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Dr. sc. Živana Heđbeli zivana.hedbeli@gmial.com ARCHIVAL ETHICS. Arete = mjera sposobnosti osobe da dobro izvede neku specifičnu djelatnost Arete = measure of a person’s ability to perform a specific activity excellently. Literatura.
Dr. sc. Živana Heđbelizivana.hedbeli@gmial.comARCHIVAL ETHICS Arete = mjera sposobnosti osobe da dobro izvede neku specifičnu djelatnost Arete = measure of a person’s ability to perform a specific activity excellently
Literatura • Arendt, H. O zlu : predavanje o nekim pitanjima moralne filozofije. Naklada Breza, Zagreb, 2006. / English version: Arendt, Hannah. Some Questions of Moral Philosophy. // Responsibility and Judgment. New York : Schocken Books, 2003. • ATLANTI, no. 1-2, 2006. • Cooley, M. The Archivist • Etički kodeks arhivista. Hrvatski državni arhiv : Zagreb, 1997. / English version: Code of Ethics for Archivists, • Fromm, E. Čovjek za sebe : istraživanje o psihologiji etike. Naprijed : Zagreb, 1980. / English version: Man for Himself : An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1947. • Havel, V. Truth in the Information Age
ArhivistikaEtika • Arhivistika je znanost o arhivima. Arhivistika je disciplina o organski nastalim cjelinama i arhivskim dokumentima kao sastavnim dijelovima tih cjelina, koja istovremeno uči po kakvim se kriterijima arhivska građa najsvrsishodnije oblike i organizira da bi postala prikladna za korištenje. Ona razmatra pravne norme na kojima počiva rad u arhivima i arhivska služba uopće, a u krajnjoj konzekvenci ima zadatak da stvori spoznajne i metodičke pretpostavke koje će opravdati egzistenciju arhiva u suvremenom društvu. • Archival science is science on archives, discipline on organically created wholes and on archival documents as component part of those wholes. Archival science teaches what criteria should be used to organize and form archival records on the most objective manner so that the records could be consulted. Archival science considers legal norms which archives’ work and archival service are based on. In its final consequence task of archival science is creation of cognitive and methodological presumptions that would justified existence of archives in contemporary society. • Etika je grana filozofije, definira se kao znanost o ponašanju. Traži se idealni oblik ispravnog ponašanja, razmatra način na koji se ljudi ponašaju jedna prema drugima, bavi se poštenjem, odgovornošću, traganjem za savršenstvom, lojalnošću, integritetom i građanskom odgovornošću, definira i opisuje valjano ponašanje osobe. • Ethics is part of philosophy, defined as science on behavior. Ideal form of correct behavior is looked for; ethics reflects on manner on which people behave one towards others; deals with honesty, responsibility, looking for perfection, loyalty, integrity an citizen responsibility; defines and describes right behavior of a person.
Etika : pravo • Cilj etike je spoznaja radi svjesnoga i odgovornoga djelovanja. • Aim of ethics is cognition because of conscious and responsible activity. • Etika se ne bavi poštivanjem zakona, ono se podrazumijeva. Zakon se bavi krivicom, moral odgovornosti odnosno svjesnosti pojedinca. • Ethics do not deals with respecting the laws, it is understood. Law deals with guilt, moral deals with responsibility or conscious of a person. • Zakon treba poštivati, a etika vodi i usmjerava tamo gdje je zakonska regulativa ograničena ili dvosmislena. • Law should be respected. Ethics guides and directs when legislative is limited or confusing.
