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This PPT presentation give the information about the How Do I Remove Damaged Tooth?, What Is Tooth Extraction?, Who Are The Ideal Candidates For Tooth Extraction?, <br>What Are The Different Types Of Tooth Extraction?, What To Do Before A Tooth Extraction Procedure?, What Is The Postoperative Care For A Tooth Extraction Procedure?<br>
Tooth Extraction http://www.drajwanis.in/
Sometimes, it is too late to save a tooth by filling or any other treatment. In this case, the tooth needs to be taken out. People receiving chemotherapy develop infected teeth due to weakened immune system. These teeth spread the infection further. • Other reason can be the need to make space for proper alignment of irregularly shaped teeth. Untimely shedding of primary teeth leading to a crowded mouth is one of the major factors among teens. How Do I Remove Damaged Tooth? http://www.drajwanis.in/
A Tooth Extraction procedure, more commonly referred to as Dental Extraction, is the removal of teeth from the tooth socket in the mouth. What Is Tooth Extraction? http://www.drajwanis.in/
This procedure is commonly performed on teenagers and adult patients. It is ideal for candidates who want to maintain the health of their teeth and gums. The procedure can be undergone for a variety of reasons, some of which are: • The most common reason for people to undergo Exodontics is because of unhealthy teeth. Unhealthy teeth can occur due to tooth decay, root canal infection and gum disease. • In many of the younger patients, overcrowding of the teeth may occur which can disalign the jaw and can sometimes cause great pain. • Sometimes, the wisdom teeth might remain inside the gum itself and can cause swelling, inflammation, infection etc. Who Are The Ideal Candidates For Tooth Extraction? http://www.drajwanis.in/
There are two kinds of extraction procedures: • Simple Extraction: This is performed on teeth that can be visibly seen in the mouth. Generally, a dentist uses an instrument called as an ‘elevator’ to loosen up the teeth from the jaw bone and then uses an instrument called as ‘forceps’ in order to remove the teeth. • Surgical Extraction: This is a more complicated procedure than simple extraction. Surgical Extraction is done on people who have damaged teen that have broken off at the gum line or on people who have premature teeth, that haven't yet appeared outside. This procedure is done by an oral surgeon or a dentists, who makes a small incision in the gum. Minor complications may occur in this type of Exodontics (Tooth Extraction), like the surgeon removing some bone around the tooth or chipping some part of the tooth. What Are The Different Types Of Tooth Extraction? http://www.drajwanis.in/
The patient must submit their complete medical history including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins and supplements, etc. to the foreign doctor for complete analysis of the patient’s medical condition. • The patient must not smoke on the day of surgery at the very least as smoking could lead to a painful problem during surgery called the ‘dry socket’ and prolong healing time. • An X-ray will be taken examining the affected tooth and the teeth near it. When there is a wisdom tooth involved, a ‘panoramic X-ray’ is used. • Some doctors may prescribe antibiotics before the surgery due to various reasons such as controlling infection, strengthening immune system and safely bearing the length of the surgery if it is long. • The surgeon may prescribe (IV) Anesthesia before surgery which can be conscious sedation or general anesthesia. For this purpose, the doctors may ask the patient to wear specific clothing like loose garments that have buttons in the front. • Patients must not consume food or any drinks about 6 to 8 hours before surgery. What To Do Before A Tooth Extraction Procedure? http://www.drajwanis.in/
For 24 hours, the patient must not rinse their mouth and they should avoid spitting forcefully. • A fluid diet should be maintained until the healing is completely over, which the doctor will attest. • Eating quality ice cream is recommended by some doctors as the cold ice cream will numb the gums and prevent inflammation. After eating the ice cream, thoroughly wash your mouth. • Patient should abstain from smoking as nicotine inhibits recovery. • Painkillers, in case of intense pain, should be taken at the prescription of the doctor. • Hard foods should be eaten after 24 hours of surgery in order to avoid hurting the operated area. • After surgery, typically a blood clot forms in the socket from which the tooth was removed. Right after surgery, the surgeon will apply a gauze to the area and ask the patient to bite down hard. This keeps the clot in check. The gauze should be kept in place for up to 4 hours after surgery. • The patient should lie down while keeping his/her head propped up on pillows to minimize chances of bleeding during the recovery stages. • Rinsing with a few ounces of salt water every few hours after the surgery is advised to minimize chances of infection. • Ice packs can be applied on either side of the mouth to reduce swelling as an after care measure. What Is The Postoperative Care For A Tooth Extraction Procedure? http://www.drajwanis.in/
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