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20 Rs. 293.82 Total Payable Amount 04 Sep 2023 Due date Mr. Subhashish Mishra Vi No : 8147028557 : 68568172 : 1 Bill Cycle Date : 20.08.23 : 20.08.23 : 20.07.23 to 19.08.23 : KAI1008382718050 Telecommunications : : Karnataka : 29 : - Account No No. of Connections Invoice Date Bill Period 407 2nd Floor 5th Avenue Teachers Colony Nr Carmel Garden Public School Bangalore,Koramangala Bangalore-560034, Karnataka Your Plan : Invoice No Description of Service Place of Supply State Code Customer GST No Entertainment 399 : Rs. 4,000 : Rs. 0 : 7813925795 Credit Limit Security Deposit Alternate Contact No Total Payable Amount Payable after 04-09-23 Payments (Last 1 month) Total Charges for the Current Bill Period Previous Balance Adjustments = - + + Rs. 293.82 Rs. 343.82 Rs. 293.82 Rs. 293.82 Rs. 0.00 Rs. 293.82 Payable on or before 04 Sep 2023 (incl Rs. 50 late payment charges) Please pay before due date to avoid any late payment fee. Pay previous balance, if any, immediately to avoid disconnection. Previous Balance refers to outstanding amount as per the last bill. Adjustments refers to any credits passed in your account due to reversal / waiver of any charges Charge Summary Amount (Rs.) One Time Charges 0.00 Monthly Charges 399.00 Usage Charges 0.00 Cheque / DD should be payable to Vodafone Idea Ltd. - 8147028557 - Call Charges 0.00 - Conference Calls 0.00 GST QR Code Invoice Ref No: Scan to pay your bill now - SMS 0.00 Scan below QR Code to pay your bill using Bharat QR Code (Only for Active mobile number) - Mobile Internet 0.00 - National Roaming 0.00 - Value Added Services 0.00 International Roaming Service Charges 0.00 Discounts 150.00 Other Credits / Charges 0.00 Miscellaneous Charges 0.00 (For detailed charges please refer the “Your Usage Details” section in the bill) Late payment charges 0.00 Taxable Value 249.00 Tax 44.82 Total charges for the Current Bill Period 293.82 (Two Hundred Ninety Three Rupees and Eighty Two Paise) Keep your family safe and secure while using the internet, especially children & young adults. Get tips at www.MyVi.in/parental-control Vodafone Idea Limited Ground Flr, B Block, MarutiInfotech Ctr, Koramangala Intermediate RingRd, AmarJyoti Layout, Bangalore-560071 HSN Code : 998413 Vodafone Idea GST No : 29AAACB2100P1ZT CIN :L32100GJ1996PLC030976 Regd. Office : SumanTower, Plot No 18, Sector no 11, Gandhinagar 382011, Gujarat -Tel + 91 79 6671 4000, www.MyVi.in (Formerly Idea Cellular Limited) An Aditya Birla Group & Vodafone Partnership Page 1 of 8
Helpful Information for You We’re Happy to Help™ Call us on 199 from your Vi mobile or call on 98440 12345 from any other network. You can also visit www.MyVi.in, email us at customercare@vodafoneidea.com For complaints, service activation/deactivation and tariff change requests call 198 (toll free) from your Vi mobile. Billing information: • For last bill summary, unbilled amount, credit limit, last 3 payments, etc., dial *199# 199 You can also send an SMS to (toll free) for the following: MBILL • Last bill summary : SMS DATA BAL • Data balance : SMS • Bill in regional language : SMS LBILL • • Note : Charges of 50p/3 mins will be applicable when you choose to speak to an agent on dialing 199 from your Vi mobile. SMS to (toll free) ACT ISD 199 (Charges as applicable) For itemised bill : Log on to www.MyVi.in or SMS to (toll free) Subscribe to e-bill: • SMS to (toll free) ACT GOGREEN 199 • SMS to (toll free) to register your email ID EMAIL (space) email ID 199 To change address: To activate ISD Calls: Write to Us at ACT IB 199 Vodafone Idea Limited(CIN:L32100GJ1996PLC030976, PAN:AAACB2100P), Ground Flr, B Block, MarutiInfotech Ctr, Koramangala Intermediate RingRd, AmarJyoti Layout, Bangalore-560071. Be sure to get the docket number (your unique complaint/request number) and quote it in all future communication. Name: Mr. Prasad Nair Designation: Head - Customer Service Phone: 98860 47474 Email: appellate.kar@vodafoneidea.com Visit your nearest store with the new address proof. For more information call Reporting loss of SIM: 199 199 98440 