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Table of Contents Why Counseling is Important for Addiction Recovery Family Counseling Behavioral Counseling Counseling During Detox Individual One-on-One Counseling Group Counseling Last Line Addicts often consider that they are proficient in battling a drug addiction without counseling, but counseling is an essential methodology to address substance abuse habits
Free andConfidential Home » Blog » Importance Of Counseling In AddictionRecovery AddictionTreatment Importance Of Counseling In AddictionRecovery October 1,2018 TABLE OFCONTENTS WhyCounselingIsImportantForAddictionRecovery FamilyCounseling BehavioralCounseling Counseling DuringDetox Individual One-On-OneCounseling GroupCounseling LastLine Addicts often consider that they are proficient in battling a drug addiction without counseling, but counseling is an essential methodology to address substance abuse habits. A bit of expert advice from the health concerned counselor is more efficient than what medicine can do. A successful recovery seeks sound counseling methods irrespective of the type and style of the therapy. Social and psychological factors namely stress, social factors that include occasions like birthday parties, family celebrations and environmental factors that includevisitingaplacewhichwillrelatetothehabitoftheaddictcanbethepowerfulmotivesduringtherecoverybattle. Why Counseling Is Important ForAddiction Recovery: One of the most important aspects to conquer addiction is counseling. If your loved ones or you are trying to kick your habit, then it is significant to reach out to the hands of counseling to fight for successful addiction recovery. Recent studies have revealed the fact that an addict who experiences the relapse is likely more than those who receive counseling. Rehab centers are offering various styles of counselingintherecoveryprogram.Someofthemethodsincludedare: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – It is a kind of psychotherapy, where patients work with mental health counselors to make them aware of negativethinkingandhelpthemtobemoreclearwiththesituationstorespondinaneffectiveway. SecularCounseling–assumesthatthereisnofinalanswer,noall-encompassingstorythatexplainsthemeaningoflife. SMART Recovery – SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. SMART differs from AA(Alcoholics Anonymous ) by not encouraging individuals to admit powerlessness over addictions, not endorsing the disease theory of alcoholism and not using the conceptofa“HigherPower”.Accordingtothesmartrecovery,addictionisnotseenasadisease,itisviewedasadysfunctionalhabit. Relapse Prevention – Relapse is a gradual process with distinct stages, when it is recognized in the earlier stage, there has been a great chance to recover. On every stage of recovery, there are risks of relapse. The main tools that were used to fight relapse or to preventrelapsewerecognitivetherapyandmind-bodyrelaxationwhichhelpstogetawayfromallnegativethinking.Educatingthem
canbeabetterwaytopreventrelapse. Twelve Step GroupTherapy Confess impotence over the addiction Acceptthatsomepowerisgoingtohelpyou. Making up your mind to transferthe control to the high power Taking a personalinventory Communicatingthewrongsdonebyanotherpersontothehighpower Preparingoneselftocorrecttheshortcomingsinonecharacterbythehighpower Willingtoacceptandgetamendsfortheirwrongs Contactingthepersonwhogothurtbecauseoftheconsequencesofanactivity Takeyourpersonalinventorycontinuouslyandadmititifonepersoniswrong Meditationandprayingcanhelpyoutoseekenlightenmentandconnectionwiththehigherpower Whenthereisaneed,communicatethese12staepstothosewhoneedthis Coping Strategies–Whenwehavea threatening situationthe thoughts andactionsweuseto dealwithareoften referredto asCopying. There were 2 copying strategies commonly. One is Problem-focused strategy – First analyze the situation, work hard, apply the strategies what you have learned from your daily life, finally talk to the person and the other one is Emotion-focused strategy – a)Brood, b)Imagine/Magicthinkingc)Avoid/Denyd)Blamee)Socialsupport.Thesestrategies & stepsvaryindifferentsituationsandpersons Moral Reconation Therapy- Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of behavioral therapy aimed at decreasing the likelihood of someone returning to abusing substances or alcohol. It teaches people in the criminal justice system with substance use disorders to focusonthemoralaspectsoftheirillness,andthesocialconsequencesthatmaybeassociatedwithusingdrugsoralcohol. LifeSkillsCounseling-LifeskillCounsellingmostlyspeaksaboutthequalityoflife,theymajorlyhelpstosharpenlifeskillssuchas communication, goal setting, self-management, and stressreduction. Motivational Interviewing- It is a method of counseling helps people to resolve insecurities and ambivalent feelings to find the internal motivationwhichisessentialtochangetheirbehavior.Itisapractical,empathetic,andshort-termprocessthattakesintoconsideration how difficult it is to make life changes. Motivational