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Almost every small and big businesses around us is getting a mobile application developed for their online thing. But do they really add functionality to the mobile-optimized website? Well, it is found that most of the applications are not up to the mark and lack engagement and thus it fails to attract users.<br>
visit :www.sphinx-solution.com Call :+91-020-26434646 HowTo CheckIfYourBusinessNeedsaMobileApp? Almosteverysmallandbigbusinessesaroundusisgettingamobileapplicationdevelopedfor their online thing. But do they really add functionality to the mobile-optimized website? Well, itisfoundthatmostoftheapplicationsarenotuptothemarkandlackengagementandthus it fails to attractusers. • Let’scheckhowtodeterminewhetheryourbusinessneedsamobileapplicationornot. • According to Statista, Google Play store is home to 3.5 million apps and the App storeis home to over 2.2million. • Hereare7questionswhichyoucanaskbeforeyouapproachanymobileappdevelopment serviceprovider. • Checkifyourwebsiteoptimizedenoughforthemobile • This the first thing which you need to consider and it is a good idea to check how your company’s website is performing on mobile devices. If you have not yet upgraded to responsivelookdoitimmediately.Aresponsivewebdesigncanenhanceuserexperienceon devicesandtheseresponsivewebthemesareavailableoverWordPressandShopify.
Check if your competitors haveapps • If your competitor has apps, scan the relevant information from the app stores. Data like the numberofdownloads,userreviewsandratingsshouldofferyourelevantinformationonhow your competitor’s app is performing. This will help you to determine what enhanced functionalityyouneedtooffertothem. • Howcanyourappsolvecustomerproblem? • There are hundreds of apps coming up every year and most of them are of no use to the customers.Youhavetothinkofauniquesolutionwhichwillhelpthecustomersofthesector or industry you belongto. • Retaining customer data simplify theconversions? • Oneprimereasonwhymobilecommercesalesconversionratesarestillbehindisthat • oftheuncoordinatedinformationsuchasbillingandshippingaddressesonamobiledevice.If yourbusinessdependsonrepeatcustomers,skippingthetediousentryofinformationwhile • usinganappmayleadtoincreasedsales. • Doyouwanttoofferacustomerloyaltyprogram? • Thiscustomerloyaltyprogramwillbeyourtrumpcardtoattractmorecustomer.Itwillalso makeiteasytorewardyourcustomerswithdiscounts,coupons,andotherincentives. • Areyouwillingtouseuser-generatedinformationforcustommarketingpurposes? • Consider developing functionality on the mobile app that will allow your customers to share content,suchasphotosandvideo,featuringyourproductsacrosssocialmediaplatforms.This willfurtherhelpyoutomakeacustommarketingstrategytargetingthecustomer. • Doyouwanttobuildanappthatusesthefunctionalityofmobiledevices? • Appsthatusetheinbuiltfunctionsofmobiledevices,suchasacameraoraccelerometer,are verypopularwithusers.Theseofferanenhanceduserexperiencethatawebsitecan’tmatch. • If you are agreeing to most of the above point, then it’s a high-time to plunge on the app development.Wehope,thisshortblogwillcomehandytoyou.Foranytechnicalguidance, you can contact usanytime!
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