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Magento–Moodle integration is a huge improvement over other methods that rely on selling the “access methods†rather than the courses themselves. For e.g., one popular solution for selling Moodle courses on Magento is to generate a fixed number of enrolment codes in Moodle and sell the enrolment codes as products in Magento. This method does not “integrate†Magento and Moodle that seamlessly.
3ESoftwareSolutionsoffersMagentoMoodleIntegrationSolutionswithavastarrayoffeatures.3ESoftwareSolutionsoffersMagentoMoodleIntegrationSolutionswithavastarrayoffeatures. WHATISMAGENTO? Magento is an open source eCommerce platform with over 150,000 online stores running on it, including some of the leading brands like Ford and Samsung. With more than 500,000+ Magento downloads since it was launched in 2008, Magentohas 26% share of the eCommerce market and is a leader for 4 consecutive years. WHATISMOODLE? Moodle is an open-source software LMS platform used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other eLearning projects in schools, universities, workplaces etc. A recent survey notes the increasing market share ofMoodle, to over 10% while competitors’ market share seems to be decreasing.
WhyisMagentoMoodleIntegrationrequired? Magento Moodle integration offers “best of the both worlds” for someone who requires an eCommerce or an eLearning system with an addition requirement from the other platform. It offers huge advantages to the user as well as the seller community, to demonstrate – while Single Sign On (SSO), account sync option and option to choose between different classes for the same course on Magento helps the user, simple setup of Moodle courses in Magento, single Magento account to enrol multiple students, marketplace management options like adaptive Paypal payments, vendor reviews etc, offers immense advantages to the course developer. Magento–Moodle integration is a huge improvement over other methods that rely on selling the “access methods” rather than the courses themselves. For e.g., one popular solution for selling Moodle courses on Magento is to generate a fixed number of enrolment codes in Moodle and sell the enrolment codes as products in Magento. This method does not “integrate” Magento and Moodle that seamlessly. WhowillbenefitfromMagentoMoodleIntegration? eCommerceMarketPlaceBusinesses Enables them add Marketplace for eLearning Content Vendors, be it Individuals or Businesses eLearningContentDevelopers Enables them provide Point of Sale Platform for their Products (eLearning Content) TrainingInstitutions Creates additional revenue generation channels through online customer registrations, delivering the Courses online or through blended learning practices eLearningMarketPlaceBusinesses eCommerce business with a vertical focus on providing MarkePlace for eLearning Content Vendors, be it Individuals or Businesses
WhatdoesMagentoMoodleintegrationfeature? • MagentoMoodleIntegrationhasavastarrayoffeatures;someofthedistinctonesinclude: • SingleSignOnforMagentoandMoodle • Accountsyncoptionwhichupdateschangestouserdetailsononesystemtotheother • OptiontochoosebetweendifferentclassesforthesamecourseonMagento • SameMagentoaccountcanbeusedtoenrollmultiplestudents • CompatibilitywithaMultivendormarketplacesetupinMagento,wherevendorscanuploadandmaintainSCORMcompatiblecoursesandstudentsinMoodleandsellthemusingtheShoppingCartsysteminMagento.Thiscomeswithadditionalmarketplacemanagementoptionsincludingadaptivepaypalpayments,vendorreviewsetc. • SimplesetupforsettingupMoodlecoursesinMagento(vialivesyncedMoodlecoursesontheproductuploadpageusingasimpledropdownmenu) • TryourMagentoMoodleIntegrationDemo • EduKart • MagentoandMoodleintegration • SingleSignOn,accountsyncandcourseautoenrolmentinMagentoandMoodlesystems • CreateSCORMcompatiblecoursesinMoodleandusetheshoppingcartinMagentotosell. • DatevalidationofMoodlecoursesinMagento • TryNow!
HowdowedeliverourMagentoMoodleIntegrationSolutions? • Contact us to tell us whatyou would liketo accomplish. • We’ll confirm our understandingofyour request and emailyouaquote. • Uponyour approval, we’ll build the site on ourtest server peryour requirements. • You reviewthedevelopment on ourtest serverand provideyour feedback and/or • approval. • Once approved,you makepayment and weinstall the solution onyour production server.