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Team USA's Crystal Dunn presents her exclusive soccer camp. A unique opportunity to train with and learn from professional soccer player and Olympian Crystal Dunn.
http://sportsperformancegroup.com Speed,agility, and quickness (SAQ) training is too often associated with sports and other physically demanding activities. Upon closer observation, we realize we have missed the everyday events and activities that can greatly benefit from SAQ training. You never know when you’re going to run after your kids, play a pick up game of basketball, or cut through the trees during your next ski trip. This method of training can help with the previously mentioned scenarios, but will also enhance workouts for anyone who is involved in recreational sports, exercises on a regular basis, or simply enjoys activities such as walking a dog or playing with their child.As fitness professionals, we see so many people that come to the health club or gym to run on treadmills, climb on elliptical machines, or pedal away on bikes almost every day. Traditional modes of cardiorespiratory work lend to repetitive motions with little, if any, emphasis towards the frontal or transverse planes of motion. In order to cater to the body’s need for stability in all planes of motion, the fitness professional should integrate movements at varying speeds and body positions into their client’s training plan. This can be made possible with SAQ training, in addition to adjusting exercise selection and techniques. Speed and strength Training Training Packages / Speed Camps Camps and clinics are designed for teams, schools and groups wanting to increase general athleticism and sport specific performance. Athletes of all levels and ages can benefit from our professional instruction in the areas of speed, agility, acceleration, strength, power and flexibility.Training Packages / Speed Camp are essential to improving.
Sports Performance Group takes a scientific approach to improving athletic performance. In a little over an hour, a bio-mechanical evaluation that features a kinetic-chain point assessment helps trainers find any issues with athletes’ natural body motions or senses of balance. Coaches then draw up workouts based on both the results of the evaluation and the trainee’s primary sport. Each training session lasts an hour and starts with a flexibility warm-up before revving up to speed training and plyometrics. Speed Training Pricing Team Pricing varies according to group size Individual Pricing varies depending on package Packages of 25 and 40 sessions are available at a reduced rate Partner Pricing (prices are per person) 2 people, $63 per person 3-4 people, $50 per person Group Training Available About Us The Sports Performance Group The culmination of over 17 years of research, hands on training, and dedication, where thousands of athletes have benefited from our proprietary sports training programs to achieve goals of becoming faster, stronger, better! Individual, group and team training, in any sport, is now available. It takes eight-to-twelve years of training for a talented player/athlete to reach elite levels. This is called the ten-year or 10,000 hour rule, which translates to slightly more than three hours of practice daily for ten years Unfortunately, parents and coaches in many sports still approach training with an attitude best characterized as “peaking by Friday,” where a short-term approach is taken to training and performance with an over-emphasis on immediate results. A long-term commitment to practice and training is required to produce elite players/athletes in all sports. The athletes who excel in our group were not only committed to excelling this year but have shown an unending ability to work toward excellence over time . SPG programs bring expert techniques to the fundamentals of all sports at all levels: Proper running form Lateral Movement Agility Quickness and explosive power Conditioning Strength Training
Crystal Dunn Soccer Camp Team USA's Crystal Dunn presents her exclusive soccer camp. A unique opportunity to train with and learn from professional soccer player and Olympian Crystal Dunn. Contact Sports Performance Group 148 Vincent Ave Lynbrook,NY 11563 Phone:917-545-7099 http://sportsperformancegroup.com/