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News to Know. December 2005 Office of Student Financial Assistance Florida Department of Education. Web Enabled Front End System.
News to Know December 2005 Office of Student Financial Assistance Florida Department of Education
Web Enabled Front End System • OSFA has rolled out the new Web Enabled Front End System! If you are currently guaranteeing your loans through NWRDC, contact your OSFA Outreach Representative today to get online with the new Front End. With the new Front End, you still receive INSTANT guarantee notification and can also enter for multiple campus branch codes through one user id/password assigned to your institution. This is a great benefit if you are a multi-campus operation and don’t like juggling multiple sign-on’s through your current setup!
DOE Customer Survey • At the end of each email you receive from a Department of Education employee, there is a link to the “DOE Customer Survey.” Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on the quality of service you received from your DOE Contact. The Department of Education values your feedback as a customer and Commissioner John L. Winn is committed to continuously assessing and improving the level and quality of services provided to you by Department staff. Thank you in advance for completing the survey.
Loan Originations Staff • Please join us in welcoming the newest additions to the Loan Originations Unit! The Loan Originations staff are here to serve our School and Lender Partners and are available to assist you in all aspects of the loan guarantee process. See below for their updated contact information: • Allie Willis, 850-410-5243 office, 850-942-8017 fax, allie.willis@fldoe.org • Debby Terfinko, 850-410-5245 office, 850-942-8017 fax, debby.terfinko@fldoe.org • Tammy Lynn, 850-410-5259 office, 850-942-8017, tammy.lynn@fldoe.org • Gianetta James, 904-696-5969 office, 904-696-5969 fax, gianetta.james@fldoe.org • Sarada Posinasetty, 850-245-1839 office, 850-942-8017 fax, sarada.posinasetty@fldoe.org • Karen Hurrell, 904-745-3091, 904-745-3092 fax, karen.hurrell@fldoe.org • Tom Mims (Director), 850-410-6211 office, 850-942-8017 fax, tom.mims@fldoe.org
State Aid and Residency Requirements • The state aid and Bright Futures eligibility requirements are based on Florida residency for tuition purposes. Therefore, if an institution has classified the student as “resident” (i.e., Florida residency for the requisite 12-month period prior to enrollment) then the student is eligible for state aid, including Bright Futures. • This includes students that are on an H-4 visa and have established Florida residency for tuition purposes.
The Talented 20 Program • The Talented 20 Program provides a way for students to be admitted to a university in the state of Florida. Students eligible for the Talented 20 Program are guaranteed admissionto one of eleven universities and are given priority for the awarding of funds from the Florida Student Assistance Grant, a need-based student assistance program. Florida is the only state in the nation to guarantee admission to its public high school students graduating in the top 20 percent of their class. Students must have completed the required 19 academic credits and have either an SAT or ACT score (no minimum is required). Refer to page 73 of the SSFAD Guide for Postsecondary Institutions for instructions on downloading the Talented 20 FSAG Recipients list.
State Programs Loan Default Eligibility Policy (2004 34) • Policy Statement • To be eligible for an award, an applicant must not be in default on any state loan program or any federal Title IV loan program, unless satisfactory arrangements have been made to repay the loan. A loan is any financial assistance for educational costs and has specific repayment conditions outlined in a promissory note. This policy applies to ALL state programs. • Loan Default • A default is a failure on the part of a borrower to repay a loan in accordance with the terms and conditions of a promissorynote or a payment schedule accepted by the lender. • Satisfactory Arrangements to Repay • The lender or holder of the loan determines what constitutes satisfactory arrangements to repay. To view the Defaulted State Loan Recipients visit, www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org, click on Post-Secondary Institutions, click on Defaulted State Loans. You must enter your SSFAD user id/password to download the file in either excel or .pdf format.
Upcoming State Program Deadlines • December • Bright Futures Academic Top Scholars Awards listed on Master Eligibility List (MEL) • Program allocations requested for eligible institutions for Term 2 • Term 2 pro-ration information (if applicable) sent for FRAG and ABLE Programs • Florida Financial Aid Application for Students available online for next academic year • January • Term 2 DER’s due 30 days after the PSI’s last day of drop/add • OSFA begins collecting FAFSA/ISIR data from USDE • Florida Financial Aid Application for Teachers available online for for next academic year funding
Enrollment Reporting Guide • NSLDS released the newest version of the Enrollment Reporting Guide (dated October 2005). If you have not downloaded your copy, you may retrieve on the IFAP website under the NSLDS Reference Materials link. • The guide details the enrollment reporting process and provides step-by-step instructions for using the NSLDS Web site, including how to log on, navigate the site, report and update student enrollment, and create and modify reporting schedules. The guide also includes the layout for Enrollment Reporting roster files and error files, as well as error codes and explanations. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the NSLDS Customer Service Center at 1-800-999-8219 or via email at NSLDS@pearson.com.
Florida College Goal Sunday • In Florida, the first College Goal Sunday will be held February 19th, 2006. Financial Aid counselors will be on hand at 20 of Florida’s community college campuses to assist students in every aspect of the FAFSA application process. For more information, or to volunteer at a location near you, please visit their website.
Integrated Common Manual • The Integrated Common Manual has been updated and is now available on the NCHELP website. Bookmark this site as a favorite today!