12345 Contact them with the docket number, from Monday to Friday, between 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM at the above address Call Vi Care immediately at or and inform us. The connection will be barred immediately. If you have any discrepancy in bill you will have to come back within the due date or else it will be considered as correct. About Your Tariff Plans Avoidable Charges Late payment charges • No migration fee will be charged when migrating to any plan • No increase in your tariff plan for 6 months from enrollment of tariff • No charge will be levied for any service without your explicit consent Outstanding Amount Late Payment Charges • Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit To calculate the financial implications of your tariff plan, visit www.MyVi.in Rs. 50 to Rs. 300 Rs. 50 • Rs. 301 to Rs. 4999 Rs. 100 • It is advisable to change the tariff plan at the end of the bill cycle Rs. 5000 and above Rs. 500 Value Added Services • From entertainment to infotainment, get our best services hand-picked for you, call 123 (toll free) Bounced cheque charges If your cheque returns unpaid by your bank, below charges will apply. Cheque bounce may also result in withdrawal of services • STOP to 155223 or call 155223 (toll free) To deactivate any service, SMS Amount Cheque Bounce Charges Manage Your Vi Account Online • Register for ‘Vi App‘ by visiting www.MyVi.in/vi-app Up to Rs. 1000 Rs. 100 More than Rs. 1000 Rs. 200 • Download Vi App on your smartphone. SMS VIAPP to 199 (toll free) Dynamic Credit Limit BILL 199 To find your dynamic credit limit, SMS to (toll free) Your dynamic credit limit depends on the security deposit you’ve paid, your average monthly usage, payment track record and on how long you’ve been with us. You may be asked to make an interim payment if your usage is more than your dynamic credit limit. International Roaming • International rates for Data usage vary from Rs. 5.50/10 KB to Rs. 10/10 KB, depending upon the country of visit. Please visit www.MyVi.in for details. Applications within your handset might be set for auto sync/auto refresh. Kindly change settings to manual sync/manual refresh when travelling overseas. SMS on International Roaming is charged at Rs. 15/SMS (1 SMS = 160 characters) However, Vi at its discretion allows usage beyond the credit limit based on your payment history, without changing the credit limit. Your payment will be basis actual calls made. • • To increase your credit limit you have to make an additional payment towards your security deposit. Dynamic credit limit is applicable on local and national roaming usage. To activate International Roaming before you fly overseas, SMS ACT IR to 199 (toll free) Save up to 95% on International roaming with Vi, SMS IROAM to 199 (toll free) to check IR discount benefits on International Roaming. Rounding Rule Tips for You! Call duration is rounded upwards for fractions of a second. Data usage is rounded upwards to the nearest multiple of 10 Kilobytes. SMS beyond 160 characters (i.e. including blank space,words, numbers, special characters, symbols etc.) is considered as two (2) or more SMS (as the case may be). Free Data usage on your connection is also applicable on usage carried out on any Vi network within India. Complaints and Requests SEZ Exemption To check the status of your complaints and requests for the last 3 months, log onto Vi App. Select "Complaints and Requests" under the "My Account - Support" section. SEZ Exemption would be applied only upon submission of the requisite documents as per Government norms. Exemption would be effective from forthcoming invoice. For queries, reach out Account Manager/Relationship Manager. Supply meant for export/supply to SEZ unit or SEZ developer for authorized operations under bond or letter of undertaking without payment of Integrated Tax. To avoid unwanted telemarketing calls, register your Vi number in NDNC Registry - call 1909 (toll free) or SMS START 0 to 1909 (toll free). All contents of this bill will be deemed correct by you if you don’t inform us of any discrepancy within the due date.