Autoritativna etikaHumanistička etika • Etika može biti autoritativna. U toj etici autoritet utvrđuje što je dobro za čovjeka i postavlja zakone i norme ponašanja. Autoritativna etika negira čovjekovu sposobnost da zna što je dobro, a što zlo. Onaj tko postavlja normu uvijek je autoritet koji nadilazi pojedinca, sustav je zasnovan na strahu od autoriteta. Autoritet proglašava poslušnost glavnom vrlinom, a neposlušnost glavnim grijehom. • Ethics can be authoritative one. That ethics establishes what is good for a person and set up laws’ and behavior norms. Authoritative ethics negates a person’s ability to know what is good and what is evil. One who establishes a norm is always an authority that outweighs a single person. System is based on fear of authority. Authority declares obedience as main virtue, and disobedience is main sin. • U humanističkoj etici sam čovjek je onaj koji postavlja normu i koji je subjekt normi, on je njihov formalni izvor ili regulativna sila i njihov sadržaj. Dobro je ono što je dobro za čovjeka, a zlo je ono što mu šteti. Dobro u humanističkoj etici jest potvrđivanje života, razvijanje čovjekovih snaga. Odgovornost prema vlastitom postojanju je vrlina. Zlo dovodi do sakaćenja čovjekovih snaga, neodgovornost prema sebi je porok. • In humanistic ethics a person is the one that sets up norm and who is norms’ subject, a person is norms’ formal source or regulatory power and theirs content. Good is what is good for a person, and evil what harms him. In humanistic ethics good is affirmation of life, development of a person’s powers. Responsibility towards a one’s own existence is virtue. Evil leads to mutilation of person’s powers, irresponsibility to oneself is vice.
Opća deklaracija o ljudskim pravima • Temeljne vrijednosti svih naroda izražene su u Općoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima. Deklaracija je usvojena i proglašena na Općoj skupštini Ujedinjenih naroda 10. prosinca 1948. godine. • Deklaracija proglašava za najveću težnju svih ljudi: Izgradnja svijeta u kojemu će ljudska bićauživatislobodu govora i uvjerenja te biti pošteđena straha i neimaštine. • UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 • Declaration proclaims advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want as the highest aspiration of the common people.
Etički kodeks • Etički kodeks opisuje idealnu praksu, on je iznad zahtjeva svakodnevnog rada, prevazilazi minimum, preciznije određuje što uraditi kako bi se došlo do maksimalnih rezultata. Etički ideal nije zamjena za profesionalnost, on je proširuje. • Code of ethics describes an ideal practice; it is above demands of every day’s work; it exceeds minimum; defines more precisely what to do in order to reach maximum of result. Ethical ideal is not a substitute for professionalisms, ideal enlargers it. • No, postojanje etičkih normi nije dostatno, pored toga treba postojati volja pojedinca da bude moralno dobra osoba, a temeljna je pretpostavka da taj pojedinac ima slobodu izbora. • But, existence of code of ethics is not sufficient, beside that there should be an individual’s will to be a morally good person. Basic presumption is that a person is free to make a choice. • Etički kodeks štiti od arhivskih usluga koje bi bile ispod standarda. • Code of ethics protects from archival services which would be under standard. • Etički kodeks treba štiti arhive i arhiviste kada su njihovo ponašanje ili programi dovedeni u pitanje. • Code of ethics protects archivist and archives when theirs behavior or program are questioned.
Važni članci Deklaracije o ljudskim pravima • Članak 1. • Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima. Ona su obdarena razumom i sviješću pa jedna prema drugima trebaju postupati u duhu bratstva. • Article 1. • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. • Članak 12. • Nitko ne smije biti podvrgnut samovoljnom miješanju u njegov privatni život, obitelj, dom ili dopisivanje, niti napadima na njegovu čast i ugled. Svatko ima pravo na pravnu zaštitu protiv takvog miješanja ili napada. • Article 12. • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. • Članak 19. • Svatko ima pravo na slobodu mišljenja i izražavanja. To pravo obuhvaća slobodu zadržavanja mišljenja bez vanjskih pritisaka te slobodu traženja, primanja i širenja informacija i ideja putem bilo kojeg sredstva javnog priopćavanja i bez obzira na granice. • Article 19. • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. • Članak 27. • Svatko ima pravo slobodno sudjelovati u kulturnom životu svoje zajednice, uživati u umjetnosti, pridonositi znanstvenom razvoju i koristiti njegove prednosti. • Article 27. • (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Etički kodeks arhivista • Arhivima je povjerena uloga čuvanja dokumenata, memorije. Oni su usmjereni na služenje javnosti, osnovni koncept arhiva zasniva se na javnom povjerenju, a očuvanje tog povjerenja stvar je etičkog ponašanja, i pravne odgovornosti. • Archives are delegated with task to preserve documents, memory. Archives are aimed to serve the public. Fundamental concept of archives is based on public trust, and preserving that trust is matter of ethical behavior and legal responsibility. • 1996. g. arhivska je zajednica usvojila svoj prvi etički kodeks. • 1. Arhivisti čuvaju integritet arhivskoga gradiva i na taj način pružaju jamstvo da ono predstavlja trajno i pouzdano svjedočanstvo prošlosti. • ICA – Code of ethics, adopted on 6 September 1996 • 1 Archivists should protect the integrity of archival material and thus guarantee that it continues to be reliable evidence of the past. • Koja je najviša vrijednost svakoga od nas, kao ljudskog bića i kao stručnjaka? • What is the highest value of each of us, as human being and as professional?
