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family members EVERYDAY? M. - More. More means giving and receiving more positives than ... LOVE - Fun. Excitement - Communication. Joy - Strength. Happiness ...

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:FAMILY RULZ

    201- T.E.A.M.

    Slide 2:RULZ 101- What is Family?

    F- Fun A- Attitude M- T.E.A.M. I- Intentional L- Loving Y- Yuck Times

    Slide 3:RULZ 201- T.E.A.M.

    T. - Together Together means doing life with my family In what area of my life do I NOT like my family involved with? WHY?

    THIS FAMILY IS A TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Slide 5:E. - Everyone

    Everyone means allowing others to be more important than me Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love Eph 4:2

    Slide 7:A. - Achieves

    Achieves means serving others to they can be their best! He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciple’s feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him John 13:5 Am I willing to serve my family members EVERYDAY?

    Slide 9:M. - More

    More means giving and receiving more positives than negatives LOVE - Fun Excitement - Communication Joy - Strength Happiness - Friendliness Do I want more from my family? Does my family want more from me?

    Slide 10:SO WHAT?

    Is your family a TEAM? Y N How can you help change that? Do you want to be a TEAM player? Y N

    Slide 11:THE DIRT

    Mom and Dad hate failing! Your Mom and/or Dad owe it to you to be a TEAM player; ask them to be one

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