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The SAU Inverted Series Modular Umbrellas have an extensive range of optional accessories that allows your modular umbrella to be adapted perfectly to your project requirements. All SAU Inverted Series Modular Umbrellas can be linked to provide continuous coverage by way of one fabric or linking system.
STREETUMBRELLAS.COM.AU Street UmbrellasAustralia “Open Air StreetCulture”
WehaveworkedsuccessfullywithDarrenCrabb&his team on a number projects at our venues over the years, each time we have been successfull in creating functional outdoor areas that have exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and service provided eachtime.TheOperabarprojectwasnoexception,the Architectural Umbrellas provide complete weather protection while also integrating heating and lighting to extend our trading period through night and the coller months. We have had the first umbrellas installedovertwentyyearsagonowwehavechanged thefabricduetoarequestfromauthoritiesbutcould haveeasilyhadthesamefabricstillshinninglikenew, the frames we polish and they look the same as the day we had theminstalled. OurTestimonials:
The SAU Inverted Series Modular Umbrellas have an extensive range of optional accessoriesthatallowsyourmodularumbrellatobeadaptedperfectlytoyourproject requirements. All SAUInvertedSeriesModularUmbrellas can be linked to provide continuous coverage by way of one fabric or linking system. The inclusion of our heating &lightingsystemswill extend usable hours of the space & provide year- roundcomfort. TheSUAInvertedSeriesModularUmbrellasareverypopularforallmarketareas, streetscapeprojects,themeparks,airportsandsportingvenues.
Our projectexperience– This means that you will be partneringwithaindustryleaderinarchitecturalmembrane structures, we pride ourselves on the fact we constantly deliverawardwinningprojectoutcomesforourclients. OurDesigns – Are all engineered specifically to your projects requirements in accordance with Australian standardsandengineeringcodes.Weutiliseawidevarietyof fabrictypesandthisisdependentontheapplication&your siteconditions. OurFabrics–Westartwithacosteffectivealternative totraditionalroofingsystemsandthisisahighgrade architecturalPVCfabricthatwecanutilisemultiplesheetsof fabricandfuse(weld)themtogetherinaprocessknownas weldable seam technology, larger spans can be achieved withoutloosingtheintegrityoftheyarn.
Completedesignflexibility–TheSAUInvertedSeriesModularUmbrella combines the award-winning Inverted Conical design with a new benchmark in sophisticated high-end membranestructuredetailing.Withanextensiverangeofferingclientsavarietyofsizes tomixandmatch,ensuringlarge&smalloutdoorspacescancostefficientlybeprotected year-round from sun, wind &rain.
GET INTOUCH MAIN BRANCHADDRESS 2/410 Pittwater Road North Manly NSW 2100 Australia PHONENUMBER 1300 49 7439 EMAILADDRESS info@streetumbrellas.com.au