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Have you ever heard of Algorithmic Trading? It is an automated trading which uses computers programmed to follow defined rules of instructions for trading in order to achieve profit at a speed without any biases.<br><br>
visit :www.sphinx-solution.com Call :+91-020-26434646 Will Blockchain Technology Able To Help Tomorrow’sStock Market? HaveyoueverheardofAlgorithmicTrading?Itisanautomatedtradingwhichuses computersprogrammedtofollowdefinedrulesofinstructionsfortradinginorder toachieveprofitataspeedwithoutanybiases. Now, Blockchain technology-based software can also help in some parts of the trading cycle andmaking dataavailabletoeveryoneinasecureway.Well,itcan alsohelpwiththeefficient proxyvotingandminimizingsystematicrisklikeinsidertrading. In a recent news published on Economic Times, it is discussed whether blockchain canhelp thefuturestockmarketornot.Wehave takeninsightandstudiedit. Blockchain as drivingforce Intheworldoftheblockchain,theintermediariesareperceivedasthebiggestbarrierforits adoption. However, research shows that most of the organizations do not believe intermediaries will be a barrier for increasing blockchain investments on the stock market. This is because many market intermediaries and global exchanges have already shown their intenttoevaluatethe advantagesoftheblockchain.
As per a recent example, “Japan’s Financial Services Agency has allowed the Japan Exchange Group, which operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange, to use blockchain as its coretrading infrastructure”.Asawhole,thereis aslowmovementonthedevelopmentoftherequired frameworks.Still,therearemanyagencieswatchingtheapproachandstudyingthe blockchain’s regulatory policy before getting intoit. Also read:https://www.sphinx-solution.com/blog/category/blockchain-development/ Majorbenefits The interoperability, trust, and transparency are some of the biggest advantages andthese factors can help to support the fragmented stock market systems. There are different participants like traders, brokers, intermediaries and stock exchange and all need to go through a hecticprocess. Being a decentralized ledger, the use of blockchain technology development can make the exchanges more optimal through automation. It can also reduce the costs of the process resulting in fast transaction settlement. Also, the technology can be used in clearing settlement,easingtradepaperwork andlegalownershiptransfer.So,this,inturn,willleadto higher liquidity andinvestments. Looking to this advance scenario, effective governance is the major factor to the successful implementationof blockchaintoensurethesystem isfreeofcybersecuritythreats andother fraudulent activities. With blockchain’s potential to disrupt the financial services and in automatingtrade-eventprocessing,wecanexpectittoseeabrightfuture. Well,ifyou needanytechnicalhelptogrowfurtherwiththehelpofblockchaintechnology, you can get in touch withus.
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