Your Usage Details Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Dynamic Credit Limit Rs. 4000 (for details refer pg. 2) Your Postpaid Plan Entertainment 399 Call Rates (@ Home Circle) Local (Rs./min:sec) STD (Rs./min:sec) SMS Rates Rs./SMS SMS Rates Rs/SMS Outgoing Local STD International Free Free Incoming Outgoing To Vi Mobile To Other Mobile To Landline Video Calls With this plan, you get: 0.25 0.25 5 Free Talktime : Unlimited Mins (Home & Roam Local+STD) Free SMS : 100 SMS (Home & Roam) Free Internet Quota : 40 GB 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 - Mobile Internet Rates Rs/10KB Rs./10KB Mobile Internet Rates Browsing without pack (4G/3G/2G) 0.0048 /0.0048 Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in Your Security Deposit with us Rs. 0 Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit. Last 6 Months Bill History Last 3 Payments Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 03-Jun-23 04-Jul-23 04-Aug-23 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 470.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Rs 293.82 Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit. Any security deposit released will reflect as payment in your subsequent bill. Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs.) Discounts (Rs.) Net Charges (Rs.) Monthly Charges Plan Rental - Entertainment 399 20.07.23 to 19.08.23 399.00 0.00 399.00 Total 399.00 0.00 399.00 Usage (min:sec) Free Usage (min:sec) Charged Usage (min:sec) Charges Call Charges (Rs.) Local 129:00 129:00 0:00 0.00 STD 537:00 537:00 0:00 0.00 Total 666:00 666:00 0:00 0.00 Page 3 of 8
Your Usage Details Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Dynamic Credit Limit Rs. 4000 (for details refer pg. 2) SMS Charges Usage (SMS) Free Usage Charged Usage Charges (SMS) (SMS) (Rs.) SMS Local 2 2 0 0.00 SMS National 8 8 0 0.00 10 10 0 0.00 Total Usage (KB) Usage (MB) Free Usage Charged Usage Charges Mobile Internet Charges (MB) (MB) (Rs.) Internet Usage 4568910 4461.83 4461.81 0.02 0.00 Data Conversion: 1 MB = 1,024 KB | 1 GB = 1,024 MB Total 4568910 4461.83 4461.81 0.02 0.00 Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges National Roaming Charges (min:sec/SMS/MB) (min:sec/SMS/MB) (min:sec/SMS/MB) (Rs.) Outgoing Calls: Local/STD 180:00 180:00 0:00 0.00 SMS 2 2 0 0.00 Total 0.00 Value Added Services (VAS) 1. Usage Usage Charges Discounts Net Charges Min:Sec/SMS/Unit (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) SMS - Special Numbers 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 Calls - Special Numbers 12:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Usage Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 Discounts / Other charges Charges (Rs.) Rs150 discount for 6 Bills 150.00 (-) Total 150.00 (-) Charges (Rs.) Taxable Value 249.00 Total charges for current bill period (before tax) 249.00 Total Page 4 of 8
Your Usage Details Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Dynamic Credit Limit Rs. 4000 (for details refer pg. 2) Tax Amount for the Bill Period Charges (Rs.) State GST @ 9.00% 22.41 Central GST @ 9.00% 22.41 Total 44.82 No Tax is payable on Reverse Charge Charges for this bill period Charges (Rs.) Total charges for current bill period (Including tax) 293.82 Total 293.82 Page 5 of 8
Itemised Calls Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Outgoing calls Local Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 19/08/23-10:13:48 19/08/23-12:16:20 917411926845 09019428950 54 Calls 12:00 1:00 129:00 0 0 Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 0.00 Total 22/07/23-11:50:09 27/07/23-10:17:40 27/07/23-10:19:35 27/07/23-10:23:11 27/07/23-19:04:06 27/07/23-19:13:10 31/07/23-16:31:17 31/07/23-17:52:21 01/08/23-15:32:01 02/08/23-14:20:06 02/08/23-14:22:34 02/08/23-14:35:04 02/08/23-15:54:51 02/08/23-20:42:49 03/08/23-12:00:22 03/08/23-12:13:01 03/08/23-12:38:21 03/08/23-12:56:56 03/08/23-12:57:43 