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It is almost a ritual to be asked of any questions and query one might have to get on with the job offer. And mostly, we end up asking generic questions that don’t really matter, neither to work nor to convert the offer. Relevance, here, is the key.
7 Questions to Ask During Job Interview When Given a Chance Keeping things simple, a job offer has many, way too many hidden aspects. And while they all can never be identified before joining, a certain few are almost always prominently visible if you look carefully enough. Most of these are neutral in nature, few are resonating and other few are unclear. It is the last we are here to get straight and also tackle a few other impressionable aspects of an interview. Keep these in mind to modify and/or preparing your own questions to ask when given a chance to clear queries: You are going to work in an organization, and you won’t be alone or at home. You have a future ahead on which you are working, so as the company, the team, and work itself. Organizations have systems in place to manage things, and the system is defined by regulations and culture. Everything has ups and downs, competitions, collaborations, stories, and history. And not all aspects are public knowledge. And there is much more. Why it matters is because these factors affect your growth and guide your career path in the long run. Whether or not you choose to stay with them for long, the factors do affect you for the sole reason that a part of your work experience would be attached to the organization. So, what you need clarifying before going for an offer are questions in these lines that can mine the information you need.
Digging into the Work and Lifestyle What would be my typical working day be like and what is expected of me? An answer to this question would give you insights into the routine and regular responsibilities you are expected of. Although much of it is available in job descriptions provided during the application, not all tasks and responsibilities are to be performed all the time and with the same intensity. It will also give a certain insight into the learning and growth prospectus of the work. Most importantly, it’ll project your interest in the profile and your knack for targeted information. What kind of periodic goals are expected of me, say monthly or quarterly? This will give you a clearer idea of what you are expected to deliver. The work pressure and other aspects that you need to be prepared for. Also, it would be able to give a clear picture of what your department is going towards, how it is growing and what it is working towards, which eventually will become your own targets. Can you tell a bit more about the team I am to work with? Going another step in, taking interest in the team members, the human factor around your work, is a sign of interest and involvement. Also, information about the people in the organization from the HR is also a sign of how managed and social the culture is and also, how efficiently people are evaluated. This question should be followed with the above two or at least one of them. It should also end the digging into the work life you have applied for.
Digging into the Organization and Your Future with it What is the prospects, projects, new verticals, etc the company is looking into currently or for the next 5 years? This will give you two kinds of information, one, how progressive or otherwise is the growth strategy of the organization, two, how much information and other material is made available to the employees. It will help access the periodic growth one can achieve with the organization. It also gives information on the wider aspects of the industry and what it may convert for you in the long haul. Who are the organizations chief or top competitors and collaborators? Some of the most important insights and prospects can be extracted from this question. It shows the stronghold and development of the organization in the industry which directly converts to your own reputation as well. Similarly, networking opportunities and so much more comes along. On the interviewer’s perspective, you also leave a good impression by asking relevant questions. What are the challenges and opportunities the organization and the team are facing? How do I fit into the equation? Adding the latter part not only adds a masterstroke, it also adds a very risky gamble, so use wisely. As of the former part, it actually does direct to the latter question, keeping it in the backdrop. It describes the possibilities you may have to aid in the organization along with your duties and create further opportunities. And most importantly, the interviewer will give you your feedback in disguise by his involvement of you in the answer, thereby giving away the affinity (s)he has developed for you.
Finally, let’s get something for ourselves totally! How did I perform in my interview, any suggestion you may have towards improvement? This one is a very interesting question, giving away much information and extracting even more. There is a high chance that the interviewer might declare your selection right then and there with the question. Also, the suggestions received are very important, however little they may be. And not just these, a lot many questions can be framed owing to the specific needs of the interaction, profile, expectation, research, and other factors. What’s important here, is to focus on two things, mutual coherence and mutual growth projected in the questions. Asking too many questions, however, is not recommended. Pick a few, minimum of 2 questions, and a max of 4 perhaps, whichever seems about right and based on the answers to previous questions. Success depends on the relevance of interaction and mature questioning. Keeping things simple and efficient is always the best option.