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Addiction Aide provides a list of 12 step programs and methods of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. It is quality information and tools for a 12 step program of recovery.
Free andConfidential Home » Blog » Learn The 12 Step Program Of AddictionRecovery 12 stepprogram Learn The 12 StepProgram Of Addiction Recovery December 13,2018 TABLE OFCONTENTS What Are 12 StepPrograms? AlcoholicsAnonymous(AA) WhatAreTheTypesOf12StepPrograms? What Are The 12-Steps OfRecovery? Addictionisacomplicatedbraindisordercausingphysical,mental,emotionalandsocialdistress.Ithasbecomeamajorproblemglobally and millions of Americans are grappling with drug or alcohol addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the United States spends approximately $137 billion annually on substance abuse. Alcohol, tobacco, prescription medicine, and illicit drug addictionareeconomicallytaxingtotheUnitedStates. Long-termaddiction,ifleftuntreated,can even takeatollonthevictim’slifeandhealth.Inmanycases,addictionisnotjustinvolvedwith substance abuse like drugs or alcohol. People who are addicted for a longer period may also have a mental illness, called a co-occurring disorder. Mental illness and addiction are difficult to treat and require medical intervention. Moreover, people find it challenging to overcome addiction and take the necessary addiction recovery steps. Many addiction rehab centers offer multiple addiction recovery treatmentstyles. Youmaylogicallyassumethatdiscoveringthebestaddictiontreatmentcenterismorechallengingthanchoosingoneoutofalist.Thatis an accurate opinion. Before you know what would be a great fit for you or someone you love, you have to know your options about the treatment.Thetreatmentsincludetherapy,inpatientrehabilitation,outpatientrehabilitation,counseling,and12stepprograms.Thisarticle willprovideyouwiththenecessarypiecesofinformationaboutwhatarethe12stepsofrecovery. What Are 12 StepPrograms? Twelve-stepprogramswereproposedbyAlcoholicsAnonymous(AA)groupsasaneffectivemethodofrecoveryfromalcoholaddiction.It contains a set of guiding principles stating the ways to overcome addiction and other behavioral problems. The twelve steps made their first appearance in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous: The story of how more than one hundred men have recovered from alcoholism” publishedin1939.Thetwelve-stepmethodwasusedtotreatalcoholism,dependencyproblems,andsubstanceabuselikedrugaddiction. The addiction rehab fellowships and self-help organizations use these twelve-step principles for rehab. The twelve steps state that people can’tcontroltheiraddictionunlesstheyrecognizethattheyhaveaproblem.
AlcoholicsAnonymous(AA) AlcoholicsAnonymouswasfoundedin1935byBillWilsonandBobSmithinAkron, Ohio.TheAlcoholicsAnonymousgroupsdevelopedthe twelve steps to achieving sobriety, which changes the addict spiritually and enhances behavioral development. The alcoholics anonymous further evolved as an international mutual aid fellowship having millions of members worldwide. Over the years, other organizations that were formed are Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Groups, Marijuana Anonymous (MA) Groups, Gamblers Anonymous (GA) Groups, Cocaine Anonymous (CA) Groups, and other groups for all types of substance abuse and addiction. These recovery groups tend to follow the twelve-stepprogramstoassistinaddictionrecovery. AA or NA may not be the right fit for every individual, but there are many options accessible for getting back on the path to the healing process.Itmaytakesomeeffortonyourpartandatrialanderrorprocesstodiscovertherightfit,butthereisclearproofthatinorderto bevictorious,rehabilitationwiththeguidanceofprofessionalsismoreefficientthanattemptingtodoitalone. Letusknowmoreabouttheprogramsinvolving12addictionrecoverysteps. WhatAreTheTypesOf12StepPrograms? When people are addicted to a substance like alcohol, they may feel happy while consuming it; but they may face a huge problem while trying to get rid of the alcohol addiction. But not to worry, there are multiple types of 12 step groups that can help you from alcohol addictionandsupportyouinrecoveryfromotherdependencies. Thesearethetypesof12stepgroups: Al-Anon/Alateen(forfriendsandfamiliesofalcoholics) NA –NarcoticsAnonymous ACA –Adult Children ofAlcoholics NicA –NicotineAnonymous CA –CocaineAnonymous N/A –NeuroticsAnonymous CMA –Crystal MethAnonymous OA –OvereatersAnonymous COSLAA –CoSex and Love AddictsAnonymous OLGA –Online GamersAnonymous CoDA –Co-DependentsAnonymous PA –PillsAnonymous CLA –ClutterersAnonymous SA –SexaholicsAnonymous DA –DebtorsAnonymous SCA –Sexual CompulsivesAnonymous EA –EmotionsAnonymous SAA –Sex AddictsAnonymous FA –Food Addicts in RecoveryAnonymous SA –SmokersAnonymous FAA –Food AddictsAnonymous SIA –Survivors of IncestAnonymous FA –FamiliesAnonymous SLAA –Sex and Love AddictsAnonymous GA –GamblersAnonymous SRA –Sexual RecoveryAnonymous HA –HeroinAnonymous UA –UnderearnersAnonymous
