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You can become a digital marketing expert without the need for courses and training programs. However you could feel that going through a proper digital marketing course or training program is better for you, you are right. A good training program will give you structure, mentor-ship and the opportunity to network with like-minded people.
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Become A Google &Facebook CertifiedProfessional One Training Program - 9Certifications Itisonlyskillsandnotdegreethatcanhelpyougrow.Butifyouareoneofthoseindividualswhobelieveingetting certifiedalongwithskillsthenwehavegotyoucovered. AftercompletionofthetrainingnotonlywillyoubecomeanexpertindigitalmarketingbutyouwillalsobeaGoogle & Facebook certifiedprofessional. Google AnalyticsCertificate Google AdwordCertificate AnalyticsCertification AdWordsCertification YOURNAME isherebyawardedthiscertificateofachievementforthesuccessful completionoftheGoogleAanlyticscertificationexam. YOURNAME isherebyawardedthiscertificateofachievementforthesuccessful completionoftheGoogleAdWordscertificationexams. VALIDTHROUGH MM/DD/YY VALIDTHROUGH MM/DD/YY Mobile AdvertisingCertificate Shopping AdvertisingCertificate MobileAdvertising Certification AdWordsCertification YOURNAME isawardedthiscertificationforpassingtheAdwordsFundamentalsandMobile Advertisingexams. YOURNAME isawardedthiscertificateforpassingtheAdWordsFundamentalsand Shopping Advertisingexams. VALIDTHROUGH MM/DD/YY VALIDTHROUGH MM/DD/YY 6AdwordsCertification-TobecomeAdWordsCertified,you'llneedtopasstheAdWordsFundamentalexamandone moreAdWordsexam. DSIM willprepareandhelpyoutoclearalltheseexams- AdwordsFundamental Search Advertising DisplayAdvertising Google AnalyticsCertification FacebookCertifications Industry Recognized DSIMCertificate Video Advertising ShoppingAdvertising MobileAdvertising
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TrainingProcess 1 The training starts with Digital Marketing Overview wherein you learn the basics of digital marketing that help you build a strong base for the practical sessions thatfollow. 2 4 Then, to provide hands-on-practical exposure you create a website. The purpose behind creatingawebsiteistoprovideyouapracticalexposureofeverycomponent. AtDSIM,youarenotjustlearningdigitalmarketing,youareactuallydoingit. 3 Once are done withthe basics i.e . your website isup and running, the training kick starts to more advanced modules wherein you learnSEO, PPCAdvertising, Google Analytics, E-mail marketing, Mobile Web Marketing and OnlineAdvertising. Another interesting component in this training program is Social Media Marketing comprising of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Video and Viral marketing. Keeping modern day business requirements in mind, this training has a very important component, i.e., Lead generation for business. Under this component, you not only learn how to generate potential business leads but, also how to convert those leads into sales and increase your businessrevenue. 5 Our team of renowned Affiliate marketers will train and share tips and tricks on howyoucanmakemoneyonlinewithAffiliateMarketingandAdSenseBlogging. So, this means you can mint money online anytime, as a part-time or full-time freelancer…All you need is a laptop and an internetconnection! 6 Once your training is over and you are well versed practically with all the components,youareawardedanindustryrecognizedcertificationfrom DSIM andgainadvantagewith our free job assistancethathashelpedmany job seekers findtheirdreamjobintheburgeoningdigitalmarketingindustry.