Uredski djelatniciInformacijski stručnjaci • Code of Professional Responsibility • Preamble • Records and information management (RIM) is that field within the information profession responsible for efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use, and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records (ISO 15489-1: Records Management). • ARMA International is a not-for-profit organization representing the RIM profession. Its primary purpose is the advancement of the profession and professional through advocacy, education and professional development. • I: The Social Principles • Because of their responsibilities to society, records and information managers: • Support the creation, maintenance, and use of authentic, reliable, usable information and support the development and use of information systems that place a high priority on accuracy and integrity, which requires that records be complete and unaltered (ISO 15489-1 Records Management). • …. • ETHICAL PRINCIPLES FOR INFORMATION • AND DOCUMENTATION PROFESSIONALS • 1 All information and documentation professionals should: • In all professional, commercial, managerial or educational dealings behave honestly, honourably and in a manner which brings credit on the Information and Documentation (I&D) profession; this includes honouring any commitment freely entered into: • ….
Václav Havel Truth in the Information Age • … • Professor Masaryk, before becoming the first Czechoslovak president, collected evidence proving that these manuscripts although superbly written, and obviously inspired by good intention, were fakes. There ensued a so-called “Battle for the Manuscripts” — a period of major importance in Czech history. The minority who insisted that the papers had been forged were decried by majority opinion as traitors to the nation and accused that, by questioning the most precious relics of the Czech people, they undermined the nation’s self-confidence, and thus, jeopardized the entire self-liberation effort. Rejection of the manuscripts’ authenticity entailed a great personal risk and a complete loss of confidence in the eyes of the patriotic public. • Masaryk, who was already engaged in politics at that time, would not yield and did not succumb to the temptation to appear complaisant to the crowds. Undeterred by the risk of losing prestige, reputation and popularity, he stood by his conviction. He found it unacceptable, as a matter of principle, that awareness of national identity, or the struggle for his people’s legitimate rights, first within the formation of the Austro-Hungarian state and later with the aim of restoring Czech statehood should be based on a lie or fraud. To him, the only valid and viable cornerstone for his nation’s new existence was truth. • … • Masaryk’s unswerving adherence to truth — regardless of the cost — eventually bore historic fruit. His emphasis on truth was embraced as one of the underlying ideals of our modern state, and Masaryk himself won universal respect as the liberator of our nation … • But none of those were a certainty. Masaryk could have been completely obliterated and forgotten simply because he went against the trend of his time. • …
Martha CooleyTHE ARCHIVIST • Protagonist Matt Lane is the keeper of manuscripts and rare books in an American university library. In his collection of literary manuscripts and letters of authors and other famous people, some of the archives are not yet public under the conditions of their transfer. This is also the case with the letters the poet T.S. Eliot wrote to his American friend Emily Hale. They were meant for her perusal only and Eliot wanted her to destroy them. However, Emily Hale kept the letters and presented them to the library. • Matt Lane ordered and described this collection as an archivist should. He also read the letters, although they are only to become public in 2020. • 'An archivist serves the reader's desire. Yet what of the writer'sóis it of no consequence?,' Matt Lane asks himself. He comes to the conclusion that the only thing we need to know about Eliot are his poems. Therefore Lane carries out Eliot’s wish and burns the letters.
Radionica • Rad u grupama
Ljubav prema poslu • Da li biste bili arhivist/ica i besplatno, bez plaće i naknade? • Would you be the archivist even for free, without any salary or reward? • Ni jedan etički kodeks ne može spriječiti neetičko ponašanje. • No Code of ethic can prevent unethical behavior. • Kreativnost, proaktivni stav i posvećenost poslu se ne može ni naučiti ni kupiti, oni ovise o ljubavi za ono što se radi. • Creativeness, proactive attitude and enthusiasm for our job can not be learned or bought; they depend on our love for what we are doing.