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Top Things You Need To Know About E-Commerce Software

According to Statista, global e-commerce sales are about to increase 246.15% by 2021, from 1.3trillion in 2014 to 4.5 trillion in 2021.<br><br>

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Top Things You Need To Know About E-Commerce Software

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  1. visit :www.sphinx-solution.com Call :+91-020-26434646 Top Things You Need To Know About E-CommerceSoftware According to Statista, global e-commerce sales are about to increase 246.15% by 2021, from 1.3trillion in 2014 to 4.5 trillion in2021. • Thee-commerceindustry isboomingandyouneedtopay attentionifyouareintheretail. You need to have a software and website which will help you to run more impactful and measurable marketingcampaigns. • Well,beforeyouapproachanytopsoftwaredevelopmentcompany,herearefewpoints to brush your basics ofe-commerce software. • What is an E-commerceSoftware? • E-commerce software helps the online store to easily manage inventory, add or remove items,calculatetaxes,andallothertasksrequiredtomanagethewebsiteandfulfillorders. It simplifies the processes offering a friendly user interface that helps the non-IT people to look after theoperation. • Types of E-commerceSoftware • On-Premise: On-premises software is installed and runs on computers on thepremises (in the building) of the person or organization using the software, rather than at a remote facility such as a server farm or cloud. On-premises softwareis • sometimes referred to as “shrinkwrap” software. (According toWikipedia). On-Premise

  2. needs on-site developers who can manually update, do troubleshooting andfix problems. • Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. Itis • sometimesreferredtoas"on-demandsoftware",andwasformerlyreferredto • as "software plus services" by Microsoft. (According to Wikipedia). Any e-commerce storeoptingforSaaScanbe launchedinhalftimeandatamuchlowerpricethanon- premisesolutions. • 3. How can e-commerce software help yourbusiness? • Thepurposeofthissoftwareis toputeverythingyouneedtorunyourretailinoneplace. Software like ERP, 3PL, and social media sites can be linked so that data counting and sharing is notmanual. • Top benefits: • It makes marketingeasy • Helps in calculating taxes and automate shippinginformation • Manage the product inventorylist • Manage order and customer communicationhistory • Hosted solution improve the overall userexperience • Thee-commercesitesaregaininganimportantplace.Itisexpectedforsmallormedium- sized tomake a strong position over the web too. • Our panel of experienced and highly skilled e-commerce experts will help you redesign, remodel and strategize your e-commerce website. Any comments on how you are preparedorhowyouareplanningtorelaunchyourstoreonlinearewelcome.ForMore Details Contact Us!

  3. USA :+1 732-947-4310 | UK : +964 07717777 916 | Malaysia:+6017-2126274 IRAQ : +964 0771 7777 916 | BRAZIL : +55 21 2258-7260 | INDIA :+91-020-26434646 https://www.sphinx-solution.com Copyright© 2018 Sphinx Solutions Pvt Ltd. All rightsreserved.

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