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The BC DIRECT ACCESS GRANT • Eligibility Programs must have been in operation for at least 12 months prior to application. (In other words, a grant will not be awarded for a program that is being offered for the first time.) To receive a grant, the program must fall into one of the following five sectors: • Arts and Culture (youth programs, and fairs, festivals and museums); • Sports for Youth and People with a Disability; • Public Safety; • Human and Social Services; (CADETS) • * Parent Advisory Councils
To apply: • Go to website: • http://www.hsd.gov.bc.ca/gaming/grants/index.htm • Applications can be made online or by downloading a pdf file. • Follow the guidelines provided.
BC DIRECT ACCESS GRANT • APPLY UNDER THE “Human and Social Services” CATEGORY • Apply from Aug 1 - Nov 30 • Earlier applications will get funded much more quickly;most applications are put in just under the deadline and so monies may not be granted until Feb. 28 if the application is put in November.
Financial information will be needed. • Have current financials available. • A list of Board Members will be needed. • AGM minutes will be required. • Collect names and all contact info at the AGM. • Have a copy of AGM minutes ready • Budget information for each program applied for will be needed. • Discuss needs with CO and parent group and decide what you will apply for.
Also needed: • Number of members eligible to vote at your Annual General Meeting -all the parents/guardians of the cadets, members at large, honorary members,etc. who your charter specifies as holding membership) • Number of people who directly benefit from all of your organization’s programs and services -(typically the number of cadets the Corp has registered)
And as well…include all volunteer hours • Volunteer hours- keep track of these; have parents sign in their hours. • Valuation: $10/hr and $25/hr( for professional services such as market ing, IT, or accounting • Complete records of all volunteered hours and donated services/ materials must be retained as part of the your gaming records
First application? • IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST DIRECT ACCESS PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION, YOU WILL ALSO NEED: • Organization Information • Constitution and Bylaws • Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable) • A separate bank account for gaming money(a void cheque must be included in application so obtains this before applying)
FOR EVERY APPLICATION: You will be asked to describe and provide a budget for each program you apply for: • In your Cadet Program description, highlight your cadet group. • Write up a description of your group, how the local community benefits from cadets, & events that cadets participate at.
Point out that cadets is a: • youth group, • free to all CDN youth • provides activities 2 to 3 nights per week, weekends and summers. • Included photos if you have a few.
We apply for: • Program 1: Cadets-facility rental,etc. & then additional Programs such as: - band equipment - highland kit -FTX equipment - Biathlon equipment
For each program, a detailed budget must be provided. • Monies spent on the program last year must also be provided.
How much we expect? • 2812- $18,125.00 for 2010. BUT we are a large corps (100+) and we must pay for our facility. • So, after our facility rental, we have had $2500- $4000 for additional programs. • If your facility is provided at no cost, expect less.
Capital Grant • A separate Application for a Major Capital Project Grant may also be submitted. • This is a separate application for major projects. • The grant can be for up to $100,000. • Best to phone Direct Access for guidance on this.
Gaming Summary Report If a grant is approved, and before another one will be approved, submit a GSR. This can be found on the website as well. Need: exact monies spent, cheque numbers, signed by treasurer. The GSR may be submitted as soon as the grant money is spent.