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Skytale Group is the leading healthcare financial consulting company. We provide strategic financial consulting services for dental and med spas.
Here’sWhattoLookforin aStrategicFinancialPartner Howdoes a strategic financialpartnerhelp businesses grow? Before joiningSkytale, many ofourconsultants playedintegralrolesingrowingbusinesses. Theybuilt out DSOs, scaledmedspas,andhelpedcompaniesin otherindustriesthrive.No mattertheindustry, they allrealizedonethingwhen colleaguescame tothemfor advice: mostofthequestions were aboutfinances. • Whatfinancialdecisionsleadtosuccess? • AmIrunningmybusinessefficiently? • Howdo youtrack financialdataover timeto leadtogrowth? • Can Iafford anotherlocation? • Is ittimetohiremoreproviders? • What’sthevalue ofmybusiness? • Howdoyou bestmanagefinancialprocessesinyourbusiness? • Your organization’s finances are the key to making the informed, strategic decisions that will lead to growth. In order to fast track that growth, it helps to bring in a strategic financialpartner. • Whatisitlike to work withSkytale Group? • When wetakeon a newclient, we immediatelyconsideritapartnership.Ourjob is to understandourclient’s vision,then providethe insight,experience, andsupport tohelp themcarry it out.
A partnershipforusbeginswithacrashcoursein learningeverythingabout your organization.Throughdiscoverymeetings, wemightdiscussquestions witha clientlike: • Wheredoyouwantyour business togo? • Whatkeyperformanceindicators(KPIs)doweneed tomeasure to getthebestresults? • Ifyouwantto sellsomeday,whattypeofinvestor areyoulookingfor? • Then Skytale will create a map of how to reach your goals through a financial lens. We’ll help youtrack KPIsonamonthly basis. Andwe’llassignourexperiencedSkytale consultantstowalk withyouhand-in-handthroughthe monthsandyearstocome. • Skytale calls ourselves “fractional CFOs.” Any time you have a question with financial ramifications for your business, you can pick up the phone and call us. We’re not just consultants,we’reyourteammembers. • Overthecourseof ourengagementwithclients,we often have theprivilegeof gettingto knowtheirinterests,goals,andotherdetails oftheirlives. Forentrepreneurs andbusiness owners,those personaldetailsoften informyourstrategicdecisions,brand, orlongterm vision. Asa part ofthe team,wetreat our clients’businessesasifthey areourown. • Here’sWhat to Look forinaFinancialPartner • Before you decide on a financial partner, here are a few things to look for that they should beabletoofferyou: • Growthmindset:Skytale focusesonscalingandbuildingefficientorganizationsthrough • severaldifferentlenses—notjustthroughfinances,butalsooperations,management,IT, andsoon.
Customroadmap:Wespendhoursdiscoveringwhattheclient’sfirm lookslike, who the • key playersare, whatchallengesthey’llface, andwhattheirultimategoalis. Then wecreate amodelthatfitsyourorganization. Iftherearedeviationsalongtheway,we’lladapt togetherandcreatenewsolutions. • Financialexpertiseandindustryexperience:Ourteammembershaveexperiencein boththefinancialandhealthcareindustries.They’vedonethework, andnowtheycanshare knowledgewith each other andourclientsinasymbioticway. • Truepartnership:Skytale’srelationshipwith clientsisonewherewe’reavailableatany pointintime.Evenifaclientonly meetsregularlywith oneteam member, thatmember will enlistknowledge anddecision-makinghelpfrom thewholeteam. Andwework inmultiple locationsandtimezonesacrossthecountry,sowedon’tshutdownatthestrokeof 5p.m! • Start theConversationWithSkytaleGroupToday • If you’re ready to take the next step for your healthcare organization, we hope our team at Skytale are the first people you call. You can get in touch with usby phone or email to start theconversation. Welook forwardtolearninghowwecan help yougrowandscale. • ThinkingAboutSellingYourMed Spa orDental Practice? • Ifyou’ve got M&Aon yourmind, Skytale helpswiththattoo.Themarketishotfor investors, and Skytale has a list of buyers in our back pocket. Selling a business—your life’s work—isoneof themostimportantthingsyou’lleverdo,soitshouldn’t be takenlightly. A strategicfinancialpartnercan help businessownersnavigatethemarketandfind the optimaldealstructure.