interviewing is often used to address addiction and the management of physical healthconditionssuchasdiabetes,heartdisease,andasthma. There are different ways of counseling, used in addiction rehab centers like family counseling, behavioral counseling, counseling during detoxification and groupcounseling. FamilyCounseling: Family counseling is important and convincing in addressing addiction. One of the main aspects of family counseling is to rebuild the communication gap between the addict and their loved ones. Positive family involvement will help the addict to achieve a new outlook in terms of addiction and will support throughout the journey of recovery. Counseling will connect relatives & friends who have become detached & resentful.Thehealingprocesswillbecomeateasewhenyourclosestoneshelpyoutobreakthecycletowardsaddiction. BehavioralCounseling: Behavioral Counseling, called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Behavioral modification can help in motivation and self-destructive behavioral changes. The main objective of this type of counseling is to replace negative habits into positive ones. It would help you manage any challenging situations you may face or may be facing in the path of recovery. Role-playing, discussing coping mechanisms, Modificationsinresponse,positivereinforcementaresomeoftheexercisesincludedinbehavioralcounseling. Counseling DuringDetox:
Counseling, called “talk therapy” is an important aspect of addiction treatment. It helps to deal with the emotional problems that you or your loved ones may undergo and also helps in changing the unhealthy responses and directs to a positive life. Counseling during detoxification helps you or your loved one’s journey from substance abuse to developing a healthy life. The counselors teach about the detoxtreatmentandaddiction &supporttheaddicttoachieveacleanandpositivelifestyle. Individual One-On-OneCounseling: Individual counseling involves a single patient who confides with a single counselor. Many people in recovery prefer individual counseling as it yields them more privacy. The main aim of individual counseling is helping the addicts to manage the grief, psychological trauma, handle depression, and to learn about themselves. Individual counseling concentrates on the betterment of the individual and their requirements.Thecounselorwillsupportyoufromthelongingsfordrugsandhelpyouoryourclosestonestoseelifewithpositivity. GroupCounseling: Group counseling for substance abuse is a method that offers you advice and experience of other individuals who had walked in the same path of addiction. One of the important aspects of group counseling is to prove that recovery is possible when you are along with others who are undergoing the same recovery process. In group counseling, your peers will help you lift back again and would develop a healthy companionship.Openingup tothegroupaboutthestruggleswillhelpyoutotastethevictoryinthepathofrecovery. Through counseling youcan: Improve your motivation forrecovery Motivational interviewing treatment will be enhanced to motivate the addict in the journey of recovery. It will encourage you or your loved onesfromusingsubstanceabuseandleadstoapositivepath. Acquire knowledge on how to overcome alcoholabuse Cognitive Behavioral therapy will give you hand in time of struggling with alcohol abuse. This therapy will help the addicts to overcome the feeling of craving for alcohol. This is the best therapy to deal with for addiction therapy, sometimes an additional popup therapy too needed according to the individual’s recoveryneeds. Involve those closest to you in therapyactivities Family members or friends who are well aware of the addiction concerns will be allowed to participate in counseling gatherings that create apositiveimpactonthepathofrecovery. LastLine: A powerful relationship with the counselor helps in the healing process and increase the success rate of rehab. They help you to recover from your worst past and brightens your life with a pleasant present. Counseling is important in the recovery phase as it shows a path to a healthy life in a confident and positive way. In this blog, we have stated a few importance of counseling, the effectiveness and the result of counseling various from different persons and situations. We also detailed the different techniques the counselors would use to handle a person’s situation and help them to get out of the negative situations. When you enter a treatment center for treatment, counselors were the one who helps you the most to achieve sobriety, not only during your recovery, even after your recovery, as an outpatient or to avoid relapse, you can get the help of these counselors. They are really candlelight on your path to recovery in the dark of addiction. Don’t be afraidofthedark, takethegloryandthemagnifyinglightfromthecandlemovetowardstherecoveryusingcounseling. why counseling is important, importance of family counseling, motivation for recovery, personal counselingservices
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