03/08/23-13:42:47 04/08/23-11:32:14 04/08/23-14:04:52 05/08/23-12:03:51 05/08/23-16:11:12 05/08/23-17:45:06 06/08/23-20:05:55 07/08/23-11:36:27 07/08/23-11:38:39 07/08/23-11:41:55 07/08/23-11:45:21 07/08/23-11:47:09 07/08/23-13:03:16 07/08/23-15:18:36 07/08/23-15:20:39 07/08/23-20:27:08 08/08/23-08:10:10 08/08/23-09:42:52 08/08/23-10:56:29 08/08/23-10:57:51 08/08/23-15:23:26 16/08/23-09:20:34 16/08/23-12:27:17 16/08/23-14:03:18 18/08/23-08:05:58 18/08/23-08:21:09 18/08/23-08:33:17 18/08/23-08:34:36 18/08/23-08:46:53 18/08/23-08:47:00 18/08/23-13:19:34 18/08/23-13:20:16 18/08/23-19:44:25 919655054766 919036364916 917813925795 09632240222 918068091243 919902550200 919008410621 08792904401 919611619039 918068091243 08045681192 09243545454 918068091243 918971399378 918068132477 918068132477 918068132477 919611619039 917813925795 919611619039 919901605432 09133338496 919611619039 917813925795 917813925795 9731777305 08861836054 09986119361 09845531856 09980351646 09206677064 917813925795 918660807215 917813925795 08088126026 918088126026 918660807215 919741824822 919741824822 919133338496 919844866703 9611501323 08022873333 916362097834 916362097834 9880520753 918861523392 918861523392 918861523392 919901605432 919901605432 09019428950 8:00 2:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 10:00 4:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 3:00 7:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 9:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 7:00 1:00 2:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STD Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 20/07/23-15:08:27 20/07/23-20:30:51 20/07/23-21:41:10 20/07/23-22:00:06 21/07/23-07:50:56 21/07/23-16:15:49 22/07/23-18:55:23 23/07/23-18:59:04 23/07/23-20:44:00 25/07/23-16:04:30 26/07/23-11:02:57 26/07/23-18:32:41 26/07/23-18:33:16 26/07/23-19:42:04 26/07/23-19:51:26 26/07/23-20:14:30 26/07/23-21:07:14 27/07/23-13:04:45 27/07/23-19:59:52 28/07/23-16:45:36 29/07/23-18:00:47 30/07/23-12:24:11 30/07/23-13:02:48 30/07/23-13:22:53 30/07/23-19:54:43 30/07/23-20:48:39 31/07/23-15:03:10 01/08/23-13:31:38 01/08/23-18:01:31 02/08/23-14:39:17 02/08/23-15:46:11 02/08/23-15:54:36 02/08/23-16:05:18 02/08/23-16:21:27 02/08/23-20:42:18 02/08/23-20:47:00 03/08/23-09:03:45 05/08/23-17:04:48 05/08/23-20:12:04 06/08/23-13:06:23 06/08/23-19:12:44 06/08/23-21:20:46 07/08/23-13:05:56 07/08/23-13:49:49 07/08/23-19:51:16 07/08/23-20:08:02 07/08/23-20:26:16 53208147028557 919971222022 917497833988 919938716641 919644835720 53208147028557 919899010446 919938305486 919802651351 918888037037 919509694093 8690005267 8690005267 53208147028557 53208147028557 917506063748 919987867994 53208147028557 53208147028557 917033591765 917557576666 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 9987867994 07075919124 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 918407999619 53208147028557 918407999619 53208147028557 08080523180 9:00 12:00 14:00 9:00 6:00 8:00 5:00 4:00 1:00 6:00 5:00 1:00 1:00 7:00 10:00 10:00 9:00 13:00 20:00 5:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 42:00 1:00 5:00 8:00 2:00 18:00 1:00 9:00 1:00 8:00 2:00 1:00 16:00 3:00 4:00 3:00 5:00 8:00 12:00 10:00 2:00 1:00 9:00 1:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 6 of 8
Itemised Calls Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges Date Usage in KB Charges (Rs.) (Rs.) 