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Sri Annapurna sweet shop

Indulge in the joy of sweetness with our exquisite handcrafted mithai, as we add a special touch to every occasion in your life. In India, sweets are considered an integral part of auspicious celebrations, and we are honored to be a part of your festivities. Let's make your moments even more delightful with our delectable treats.

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Sri Annapurna sweet shop

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  1. Sweet Shop Sri Annapurna https://sriannapurna.in/ +91-9235596102 SRIANNAPURNAFOODS,J12/16ARAMKATORA, VARANASI-221002,UTTARPRADESH

  2. WELCOMET OOURSHOP There is no sincere love than the love for food.' We at Sri Annapurna went few steps ahead to embrace the love for cooking and serving delicious,wholesome foodwith unmatched quality. https://sriannapurna.in/ SRIANNAPURNAFOODS,J12/16ARAMKATORA, VARANASI-221002,UTTARPRADESH +91-9235596102

  3. SriAnnapurnawasfoundedin2000 withtheaimofofferinghigh-quality South-Indiancuisinetotheinhabitants and visitors of Varanasi in a clean and sophisticatedsetting.Itsfounder,Mr. RaviShankarJhunjhunwala,focusedon three key principles: quality, consistency,andhygiene,whichhelped therestaurantgainpopularityamong boththelocalsandtouristsfrom aroundtheworld. Startingfromasmall800squarefeet restaurantwithonlytwochefsandfour floorstaff,theestablishmenthasgrown to over 200 employees, expanding its operationstovarioussegmentsofthe hospitality industry. Sri Annapurna has continuedtoevolvewithtime,adapting to changing circumstances and exploringnewavenuesforgrowth. ABOUTOUR SHOP https://sriannapurna.in/ +91-9235596102 SRIANNAPURNAFOODS,J12/16ARAMKATORA, VARANASI-221002,UTTARPRADESH

  4. Checkoutourtopsellingsweetdelicacies.Whichoneareyouorderingtoday?Checkoutourtopsellingsweetdelicacies.Whichoneareyouorderingtoday? Shopnow

  5. CONTACTUS https://sriannapurna.in/ Sri Annapurna is the one-stop destination for anything related toyourculinaryexperience. +91-9235596391 Re-discover flavors and let us makeallyourcelebrations a memorableone.


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