NASFAA’s Financial Aid Night and Counselor’s Materials • NASFAA's Financial Aid Night and Counselor's Materials, updated for 2006-07, are now available on-line. These materials were developed for financial aid administrators, high school counselors, and other interested persons to use when conducting financial aid night presentations and when counseling students and parents on the student financial aid process.
LEARNSTUDENTAID.ORG • Enrollment is now open for enrollment in the LearnStudentAid course series "Financial Aid Fundamentals" that starts in January 2006. Since January is a very busy time at many institutions, you may be wondering whether you or your staff members should commit to this training at this time of year. There is a major advantage to starting in January in the four-course series; you will have a total of 4½ months to complete the four courses. To learn more about the time requirements, courses, and enrollment procedures, visit their website. Pay particular attention to the documents under "Help," especially the LearnStudentAid.org "Frequently Asked Questions."
PLUS/SLS Variable Interest Rate for 2006 • Due to the wording of the promissory notes, some loans are subject to a calendar-year adjustment of the variable interest rate, based on the “91-day Treasury Bill” method that existed in statute [section 427A(c)(4)] prior to enactment of the Higher Education Technical Amendments Act of 1987 (Pub. L. 100-50). Accordingly, the variable interest rate for calendar year is 6.85%. • Please note: this rate applies only to PLUS/SLS promissory notes that provide for a calendar year adjustment based on the “91-day Treasury Bill.”
2006-2007 EFC Formula Guide • The 2006-2007 EFC Formula Worksheets and Tables are available on the NASFAA website.
2006-2007 Verification Worksheets • The 2006-2007 Verification Worksheets are now available on-line. • The use of the federal verification worksheets is not required. An institution may use a worksheet of its own design, or no worksheet at all. An institution may also require other documentation in addition to, or instead of, a completed verification worksheet.
MYF Chat Events • Chat Schedule • January 17, 2006 - Financial aid and the FAFSA • March 21, 2006 - Applying to and paying for college (including student loans) • May 16, 2006 - Financial aid and managing student loans and consumer debt • August 15, 2006 - Managing your student loans, including repayment options, consolidation, and cancellation • All chat events are scheduled for 7-8 PM (EST) and more information is available on the MYF Website.
Loan Counseling Powered by MYF • Lender Partners that are Friends of Mapping Your Future (MYF) can use MYF’s proven Online Student Loan Counseling model and technology to develop loan counseling sessions for their alternative loan programs. This program is available for a minimal fee, in addition to the annual membership dues. If you're interested in Loan Counseling Powered by MYF, contact CariAnne Behr at CariAnne.Behr@mapping-your-future.org or (573) 634-8641 for more information.
FASFAA Dates to Remember • FASFAA Clock Hour Schools Workshop • February 8-10, 2006, Mt. Dora, Florida • SASFAA Annual Conference • February 12-15, 2006, Greensboro, NC • New Aid Officers Workshop • February 22-24, 2006, Safety Harbor, Florida • Experienced Aid Officers Workshop • March 1-3, 2006, Safety Harbor, Florida • Graduate/Professional Workshop • March 3, 2006, Safety Harbor, Florida • 2006 SFA Spring Conference • April 5-7, 2006, San Antonio, Texas • FASFAA Spring 2006 Conference • June 7-9, 2006, Fort Myers, Florida For more information on these events, and other future scheduled events, visit the NEWFASFAA website.
Mission Statement • The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), serves as a guarantor for the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), and the administrator of Florida’s scholarship and grant programs. The OSFA Mission is to facilitate higher education access and services by providing exemplary customer attention, comprehensive financial aid information, and convenient and efficient products.
Philosophy • As a public agency, OSFA has the ability to offer its partners and customers something few guarantors can: the ability to shape OSFA programs and services based on their specific concerns. Earnings generated from OSFA’s loan programs are used to help fund scholarship and grant programs, financial aid workshops and publications, and to provide better services for our participants. When schools and students choose to use the OSFA guarantee for student loans, they are actually helping countless other needy and deserving students by investing in education programs. So, if a participant has a problem or suggestion, OSFA management listens and does whatever it takes to implement a solution that meets their needs. Public dollars deserve that kind of accountability in education finance.
Outreach Team Contact Information • Ernest Smith, Director of Market Development • 850-322-6498 • Jacqueline Hill, Default Prevention Manager • 850-212-1108 • Lori Auxier, Manager of Outreach Services • 850-212-2997 • Stephanie Durdley, Outreach Representative • 850-322-6219 • Kelly Bernhardt, Outreach Representative • 850-277-2331 • Robin Blank, Outreach Representative • 850-264-6008 • Armando Salas-Amaro, Outreach Representative • 850-321-6882
Regional Contact Information • Lori Auxier • Manager of Outreach Services • 850-212-2997 • Lori.Auxier@fldoe.org
The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), wish you a joyous and prosperous Holiday Season!
Closing • Confidence in the institution’s ability to determine our integrity, character, and truthfulness is of the utmost importance to OSFA. The Office of Student Financial Assistance wants to know and deliver what you seek in a partner. You have the right to choose. Together, we have the power to make a difference. Trust the Office of Student Financial Assistance to help you help your students. They are our future.