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 08/08/23-11:28:00 08/08/23-14:15:37 08/08/23-15:13:35 08/08/23-15:36:20 08/08/23-16:04:46 09/08/23-19:35:51 10/08/23-04:31:45 10/08/23-08:59:08 10/08/23-12:15:25 10/08/23-14:56:01 10/08/23-15:05:57 10/08/23-15:32:05 16/08/23-13:15:17 16/08/23-19:23:18 17/08/23-14:16:24 17/08/23-21:09:39 18/08/23-08:59:26 18/08/23-15:39:39 18/08/23-20:04:16 18/08/23-21:31:14 18/08/23-21:50:25 19/08/23-09:37:30 19/08/23-18:39:48 19/08/23-21:05:17 19/08/23-21:15:01 19/08/23-21:16:32 19/08/23-22:35:08 919811400055 919619500919 918655387973 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 53208147028557 919826532378 919826532378 918602187702 919802651351 912271872531 07075919124 917557576666 918602187702 09082052352 09082052352 8105271834 919899322022 919840163392 919899322022 919840163392 6:00 10:00 3:00 1:00 15:00 13:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 5:00 21:00 3:00 5:00 26:00 19:00 6:00 2:00 6:00 8:00 2:00 20:00 21:00 537:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20/07/23 21/07/23 22/07/23 23/07/23 24/07/23 25/07/23 26/07/23 27/07/23 28/07/23 29/07/23 30/07/23 31/07/23 01/08/23 02/08/23 03/08/23 04/08/23 05/08/23 06/08/23 07/08/23 08/08/23 09/08/23 10/08/23 11/08/23 12/08/23 13/08/23 14/08/23 15/08/23 16/08/23 17/08/23 18/08/23 19/08/23 Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet 30 50 30 130 680 80 40 20 30 20 30 70 90 40 50 50 18640 35900 147370 2900 10 199350 52000 604110 197380 1792770 1516740 90 150 10 50 74 Calls 0.00 Total Messages SMS Local 4568910 0.00 Total Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) National Roaming Outgoing Calls: Local/STD 0** 0** 18/08/23-08:09:18 18/08/23-08:09:20 916362097834 916362097834 2 Messages 0:00 0:00 0:00 Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration (min:sec) Charges 0.00 Total (Rs.) SMS National 10/08/23-02:21:23 Vi-ChennaiIndia 10/08/23-08:18:49 Vi-ChennaiIndia 10/08/23-11:58:47 Vi-TNIndia 10/08/23-15:07:30 Vi-ChennaiIndia 10/08/23-19:54:57 Vi-KeralaIndia 10/08/23-19:59:36 Vi-KeralaIndia 10/08/23-22:23:45 Vi-KeralaIndia 10/08/23-22:33:05 Vi-KeralaIndia 10/08/23-22:51:30 Vi-KeralaIndia 11/08/23-07:11:47 Vi-KeralaIndia 11/08/23-09:56:53 Vi-KeralaIndia 11/08/23-21:50:45 Vi-KeralaIndia 11/08/23-21:54:07 Vi-KeralaIndia 11/08/23-22:09:26 Vi-KeralaIndia 12/08/23-09:08:13 Vi-KeralaIndia 12/08/23-19:10:42 Vi-KeralaIndia 12/08/23-19:32:53 Vi-KeralaIndia 917813925795 919971705789 09141671111 917813925795 919826532378 918168765528 919923489998 919819506263 09082052352 9141671111 919981195042 09082052352 09082052352 09082052352 919482555134 918607322435 919467336922 1:00 22:00 2:00 1:00 2:00 11:00 7:00 14:00 25:00 1:00 3:00 2:00 14:00 3:00 5:00 9:00 4:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 0** 22/07/23-18:17:54 23/07/23-19:47:39 02/08/23-15:32:40 06/08/23-12:37:07 06/08/23-13:59:13 09/08/23-19:08:15 19/08/23-19:12:28 19/08/23-20:25:08 919899010446 919938305486 919893167168 918253002665 918828421591 918655387973 918253002665 917506063748 8 Messages 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0.00 Total Mobile Internet Charges Mobile Internet (Usage in KB) Page 7 of 8
Itemised Calls Mr. Subhashish Mishra Bill Period 20 Jul 23 to 19 Aug 23 Vi No 8147028557 Pulse Rate Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 12/08/23-21:54:03 Vi-KeralaIndia 12/08/23-22:02:13 Vi-KeralaIndia 13/08/23-07:35:25 Vi-KeralaIndia 14/08/23-11:59:52 Vi-KeralaIndia 14/08/23-18:06:53 Vi-KeralaIndia 14/08/23-19:03:58 Vi-KeralaIndia 14/08/23-20:43:31 Vi-KeralaIndia 15/08/23-14:53:53 Vi-ChennaiIndia 15/08/23-16:47:32 Vi-ChennaiIndia 15/08/23-20:17:56 Vi-ChennaiIndia 8123102823 919819742411 918607322435 918607322435 919819742411 919011745008 919826532378 918607322435 918123102823 918253002665 27 Calls 7:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 22:00 2:00 2:00 6:00 3:00 7:00 180:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Total SMS Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 0** 0** 14/08/23-17:49:38 Vi-KeralaIndia 15/08/23-15:51:52 Vi-ChennaiIndia 919819742411 918655387973 0:00 0:00 0:00 2 Calls 0.00 Total Value Added Services (VAS) Charges Usage Calls - Special Numbers Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 16/08/23-13:46:49 18002585970 12:00 12:00 0 1 Call 0.00 Total SMS - Special Numbers Date - Time Number Duration (min:sec) Charges (Rs.) 03/08/23-12:36:32 04/08/23-17:14:47 918068132477 918035470103 2 Messages 0:00 0:00 0:00 0 0 0.00 Total Page 8 of 8