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Check Out These Animal Rescue Shelter In Mumbai!

Animal helplines in Mumbai: Feel PAWerful By Volunteering At These Local Animal Rescue Shelters In Mumbai, The Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA), Parel, AMTM Malad, All India Animal Welfare solution,Mahalaxmi and The Welfare of Stray Dogs, Parel etc.

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Check Out These Animal Rescue Shelter In Mumbai!

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  1. AnimalShelterHelplinesandAnimal RescueinMumbai RecentPosts 4PetFriendlyHotelsin Mumbai SnoutersPetcare September4,2022 As an animal lover, I know for a fact that a lot of us want to be able to help animals in need but lack the knowledge of who to approach. There happens to be multiple NGOs, helplines and charitable animal shelters and animal rescueinMumbai that you can reach out to if youcomeacrossastraywhoishurtorabandoned. 5PetFriendlyHotelsin Chennai 5PetFriendlyHotelsin Hyderabad ThroughThe DogsEyes: MoreThanJustVision Exercise For Dogs: A SimpleEasyGuide Hostonboardingprocess TheBombaySocietyforthePreventionof CrueltytoAnimals(BSPCA),Parel The BSPCA is a long standing charitable organization with its inauguration in 1874. They conduct animal rescue operations and relief drives for animals in need. It is an adoption center with its very own ambulance services, blood and plasma transfusion, pet shelter, crematoriumandmedicalcare. Address: St Xavier St, near Gandhi Hospital, next to kalpataru Avana, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra400012 ContactNumber:9833034184 AnimalsMattertoMe(AMTM),Malad AMTM is a pet care facility with its own hospital service. It is located in Malad and offers all kindofmedicalservicesandshelterfacility.Theyareknown tohavesuccessfully conductedseveralanimalcompassionandrightsawarenessdrivesacrossMumbai. ANTM is hanging around for each strayin need, and has been beginning around 2010. Their motto is animals deserve the best. That is the reason they are committed to animal rescue andrestorationofstrayandabandonedpets. Address: CTS 166 / 167 Ashram, Madh – Marve Rd, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061 ContactNumber:9920737737

  2. AllIndiaAnimalWelfaresolution,Mahalaxmi All INDIA Animal Welfare AssociationinMahalaxmi,Mumbai is known to satisfactorily cater to the needs of the stray. The business came into existence in 1950 and has, since then, been a known name in its field. It stands located at Next to the Municipal Dog Control Office, Dr E Moses Road, Mahalaxmi-400011. Dogs in need of urgent medical attention are consideredpriorityandtreatment isgood. Address:NexttoMunicipalDogControlOffice,DrEMosesRoad,Mahalaxmi-400011 TheWelfareofStrayDogs,Parel They are a non-benefit trust committed to aiding stray dogs. The trust was set up in 1985 and is enlisted as a beneficent trust under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. They are likewise perceived bytheAnimal Welfare Board of India(Ministryof Environment and Forests, Government of India). Beginning around 1989 they have been completing a mass sterilizationmodifiedforstraydogs, following theproposalsoftheWorld Health Organizationonrabiesdestructionanddogpopulacecontrol. Address: XRVX+7JQ, Jamnadas Prabhudas Chawl, Adarsh Nagar, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra400013 ContactNumber:8976022838 IDA,Panvel IDA INDIA is a non benefit grass root level animal welfare association, committed towards laying out and shielding the rights of all non – human living animals. As stated by Divya Shetty “A stray got hit early morning in our locality and my friend contacted many animal rescueinMumbaihelplines.TheIDArescueteamarrivedintheearlyhoursofthe afternoon. It’s really overwhelming to find such support for strayanimals. Despite many calls for rescue, they managed to make time and support a dog. Really appreciate and gratefulfortheirservice.” Address:NearDeonarColonyBainganwadi,Deonar,Mumbai,Maharashtra 400043 ContactInfo:9320056581 Utkarsh-AnimalWelfare,Mulund UtkarshGlobal Foundation(previously known as Utkarsh Star Mitra Mandal) is a non- benefit association working cross country with cooperation with government to advance governmentassistanceofthe generalpublic. Utkarshworksindifferentdimensions include environment protection, animal welfare, women’s education and empowerment, socialjusticeandempowerment and disaster preparednesswithaviewtomaketheworld abetterplaceforevery livingorganismandhumanbeing. Address: B-31, 34, 35 & 36, Minerva Industrial Estate, Asha Nagar Park Rd, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400080 ContactNumber:02225676000 Awaaz-Voiceofstrayanimals UtkarshGlobal Foundation(previously known as Utkarsh Star Mitra Mandal) is a non- benefit association working cross country with cooperation with government to advance governmentassistanceofthe generalpublic. Utkarshworksindifferentdimensions include environment protection, animal welfare, women’s education and empowerment, socialjusticeandempowerment and disaster preparednesswithaviewtomaketheworld abetterplaceforevery livingorganismandhumanbeing. Address: B-31, 34, 35 & 36, Minerva Industrial Estate, Asha Nagar Park Rd, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400080 ContactNumber:02225676000 ThaneSPCA(SocietyforPreventionofCruelty toAnimals) This organization is known for its speedy animal rescue in Mumbai service and timely action. Most people whohavecontactedthemhavegivengoodfeedbackandare convincedthattheirserviceistrulybeneficialforinjuredandabandonedanimals. Address:NKT CompoundKolshet RoadBesidesBrahmandComplexAzadNagarThane

  3. West, Maharashtra400607 ContactNumber:08767612344 YODAMumbai Over 100 animals are abandoned or injured onthe streets of Mumbai Navi Mumbai & Thane each month. Most of these animals get left as they are without notice or treatment for days until the injury becomes detrimental or even fatal. YODA was initiated in 2010 to work towards solving this problem. The organization started byconducting awareness programsin schools,slums, residentialsocieties and variouscommunities to educate individuals about what to do when they see a stray animal in distress. In 2017, they set up animal shelter in Mumbai to efficiently attend to such animals in distress and give them prompt treatment and rehabilitation via best in class medical and behavioral rehabilitation services by our expert team of vets and behaviorists. Each animal is provided with best medical care and is evaluated post treatment to decide if he/she is to be released or rehomedgiventhecircumstances. Address: Sub Plot, Pragati bungalow Jay Bharat Co-Op Hsg Society, 29, Rd Number 3, near CuttingCrewFilms,KharWest, Mumbai,Maharashtra 400052 ContactNumber:8899997704 While these are some emergency animal shelters and animal rescue in mumbai options to turnto,onemustrememberthattheirinitialdutyuponfindinganinjuredanimalistocall for any pet ambulance and get them to the nearest veterinarian. If you can adopt and help rehabilitate a stray babyyou trulywill be doing a kindness to the world. We at Snouters haveimmenserespect for emergencyanimal shelters and animal helplines thatexist across our countryand continueto support them inevery way possible. If we are not alreadyworkingwithyou,reach out toushere. Spread theawareness ofanimalsheltersand rescuecentersinother citiesas well. ImportantLinks Apply TheSnouterGuarantee Careers CancellationPolicy BecomeaSnoutersHost SNOUTERS is India’s largest network of 5-star pet home stays. Snouters connects pet parents with loving pet care providers who offer overnight services, including boarding andin-homepetsitting,aswellasdaytimeservices, including doggy daycare,dog walking, drop-invisits,and grooming. ReservationProtection BecomeaDogWalker SnoutersHostResources BecomeaPetGroomer FAQ Contactus Help Connectwithus:

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