DINOSAURS The Tyrannosaurus or T. Rex existed in the late cretaceous period some 65 million years ago. A carnivorous dinosaur and an extremely popular icon in today's movie culture this dinosaur is probably one of the most talked and read about dinosaurs ever to have existed. Also the dinosaurs lived until they died at the time of 245 till 180 million years ago.
Death • Dinosaurs may of died of a meteorite that crashed into planet earth. • Others believe it was a disease. • When the meteorite crashed it blocked out the sun and changed the climate.
Triceratops • According to scientists they lived to 65-75 million years ago. It lived in the cretaceous period. They were plant eaters. Three-horned face the largest Ceratopian and one of the last. It was about the same weight as two elephants. N. America BL 11m (36ft).