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T9L: India's First Startup Studio

A company that builds companies. We partner with select founders and help them bring new ideas to life. We are a bunch of people passionate about great ideas, products, and growth. <br><br>https://t9l.com<br><br>

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T9L: India's First Startup Studio

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Presentation Transcript

  1. T9L.com T E C H N O L O G Y 9 L A B S I N D I A ' S F I R S T S T A R T U P S T U D I O

  2. T9L.com WHAT IS A STARTUP STUDIO? D E F I N I T I O N Startup studios raise a startup’s likelihood of succeeding and optimize its own production and growth.

  3. Startup Accelerators in India INNER IDEATION I D E A G E N E R A T I O N Ideas must be produced internally; startup studios aren’t early-stage investors however real co- founders. The studio should initially own 100 percent of this project thought. A studio shouldn’t be only a vacant arrangement having a portfolio of organizations.

  4. Startup Incubators in India S U C C E S S F U L L Y I N C U B A T E D S T A R T U P S T9L has successfully incubated many startups in India CrownIT Docquity Halal Trips Resumeble BitGiving Farmer Uncle

  5. Building businesses via a startup studio generate many benefits coming in the studio infrastructure: Construct Faster: Due to shrewd processes and a dedicated group of specialists working day daily to help your organization grow. Construct Better: the studio group is made from specialists in their own disciplines (design, advertising, code, etc.) working together. Recruitment of top profiles is made simpler by the fantastic standing of their studio and the help of the group. Construct Larger: startup studios make it feasible to tackle bigger markets due to the shared wisdom and pooled resources supplied.

  6. T9L.com In Technology 9 labs we concentrate on constructing independent businesses: after 18 to 24 months, our startups become entirely independent and we don’t play with any operational role. You can our website from here. If one of those startups becomes a breakout hit, we will just be very delighted board members. “Startups are retained dependent of the studio”

  7. Startup Accelerators Cases Threats In fact, they’re quite a few studios which are focusing on construction providers, period. They utilize the studio work to aid businesses of the portfolio. We know it’s a significant threat when constructing startups. That’s the reason why we’ve assembled our studio round the thought that we construct independent startups, using their very own creators

  8. " W E ’ D L I K E Y O U T O H A V E A L O O K A N D A D D Y O U R O P I N I O N S O N T H I S D A T A B A S E . H E R E A R E J U S T T W O E X A M P L E S O F S T A R T U P S S T U D I O S B A S E D O N T H E D E F I N I T I O N S U P P L I E D . T H I S S T A R T U P S T U D I O H A S D I F F E R E N T A T T R I B U T E S B U T W O R K S E S S E N T I A L L Y O N P R E C I S E L Y T H E E X A C T S A M E M O D E L . " Startup Incubators

  9. CONTACT US L o c a t e d a t : 1 1 8 , 2 n d F l o o r , J P H o u s e S h a h p u r J a t N e w D e l h i I n d i a - 1 1 0 0 4 9 s u p p o r t : i n f o @ t 9 l . c o m w e b s i t e : t 9 l . c o m

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