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Some Pros and Cons of Sleep Apnea Dental Devices

This Blog explains the Pros and Cons of Sleep Apnea Dental Devices. For more information please visit our dentist in Sidney.<br>Address: 2510 Bevan Ave #11, Sidney, BC V8L 1W3, Canada<br>Phone Number: (250) 656-1841<br>Email ID: admin@sidneydental.ca<br>Website: https://www.sidneydental.ca/<br>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sidneyharbourdental<br>Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sidneydental<br>Blog: https://sidneyharbourdental.blogspot.com/<br>

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Some Pros and Cons of Sleep Apnea Dental Devices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SomeProsand ConsofSleep Apnea Dental Devices Presentedby:SidneyHarbourDental


  3. WhatisSleepApnea? Sleepapneaisapotentiallydangeroussleepdisease thatcausesbreathingtostopandstartfrequently. You may have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and wake up fatigued after a full night's sleep. Sleep apneacanbeclassifiedintothefollowingcategories: Obstructivesleepapneaisthemostfrequenttypeof apnea,whichhappenswhenthemusclesinthethroat relaxduringsleep.

  4. Dental Guards and Appliances forSleepApnea

  5. #1ContinuousPositive AirwayPressureDevices (CPAPs) Theseareusedwiththehelpofasleepspecialistanddentistnear youtotreatveryseverecasesofsleepapnea.Withthisdevice, the patient must wear a mouth and nose mask when they sleep, which is connected to a machine that provides a steady flow of air,keepingtheairwayopenatalltimes.Thebenefitofthisdevice is that it is considered the gold standard treatment, but it is also loud, difficult to travel with, and has been known to cause a dry, itchynose.

  6. #2Mandibular AdvancementDevices These dental appliances in Sidney are worn over your teeth, similartoaretainerormouthguard.Theykeepthejawandtongue forwardtopreventthesofttissueinthemouthfromrelaxing. TheyaremorecomfortablethanCPAPmachinesbutcanleadto somejawstiffnessandirritation.

  7. Thankyoufor listening! Don'thesitatetoaskanyquestions!

  8. Contact Information Howtogetintouch PhoneNumber (250)656-1841 EmailAddress admin@sidneydental.ca Website https://www.sidneydental.ca/ 25

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