Coverage Options For Auto Insurance Getting your automobile insured is very important in order to protect yourself financially. It covers your vehicle from any damage caused due to theft, natural calamity or any other unforeseen circumstances. Here are a few coverage options that an auto insurance covers - Comprehensive Coverage Collision Coverage Helps you cover the damage caused to your automobile due to theft, fire, flood or any other natural disaster. Covers the cost of damage caused to your vehicle due to an accident with other vehicle or object. Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability It compensates for medical bills and other damages caused to another person or their property. Uninsured Motorist Coverage It protects you and your vehicle when you're hit by someone who is uninsured or has a minimal coverage. www.sra-ins.com Smith-Reagan Insurance Agency 148 N. Sam Houston Blvd, San Benito, TX 78586 Phone: (956) 399 - 1353