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It is found in many cases that the delivery route planning software has increased its demand incredibly in recent years. Most of these types of logistics apps are familiar with any types of smartphones.<br><br>Visit here: https://shipox.com/<br>
APRIL 13 ,2020 SHIPOX - DELIVERY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Deliverytrackingsoftwareforalltypesofbusiness.
Presentation Outline Key topicsfor discussion About Us DriverApp Tracking Heatmap White label App DashboardAnalytics COD Management ContactUs
AboutUs Shipox is a complete delivery software solution for pickup and delivery.Our unique software suits all business types from SMEs to large companies.Shipox features such as a white label app, driver app, and real-time tracking of all delivery personnel and vehicles.Shipox is designed to work for any field that requires pick up and delivery such as e- commerce websites, supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants andmore.
DriverApp Driver App to Get real-time updates from your operation team, Navigate your destination turn by turn, communicate withthecustomerandgetproofofdelivery
T racking Real-time tracking of all delivery personnel and vehicles, so you can effectively manage your fleet and improve customersatisfaction
Heatmap Based on your previous delivery history find out which zones are generating the most orders so you can allocate your resources and optimizeyour cost.
White LabelApp The front end website for your customers under your logo and domain name. Your customers can create orders directly from your website. If you already have a website, Shipoxteamwillexecutetheintegration.
DashboardAnalytics Monitor the number of orders that need to be dispatched and track your delivery success from the first attempt. Evaluate yourdriversbasedontheirperformanceandanalyzethedense zones based on orders created. Monitor the statistics of your couriers/drivers based on specified daterange
C ODManagement CashonDeliverysolutionforyourDeliveryoperation transfer management.FinancesettlementandCOD option.Trackthecashflowfromthepointofordercreation until the finaldestination.
C ontactUs business@shipox.com. +971553438491 MazayaBusinessAvenue- Dubai - United ArabEmirates