What youlearn? The only digital marketing trainingprogram where you get in-depth knowledge of all the 17 modules ofdigital marketing with practical hands-onexposure. DigitalMarketing Overview WebsitePlanning &Creation SearchEngine Optimization SearchEngine Advertising SocialMedia Marketing Mobile Marketing Google Analytics OnlineDisplay Advertising Email Marketing Ecommerce Marketing LeadGeneration ForBusiness Content Marketing Creating Internet MarketingStrategy Making Money Via Adsense &Blogging Affiliate Marketing BecomeaGoogle&FacebookCertifiedProfessional ( 1 Training Program - 9 Certifications) OnlineReputation Management How to Grab FreelancingProjects
01 DigitalMarketing Overview What ismarketing? What is digital marketing? Understanding MarketingProcess WhyDigitalMarketingWinsOvertraditionalMarketing? Understanding Digital MarketingProcess Increasing Visibility What is visibility? Types of visibility Examples ofvisibility Visitors Engagement What isengagement? Why it isimportant? Examples ofengagement Bringing TargetedTraffic Inbound Outbound Converting Traffic intoLeads Types of Conversion Understanding ConversionProcess Retention Why it isImportant? Types ofRetention PerformanceEvaluation Why it is Important? ToolsNeeded
02 Website Planning &Creation(12Hours) UnderstandingInternet Difference between Internet &web Understandingwebsites Understanding domain names & domain extensions What is web server & webhosting Different types of webservers Different types ofwebsites Based onfunctionality Based onpurpose Planning & Conceptualising a Website Booking a Domain Name & webhosting Adding domain Name to web Server Adding webpages &content AddingPlugins Building website using CMS in Class Identifying objective of website Deciding on Number of Pages Required Planning for Engagement Options Creating Blueprint of Every webpage Best & WorstExamples
03 Email Marketing(6Hours) Whatisemailmarketing? How emailworks? Challengesfacedinsendingbulkemails Howtoovercomethesechallenges? Typesofemailmarketing-Opt-in&bulkemailing Whatisopt-inemailmarketing? Settingupemailmarketingaccount Bestplatformstodoopt-inemailmarketing Settinguplists&webform Creatingabroadcastemail Whatareautoresponders? Settingupautoresponders Howtodobulkemailing? Bestpracticestosendbulkemails Trickstolandininboxinsteadofspamfolder Topemailmarketingsoftware’s&aglimpseofhowtousethem ImprovingROIwithA/Btesting “Personalisation–It’s not aboutfirstorlastname.It’sall about relevantcontent.”
04 Lead Generation For Business(9Hours) Understandingleadgenerationforbusiness Whyleadgenerationisimportant? Understanding landing pages Understanding thank-youpage Landingpagevswebsite Best practices to create a landing page Bestpracticestocreateathank-youpage Practicalexercise-Creatingalandingpage Typesoflandingpages Reviewinglandingpagescreatedbytrainees WhatisA/Btesting? HowtodoA/Btesting SelectinglandingpagesafterA/Btesting Convertingleadsintosales Creatingleadnurturingstrategy Understanding lead funnel Stepsinleadsnurturing “Rather than sitting at a trade show table for hours on end, or setting up a display in hopes that targeted consumers will complete a form, you can have leads generated and sent to you using theInternet.”
05 PPCAdvertising GoogleAdwords (12Hours) Google AdwordsOverview Understanding inorganic search results Introduction to Google adwords & PPC advertising Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo) Setting up Google adwords account Understanding adwords accountstructure Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc Types of Advertising campaigns- Search, Display, Shopping &video Difference between search & displaycampaign Understanding AdwordsAlgorithm How does adwords rankads Understanding adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail withexamples What is qualityscore Why quality score is important What isCTR? Why CTR isimportant? Understandingbids Creating SearchCampaigns Types of Search Campaigns -Standard, All features, dynamic search & product listing Google merchantcenter. Creating our 1st search campaign Doing campaign level settings Understanding location targeting Different types of locationtargeting What is biddingstrategy?
05 PPC Advertising GoogleAdwords Understanding different types ofbid strategy Manual Auto Advanced level bidstrategies EnhancedCPC CPA What are flexible bidding strategies? Understanding flexible biddingstrategy Pros & Cons of different bid strategies Understandingad-extensions Types ofad-extensions Adding ad-extensions in ourcampaign Creatingadgroups Finding relevant adgroupsoptions usingtools Creating adgroups usingtool Understandingkeywords Finding relevant keywords Adding keywords in ad-group Using keyword planner tool Understanding types of keywords Board, Phrase, exact, synonym & negative Examples of types ofkeywords Pros and cons of diff. types of keywords Creatingads Understanding admetrics Display & destinationURL How to write a compelling ad copy Best & worst examples of ads Creatingads TrackingPerformance/Conversion What is conversion tracking? Why is itimportant How to set up conversion tracking Adding tracking code in your website Checking conversionstats Optimizing SearchCampaigns How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation? Optimizing campaign viaadgroups Importance of CTR inoptimization How to increaseCTR Importance of quality scorein optimization How to increase quality score Importance of negative keywordsin optimization Evaluating campaign stats Optimizing with conversion report Optimizing with keywords Optimizing performingkeywords Optimizing non performing keywords How to decreaseCPC Analyzing your competitors performance Creating DisplayCampaign Types of display campaigns- All features, Mobile app, Remarketing, Engagement Creating 1st display campaign Difference in search &display campaignsettings Doing campaign level settings Understanding CPM bidstrategy Advancesettings Ad-scheduling Ad-delivery Understanding ads placement Creating diff.adgroups Using display planner tool Finding relevant websites for ads placement Creating textads Creating banner ads usingtools Uploading bannerads Optimizing DisplayCampaign Remarketing What isremarketing? Setting up remarketing campaign Creating Remarketing lists Advanced Level list creation Customaudience
