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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency have traveled an uncertain path to worldwide popularity. Many people are showing interest in the blockchain technology development even if they were not investing in cryptocurrencies.<br>
visit :www.sphinx-solution.com Call :+91-020-26434646 The Journey ofCryptocurrency Thisarticletalksaboutthejourneyofcryptocurrencies andtheirpotential. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency have traveled an uncertain path to worldwide popularity. Manypeopleareshowinginterestintheblockchaintechnologydevelopmenteven ifthey were not investing incryptocurrencies. 1stphase The US subprime mortgage crisis was a banking emergency that affected the world economy. To prevent any such kind of event from happening again, Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto (real name not known) created a decentralized virtual currency called Bitcoin. And bitcoin is backed by blockchaintechnologywhichistransparent,unalterable,andeliminatedfromthirdpartieslike bank,governmentandany financialinstitutionfromthetransactionprocess. Initially, itserved as a payment medium. This publicly verifiable virtual money gradually became popular among the IT developers. Eventually, innovation of other newcryptocurrency started flowing which helped toengage a broader audience.
2ndPhase Vitalik Buterin (Russian-Canadian programmer) came up with a wider use of blockchain technology which is commonly known as Smart Contracts. And the platform is Ethereum. Certainly, Ethereum is more than just a coin. The IT intellectuals started reviewing the potentialofthisdistributedledgertechnology.Ethereumrevolutionizedand decentralizedthe internet. Thus, Decentralized Apps (DApps), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) came intobeing. Thedevelopersfromdifferentpartsoftheworldstartedexperimentingtolaunchtheirown tokens and raise money from the public withICO (Initial Coin Offerings). 3rdPhase Scalable and practical, the 3rd phase of Blockchain technology is in its infancy. It's been predicted that in 2019-2020, there will be a blockchain of blockchains with millions of transactions per second. Itwill be enormous that includes organizational structures like cities and connected to the otherbodies. Cryptocurrencieshavemadeadramaticleapintermsofinnovationandadoptioninpastfew years. The tokenization of many businesses across different industries will open a wide opportunity for economicgrowth. We at Sphinx Solution, are working on Blockchain App Development and ICO services. Our experienced developers are thoroughly acquainted with the full development stack. You can rely on us for scalable Cryptocurrency Wallet, Hyperledger, Bitcoin apps &private blockchain developmentservices.
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