MA –MarijuanaAnonymous WA –WorkaholicsAnonymous What Are The 12 StepRecovery? Theprogramsbasedonthetwelveaddictionrecoverystepsbringspiritual,mental,andphysicalawakeningintheaddicts. Herebelow,youcanfindtheoriginalalcoholicsanonymous12steps: [Tweet“Twelvestepsprogramsaresettoawakenanaddictspiritually,mentallyandphysicallyandlet’shavealookintoeachstepbriefly as published by AlcoholicsAnonymous”] Step1:Weadmittedwewerepowerlessoveralcohol—thatourliveshadbecomeunmanageable: Thefirststeptowardsaddictionrecoveryisadmittingtoyourselfthatyouwerepowerlessagainsttheaddiction.Long-termaddictionsalter the brain’s chemistry, thereby, causing psychological and behavioral changes. Even though the addict has the willpower and motivation to recover,itcannotbedonealoneduetotheimpairedfunctionsofthebrain. Hence,theaddicthastoadmitthattheyhavelesscontrolovertheaddictionandrequireahelpinghandtosupportrecovery.Thefirststep calls the individual to seek medical help or addiction recovery treatment to fight against their addiction. There are various addiction rehabilitationcentersofferingsoundtreatmentsforsuchaddicts. Step2:Cametobelievethatapowergreaterthanourselvescouldrestoreustosanity. Alcoholics Anonymous organizations focus on spiritual teachings and to accept God as a supernatural power and faith that He can heal addiction. The second step involves spiritual healing rather than religion and to believe that a greater power is there to help mankind restorefromaddictions.Therearefewcriticismsforthissecondstepastheatheistsdon’tbelievein God orahigherpower.However,there are other 12-Step groups specially dedicated to atheists and nonbelievers. AAAgnostica is such an organization for those who are not religious in their thinking andpractice. Step3:MadeadecisiontoturnourwillandourlivesovertothecareofGodasweunderstoodHim: Step1and2areallaboutacceptingtheaddictionproblemandrecognizingahigherpower.Step3callsforaction,whichis–completely surrendering the life to the higher power. Firstly the addicted person has to believe in God and now trust in God for recovery. Here the individuals are invited to accept God as the solution to their addiction problems and understand God in any form as per their religious beliefs. Step4:Madeasearchingandfearlessmoralinventoryofourselves: The fourth step calls for a personal inventory of our lives and to be fearless in whatever we do. Here, the individual is asked to write down all the resentments towards people and other things in life. As the person completes the inventory, they get time to analyze the bad happenings and resentful situations in life. By doing so, the person realizes that they can’t control the actions of other people rather than controllingthemselves.Themoralinventoryallowsthepersontoexaminetheirlifeandmovetowardsthenextstepofrecovery. Step5:AdmittedtoGod, toourselves,andtoanotherhumanbeingtheexactnatureofourwrongs: Afteranalyzingtheresentmentsinstep4,nowit’stimetoadmitourmistakesandshortcomingsinourlife.Step5callstorectifythethings that you wrote in the step 4 inventory. Here, the individual has to let go of all the bitterness and past things that were harmful. Confessing theresentmentstoGod, askingforgiveness,andlivinglifewithoutanynegativefeelingsisagreatwaytorecovery. Step6:WereentirelyreadytohaveGodremoveallthesedefectsofcharacter: Step6callstheindividualstocurballthenegativecharactersandpasthappeningsfromtheirlifeandmind:givingeverythingto Godand lettingthehigherpowertakeovertheinnerspirit.Bynow,theindividualknowswhatiswrongandhowtoliveapeacefullifewithloveand humanity. Step six molds the character, and the person becomes more matured towards every event of life. Identifying the deceitful charactersandbehaviors,andreplacingthemwithhonesthabitsisthekeytomovingforwardinthejourneyofrecovery.
