how to install and maintain Angular development extensions to improve productivity. Explore editor configurations and customization options for optimum workflow. Use additional tools and capabilities to improve Angular development. Gain command over increasing productivity with customized editor options. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Learn how to use NPM and Yarn for dependency 6Package Managers management. Understand how to set up a package.json file, install packages, and handle dependencies. Study the differences between NPM and Yarn commands and workflows. Explore best practices for versioning & dependency resolution. Manage package-lock.json and yarn.lock to ensure project stability. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 7 Typescript Understand the principles of TypeScript, including static typing. Know TypeScript's data types: Any, number, string, boolean, class, interface, enum, array, function . Use the let and const keywords to declare a master variable. Explore TypeScript function declarations and optional parameters. Learn classes and object-oriented programming. Study TypeScript interfaces and generics to create reusable code. Analyse TypeScript's module system for improved organization. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 8Version Control System Git is an essential tool for Angular developers, allowing them to manage code changes and collaborate seamlessly via branching and merging. Understand version control commits, branches, and merges. Install & configure Git. Create a React project repository with git init. Stage changes with git add, commit with git commit. Manage branches with git branch, git checkout, and git merge. Connect local repo to remote (e.g., GitHub) with git remote add, push/pull changes with git push, git pull. Learn popular Git workflows (e.g., feature branching, Gitflow). basics repositories, www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 9Angular Core Concepts Learn how to structure an Angular application using components, modules, and templates. Explore component inheritance and nested components for UI architecture. Master ViewChild provides access to child components and elements. Understand the lifecycle hooks for component management. Explore data binding: property, event, and two-way binding. Use both pre-existing and new directives. Learn services & dependency injection in data sharing. Understand change detection, and improve performance. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 13Advanced Components Learn about Component Inheritance. Understand How to implement Nested Components. Explore Content Projection that enables developers to build reusable components. Learn about ViewChild that is useful to access a directive, child component, or a DOM element inside a parent class. Master Component Lifecyle ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, ngDoCheck, ngOnDestroy. Understand Change Detection (CD) which is a technique to detect changes in angular app component and then automatically re-render the view to reflect that change . Hooks such as www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 10 Routing Understand the Angular Router for navigation management. Configure the routes and associated components. Consider route guards for access control. Learn how to use lazy loading with asynchronous loading. Improve performance by using lazy loading. Master the Angular Router for smooth app navigation. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Learn about Angular Forms, Controls, and States. 11Forms and Validations Study form validity and error handling. Know about Angular Form Building Blocks: FormGroup, FormControl, FormArray, Validations. Use template-driven forms to manage data. Discover the ngModel directive for basic form processing. Understand model-driven forms (reactive forms). Discover the reactive form features & FormBuilder service. Know about Angular Form Control States. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 12 HTTP Client & RxJS Learn about HTTP requests with Angular's HttpClient. Handle responses and faults efficiently. Consider interceptors for global request/response management. Learn RxJS principles for asynchronous data streams. Discover observables & observers in RxJS. Understand operations such as map, filter, and mergeMap. Use subjects for multicasting data streams. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 14 API & Security Understand the API principles in Angular apps. Learn how to use RESTful services with HttpClient. Grasp HTTP methods and URL parameters. Understand error handling, authentication, and authorization. Recognize how important security is in Angular. Study web application security threats and vulnerabilities. Explore best practices for Angular app protection. Use Angular-specific security features and frameworks. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Understand testing's relevance in Angular. 15 Angular Testing Learn about three forms of testing: unit, integration, and end-to-end. Understand test frameworks such as Jasmine and Karma. Generate unit tests for components, services, and pipelines. Explore TestBed and ComponentFixture for testing capabilities. Learn about integration testing strategies. Discover test directives, templates, and forms. Differentiate between Stub, Spy and Mock . Understand Selenium WebDriver and Jasmine for end- to-end testing. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 19 Build & Deployment Learn how to create Angular apps for production. Use the Angular CLI commands to create applications. Optimise builds using AOT compilation and tree shaking. Manage environment-specific configurations. Manage environment variables and secrets. Study various deployment methods, including server hosting and serverless. Learn about various hosting platforms, including Firebase, Netlify, and AWS S3. Use CI/CD pipelines to automate deployments. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 16 Best Practices Best Practices for Angular Code: Use Angular CLI Use Features of ES6 Use Environment Files Break large components into small reusable components. Angular Files and Folder Naming Conventions Avoid Logic in Component Best Practices for Angular Performance: Implement Lazy Loading Use trackBy along with ngFor Unsubscribe from RxJS Observables Keep Updating Angular Libraries Prevent Memory Leaks in Angular Observable Best Practices for Angular Security: Use Route Guards on the Navigation Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Use Interceptors www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS 17Real-world Projects Job Portal: Create a job portal software that allows users to find and apply for jobs, & employers to post openings, manage applications, and engage with prospects. Online Learning Platform: Create an online learning platform like scholarhat where users may enroll in courses, watch video lectures, take quizzes, and monitor progress. Expense Tracker: Create an expense-tracking app for budget management that includes functionality such as recording expenses, categorizing transactions, monitoring budgets, and reporting. Weather Forecast App: Create a weather app with features such as current conditions, hourly forecasts, and extended global forecasts. Use a weather API for real-time data. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Angular Tutorial For Beginners ScholarHat offers concise, insightful Angular articles. Dive into Angular with clear explanations and practical examples, perfect for enhancing your skills. Difference between Node.js and Angular What's New in Angular 17! Angular Lifecycle Hooks Angular Dependency Injection Data Binding in Angular Routing in Angular Angular Roadmap for Beginners Angular Directives Top 50 Angular Interview Questions and Answers www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS How to follow this roadmap? At ScholarHat, we believe mastering a technology is a three-stepprocess as mentioned below: Step1 - Learn Skills: You can learn Azure Developer skills by using official docs on Angular, or through Videos on YouTube or Videos based courses. For topic revision and recalling make short notes. You can also learn Live from Microsoft MVP at ScholarHat. Step2 - Build Experience: You can build hands-on experience by creating a workflow. Further build end- to-end real world applications like Chat Application, Online Learning Platform, Weather Forecast etc. Step3 - Empower Yourself: Build your strong profile by mentioning all the above skills with hands-on experience on projects. Prepare yourself with interview Q&A about Angular to crack your next job interview. www.scholarhat.com
Swipe ANGULAR DEVELOPER ROADMAP FOR BEGINNERS Congrats! You are just one interview away! www.scholarhat.com
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