06 Google Analytics(6Hours) Introduction to Googleanalytics How Google analyticsworks Understanding Google analytics accountstructure Understanding Google analytics insights Understanding cookietracking TypesofcookietrackingusedbyGoogleanalytics Starting with Googleanalytics Howtosetupanalyticsaccount How to add analytics code in website Understanding goals andconversions How to setupgoals Understanding different types of goals Understanding bounce & bounce rate Differencebetweenexitrate&bouncerate Howtoreducebouncerate Howtosetupfunnelsingoals Importance offunnels How to integrate adwords and analytics account Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics Measuring performance ofmarketing campaigns via Googleanalytics What is linktagging How to set up link tagging Understanding filters &segments How to set up filters & segments How to view customized reports Monitoring traffic sources Monitoring trafficbehavior Taking corrective actions ifrequired
07 SocialMedia Marketing(21Hours) What is socialmedia? UnderstandingtheexistingSocialMediaparadigms&psychology Howsocialmediamarketingisdifferentthanothers Forms of Internetmarketing Facebookmarketing Understanding Facebook marketing Practical session1 Creating Facebook page Uploading contacts for invitation Exercise on fan page wallposting Increasing fans on fanpage Howtodomarketingonfanpage(withexamples) Fanengagement Importantappstodofanpagemarketing Facebookadvertising Types of Facebookadvertising Best practices for Facebook advertising Understanding facebook best practices Understanding edgerank and art of engagement Practical Session2 Creating Facebook advertising campaign Targeting in adcampaign Payment module- CPC vs CPM vsCPA Setting up conversiontracking Using power editor tool foradv. Advance Facebook advertising using tools likeQwaya
07Social Media Marketing LinkedinMarketing What is linkedIn? UnderstandingLinkedIn Company profile vs Individualprofiles Understanding Linkedingroups How to do marketing on LinkedIngroups Linkedin advertising & it best practices Increasing ROI form linkedIn ads Linkedinpublishing Companypages Adv on linkedIn Display vstext TwitterMarketing UnderstandingTwitter Tools to listen & measure Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex HowtodomarketingonTwitter Black hat techniques of twitter marketing Advertising onTwitter Creatingcampaigns Types ofads Tools for twitter marketing TwitterAdvertising TwitterCards VideoMarketing Understanding VideoCampaign Creating 1st Video Campaign Importance of video marketing Benifits of videomarketing Uploading videos on video marketingwebsites Using youtube forbusiness Developing youtube video marketing Strategy Bringing visitors from youtube videos to yourwebsite Creating VideoADgroups Targeting Options Understanding BidStrategy
08 SearchEngine Optimization(SEO) (21Hours) What is SEO? Introduction to SERP What are searchengines? How search engineswork Majorfunctionsofasearchengine What arekeywords? Different types of keywords Google keyword plannertool Keywords research process Understanding keywordsmix GoogleOperator:Sothatyoucanfindanythingontheweb On pageoptimization What are primary keywords, secondary keyword and tertiary keywords? Keywordsoptimization Content optimization &planning Understanding Your audience for contentplanning What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keywordplacement Internallinking Meta tags creation Creating Webpage inHTML Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website &webmasters How to write an optimizedcontent How to write a content for article, blog and pressrelease
08 Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Off Pageoptimization What is domainauthority? HowtoincreaseDomainauthority What areback links? Types of back links What is linkbuilding? Types of linkbuilding Do’sandDont’soflinkbuilding Linkbuildingstrategiesforyourbusiness Easy link acquisitiontechniques LocalSEO Google placesoptimization Classified submissions Using Hcard Citation Top tools for SEO Monitoring SEOprocess Preparing SEOreports How to create SEOStrategy for your business What is linkjuice? Importanceofdomainandpageauthority How to optimize exact keywords for yourbusiness What is Google PandaAlgorithm? What is Google Penguin? What is Google EMDUpdate? HowtosaveyoursitefromGooglePanda,PenguinandEMDUpdate HowtorecoveryoursitefromPanda,PenguinandEMD “The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google search results!”
09 OnlineDisplay Advertising(3Hours) What is online advertising? Types of OnlineAdvertising DisplayAdvertising Banner ads Rich Mediaads Pop ups and Pop underads Contextualadvertising In Text ads In Imageads In video ads In pageads What are PaymentModules? Companies that provide online advertisingSolution Tracking&MeasuringROIofonlineadv. Assignment on allocating funds tovarious Different Online advertising platforms Creating Banner Ads UsingTools “You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to you- that’s toopassive.”