Step 7: Humbly asked Him to removeour shortcomings: Step seven correlates with step six, asking God to remove all the shortcomings in life. Humbleness and self-introspection are taught in step seven. Here the individual gets the opportunity to learn about one’s fundamental nature and the purpose of life. It is the examination of one soul and done in a spiritual context. By doing so, the person understands more of himself and submits to the higher power to eliminateshortcomings. Step8:Madealistofallpersonswehadharmed,andbecamewillingtomakeamendstothemall: Stepeightresemblesthemoralinventory,thepersonisaskedtomakealistofpeopletheyhaveharmedandrectifythosemistakesby askingfortheirforgiveness.By doingso,thepersongetsridofnegativefeelingslikeguilt,envy, andfear. Step9:Madedirectamendstosuchpeoplewhereverpossible,exceptwhentodosowouldinjurethem orothers: Now the individual can reach out to the persons they have harmed, and ask them for forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness can be done by direct or indirect ways as per the person’s convenience. The individual can write a letter to the person they have harmed or visited them in personwithaflowerbouquetseekinganapology.Hencetheindividualgetsmoresocialsupporttorecoversoonfromtheiraddictions. Step10: Continuedtotakepersonalinventory,andwhenwewerewrong,promptlyadmittedit: In step 10, the individuals are asked to maintain the inventory and check for any wrongs. If a person finds any wrongs, they are asked to rectify it immediately. The individuals keep on examining themselves and analyze their thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Things causing negativeimpactsintheirlifearecurbed,allowingthemtostayontherecoverytrack. Step11: SoughtthroughprayerandmeditationtoimproveourconsciouscontactwithGodaswe understoodHim,prayingonlyforknowledgeofHiswillforusandthepowertocarrythatout: In step 11, prayer and meditation are given great importance. The step calls to improve the individual’s connection with God or the higher power. Self- introspection enables the person to take control of their mental and emotional wellbeing. Meditation helps heal and repair the mind, body, and soul. Here, the inner soul is healed and the spirituality of the person is improved. Surrendering life to the higher power workswondersontheroadtorecovery. Step 12: Havinghadaspiritualawakeningastheresultofthesesteps,wetriedtocarrythismessage toalcoholics,andtopracticetheseprinciplesinallouraffairs: Having followed these 11 steps, step twelve calls the individuals to help other addicts through their knowledge. Now the individuals are spiritually sound and live a divine life with the power of God. Here the individuals share their experience, testimonies, and stories with the recovering addicts. All these alcoholics anonymous 12 steps help a person to stay sober, live a meaningful life, and help others do the same. whatarethe12stepsofrecovery,alcoholicsanonymous12steps,addictionrecoverysteps,alcoholicsanonymous Resources: https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics https://drugabuse.com/library/drug-abuse-statistics/ https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/what-we-do/nih-almanac/national-institute-drug-abuse-nida https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-step_program https://www.alcohol.org/alcoholics-anonymous/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholics_Anonymous
Reply December 14, 2018 at 2:20pm WhenIwasinrecoverytreatmentthis12stephelpedmealotinmind.WhenIfullysurrendertogodhehelpsmetocomeoutofthisaddictionandall my pastsins. 12 STEPS IS VERY USEFUL TO OVERCOME YOU ADDICTION & and great article this will help the people those who not have an idea about this 12 step program. Reply December 26, 2018 at 8:48pm NowIcametoknowabout12stepsprogram.Nicearticle.Keepwriting Reply January 9, 2019 at 5:24pm Thisblogwasveryusefulforallthereaderandaneasywaytounderstandabout12stepprograms.KeepingdoingKatrina. Reply February 14, 2019 at 12:09pm WhenallhopeswerelostitwasHimwhohelpedmeovercomedifficulttimesaswellastheaddiction.Hewillhelpforsure.Bestarticleforstruggling people trying to overcomeaddiction. Reply April 18, 2019 at 10:25am Nice keepdoing Ilovethe4thstep:“AdmittedtoGod,toourselves,andtoanotherhumanbeingtheexactnatureofourwrongs” this was the onlytrue. Reply May 25, 2019 at 7:16pm Informativepost,youreverypostworthatleastsomething.
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