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Kerala is a serene coastal state located in South India. It is also called as God’s Own Country. Kerala is famous for backwaters, elephants, vibrant festivals, Ayurvedic massages and many others. Kerala has been one of the top places for romantic honeymoon and serene leisure vacations. This article talks about the top serene places that you should not miss in Kerala.<br>Kerala is the land for romance. With backwaters, lush vegetation, hill station and beautiful nature filled paradise, every year this place is attracting numerous honeymooners. Are you looking for a place to stay in Kerala while you enjoy the place together? There are numerous hotels and accommodation places in the state but, it is best to stay in a place that would kindle your romance more than the place. This article talks in detail about top romantic resorts in Kerala for honeymoon. For More detail about Kerala Tourism visit website: http://www.southindiahighlights.com/kerala-tours/
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