10 Ecommerce Marketing(6Hours) What isecommerce? Top ecommerce websites around the world & it's scenario in India DifferencebetweenE-CommercesoftwareandShoppingCartsoftware Payment Gateways, Merchant Accounts & Logistics for physicalgoods. Integrating Woocommerce and setting up an ecommerce store on WordPress. AffiliateMarketingbypromotingproductswhichlookslikeanecommercestore. Case studies on ecommercewebsites. HowtodoGoogleProductListingAds(PLA)forecommercewebsites. HowtodoSEOforanecommercewebsite. “To be successful and grow your business and revenue, you must match the way you market your products with the way your prospects learn about and shop for your products.”
11 Mobile Web Marketing(4Hours) Understanding Mobile Devices Mobile Marketing and SocialMedia Mobile Marketing Measurement andAnalytics Fundamentals of mobilemarketing Key industryterminology Creating mobile website throughwordpress Usingtoolstocreatemobilewebsites Using tools to create mobile app Advertising on mobile (App &Web) Targeting ads on Apps Targeting ads via location Targetingadsonsearchengine Content Marketing onmobile Mobile strategy-segmentations option targeting anddifferentiation Mobile marketingmix SMSmarketing Creating mobileapplication UploadingmobileappinAndroidandiOS
12 Content Marketing(6Hours) What is Content marketing? Introductiontocontentmarketing Objectiveofcontentmarketing Contentmarketing7stepstrategybuildingprocess 18typesofcontentwithexamples Howtowritegreatcompellingcontent Keyword research for content ideas Optimizingcontentforsearchengines Discussing authorityblog Stepstowardsdevelopingauthorityblog Waystomonetizingauthorityblog Howtomarketyourcontent? Debate-Doesn’tgreatcontentjustspreadbyitself Understanding secondcustomer Importance of second customer Howtoincreasesecondcustomer Understanding onlineinfluencers 10 ways to connect with online influencers 35uniquewaystowritemagneticheadlines 180examplesofmagneticheadlines Howtoincreaseopt-inemaillistwithcontentmarketingwithexamples Casestudyoncontentmarketing
13 Online Reputation Management(3Hours) What is online reputationmanagement? Whyonlinereputationmanagementisneedofhour Understanding ORMscenario Howtodealwithcriticismonline 10 Online reputation management Commandments 15 ways to create positive brand image online Understanding tools for monitoring onlinereputation StepbyStepguidetoovercomenegativeonlinereputation Bestexamplesofonlinereputationmanagement “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”
14 CreatingDigital Marketing Strategy/Doubt Sessions(2Hours) Let’s talk ExecutionStrategy
15 ANliate Marketing(6Hours) Want to be your ownboss...? entrepreneurialmodules What is affiliatemarketing? 3 A’s ofaffiliate marketing Howpeoplemakemillionsofdollarinaffiliatemarketing? Affiliate marketinghistory Changesinaffiliatemarketingindustryovertheyear Affiliate marketing scenarioin India Howtobeasuperaffiliate? Differentwaystodoaffiliatemarketing Affiliate marketingsecrets Howyourtrainermakesmoneyinaffiliatemarketing? Liveexamplesofhowpeoplearemakingmoneyasanaffiliate Gettingyourstartedasanaffiliate Gettingyouapprovedasanaffiliatefrom India’s top affiliateagencies Someofthetopaffiliatenetworkintheworld Howtogetapprovedasanaffiliatebyworld’stopaffiliatecompany-commission junctionwww.cj.com Trainersshareshissecretsofaffiliatemarketing Storytelling-trainershowshisliveexampleofhowheismakingmoneythese daysasanaffiliate
16 Adsense & Blogging(6Hours) What isadsense? Howtogetapprovedforadsense? CooltricktogetadsenseapprovalbyGoogle Using your adsense account interface Placing ads on yourblog Creating blogs with our FREEtheme Thenwewillshare1secretmethodThroughwhichyouwill make money withadsense 17 How ToGrab Freelancing Projects?(3Hours)
Flexibilities Back upClasses Back up classes, in case you miss fewclasses BatchFlexibilities Batches as per your availability- Evening, Weekend, Sunday,Online Doubt ClearingSession 2 hours doubt session every month after completion of training at nocharges JobAssistance Job assistance and interviewscheduling INR 63,624/- Free Tools &Softwares Lead capture plugin, WP Theme, E-commerce tools, Content builder tool, SEO Software, Push notification tool, website conversionapp Training Program 9Certifications DSIM industry recognised certification, 7 google certifications & facebookcertification OwnWebsites Build your ownwebsite Theory ToPractical Implement your theoretical learning practically on your ownwebsite Make MoneyOnline Learn the art of making money online known to very few expertsworldwide in-Class & OnlineClasses comprehensive platforms to choose from: Live interactive online training & in-classtraining
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